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Due to Moon festival, some novels will not have any updates of new chapters between Sept. 17-19, 2024!

Newlywed Life for a Successful Divorce chapter 15

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“Partner of Alpha No. 1! The owner of the heart card is Omega No. 3! Everyone, look. It’s a meeting of a handsome man and a beautiful woman.”

This can’t be happening. Lee Jiwoon turned his head to look at Seo Taecheon and Omega No. 3.

The exceptionally beautiful Omega No. 3 was shouting excitedly, while Seo Taecheon greeted her with polite and respectful manners.

Then, Seo Taecheon and Lee Jiwoon’s eyes met.

Jiwoon’s heart felt a pang as if he was caught spying and he quickly looked away.


‘It was just a private date. Don’t worry about it. Frankly speaking, do I like Alpha No. 1? No. Is Alpha No. 1 mine? Also no.’

This is just the result of a random assignment according to the program’s rules.

Trying to shake off the gloomy feelings, Lee Jiwoon struggled to clear his mind, but he couldn’t help but follow Seo Taecheon and Omega No. 3 with his eyes as they moved away.

“Where on earth are they going… What are they going to do….”

Jiwoon mumbled quietly. Ki Hyunjin placed a hand on Jiwoon’s shoulder and spoke loudly.

“Omega No. 1, I’ll take good care of you today. How about a drink at the bar?”

“Oh, the hotel bar?”

“Yes. Did you know this bar is considered the best in the country?”

“I heard that. The atmosphere is classy, and the cocktails are delicious.”

“Let’s go right now.”

Ki Hyunjin took Jiwoon’s hand and started walking quickly.

The bar on the first basement floor had a dim ambiance with soft jazz music playing, while the chandelier’s brilliant light created a fantastic atmosphere.

“Omega No. 1, I’ve had my eye on you, and now we finally have a date.”


“Yes. I’ve been determined to become a couple with Omega No. 1 ever since I entered Love Village.”


Has Mr. Ki had a crush on me all along?

Jiwoon felt a bit burdened by Hyunjin’s sudden affection.

However, he couldn’t dictate someone else’s feelings. Jiwoon accepted the drink Hyunjin offered.

At that moment, he saw a couple entering the bar over Hyunjin’s shoulder.

Oh my God.

It was Alpha No. 1 and Omega No. 3. They even spotted Jiwoon immediately.

“Running into each other in this vast resort, how amazing.”

Omega No. 3 approached with an excited voice.

Seo Taecheon followed her and stood beside the table.

Hyunjin stood up quickly and bowed to Taecheon.

“Hello, Alpha No. 1.”

“Are you enjoying your date?”

“What can I say, it’s the best!”

Hyunjin laughed heartily. Jiwoon was not pleased.

He didn’t like seeing Taecheon standing next to a stranger Omega, but he could tolerate it.

However, why did they have to come to his table and talk to him?

What are they up to?

Just as Jiwoon gave them a suspicious look, Taecheon spoke up.

“Omega No. 1, I have a question.”


A question? What on earth does he want to ask? Jiwoon opened his eyes wide.

“Is this date more fun than the one with me?”

What? Is that what he wants to ask? How ridiculous.

“Yes, of course!”

Jiwoon answered clearly. For a moment, Alpha No. 1 frowned slightly. Jiwoon found that reaction amusing.

Why provoke me if you can’t control your expression?

“Got it. Have a great time.”

Taecheon moved to the inner part of the bar with his partner. Hyunjin grinned widely.

“Omega No. 1, do you really prefer this date with me?”

“Ah, yes. Haha.”

Jiwoon said so while following Taecheon’s disappearing figure with his eyes.

Secretary Kim Minji was experiencing the most fun since joining the company. Her robotic boss and her coworker from the same entry-level batch were in a complicated situation.

When working in a company, other people’s love lives are often more entertaining than your own, and scandals involving higher-ups are particularly intriguing.

Even while staying in Jeju Island, she kept in touch with her colleague, Min Hyekyung, and their chat window was almost on fire.

[Kim Minji
Today is finally the day for the mid-selection.
Will Alpha No. 1 choose Omega No. 1?]

[Min Hyekyung
If Alpha No. 1 and Omega No. 1 become a couple, does that mean they’ll be openly dating?
Let me know the result!]

Evening arrived at Love Village. The tension among the participants after the group meal was palpable. In this tense moment, Alphas, Betas, and Omegas were engaged in intense mind games.

During today’s mid-selection, if one confesses to the person they like and the confession is accepted, they can date late into the night. However, if rejected, it would be a huge embarrassment, and being practically ousted from Love Village would not be an exaggeration.

Will they muster the courage or play it safe and hold back? While a high-stakes mental battle unfolded, the assistant director gleefully stepped forward.

“How was the course meal in this cool outdoor setting on such a hot summer night?”


“The mid-selection begins now here in Moonlight Garden. If you want to confess your hidden feelings, please step forward. Fortune favors the brave! Understood?”


“Then let’s start.”

Jiwoon looked around anxiously.

Surely this married man won’t confess to single men and women, right? Worried, Jiwoon kept biting his nails.

However, since Taecheon was seated quite far away and other people blocked his view, Jiwoon couldn’t see Taecheon’s face clearly.

Since their clash at the bar last night, there had been no interaction between them. Jiwoon regretted being childish afterward but felt it was silly to apologize.

Also, thinking that Taecheon might be happy with Omega No. 3, he couldn’t bring himself to contact him.

While Jiwoon was feeling restless like a puppy needing to relieve itself, the participants’ tense standoff ended. The first to raise his hand was Ki Hyunjin.

“Ah? Alpha 2, are you planning to point out the person you like right now?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Out of nowhere, Ki Hyunjin’s unexpected declaration made Lee Jiwoon’s eyes widen.

“You went on a dinner date with Omega 1 yesterday. So, does this mean… Alpha 2’s heart is…?!”

Before the assistant director could finish speaking, Ki Hyunjin shouted loudly.

“Omega 1! I like you very much!”


Lee Jiwoon was so shocked that he became speechless and frozen. What? Does he really like me?

Around them, thunderous applause and cheers erupted with exclamations like, “Amazing! So brave! So cool!”

The silent pressure for Lee Jiwoon to respond was palpable.

The assistant director also handed Lee Jiwoon a microphone.

“If Omega 1 accepts, the two of you will go on a date all day today. What do you think, Omega 1?”

Ki Hyunjin stared intensely at Lee Jiwoon’s face, his eyes sparkling.

Lee Jiwoon, feeling overwhelmed by his gaze, turned his head slightly.

“I… um.”

The quiet walk along the blue seaside with the director, the sweet drink, the thrilling alpine coaster—those were the only things he remembered.

He couldn’t even recall what he did with Alpha 2.

Though he felt this way, Lee Jiwoon found it difficult to honestly express his feelings.

If he thought about it from the opposite perspective, Alpha 1 might have found his date with Lee Jiwoon boring.

Perhaps he enjoyed his date with Omega 3 much more.

What should I do?

As Lee Jiwoon hesitated, Ki Hyunjin suddenly walked up to him and knelt on one knee.

“A-Alpha 2! What are you doing?”

“To show you my sincerity, I will sing a serenade.”


In this situation, surrounded by dozens of people, he was going to listen to a love serenade? Lee Jiwoon was in shock.

“Wait, Alpha 2. Just a moment.”

“My loooove! I’ll never forget youuuuuu! I’ll shout your nameeeee!”

Ki Hyunjin sang a rock ballad that was popular about 30 years ago, passionately.

Confessing is one thing, but why is he singing…?

And a rock ballad, no less…!

Lee Jiwoon turned pale and held his head in his hands.

If he rejected this confession, he would become the wicked Omega who made someone sing a strange song only to reject them.

But I don’t want to listen to this! This is too much!

Just as Lee Jiwoon was about to close his eyes tightly, Seo Taecheon suddenly stood up.

“May I say something?”

“Oh, Alpha 1!”

The cameras coldly turned away from Alpha 2 and focused on Alpha 1.

The participants looked at Seo Taecheon with surprise, admiration, and interest.

Everyone was waiting for Seo Taecheon’s next words.

“I also have an interest in Omega 1.”


Lee Jiwoon wanted to scream, but his body was frozen, and no voice came out.

He could only stare with wide eyes, breathing heavily.

The production team seemed thrilled, ready to burst into applause.

The PD waved the script in the air, exclaiming, “This is it! We got it!” while muttering to himself.

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2 days ago

The PD is just like us for real. 😂

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