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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Chapter 16

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“Let’s try stretching by bending at the waist while keeping our hands on our shoulders—.”

As Anna and Jane counted, Daesoo spoke. In truth, Daesoo’s words were more akin to commands than a conversation.



“Don’t lower it, you’ll hurt your neck.”

“Oh… okay.”

The feel of Daesoo’s muscles under Dansol’s fingertips was unfamiliar. They weren’t muscles built for show. The firm, intricately connected sinews twitched beneath Dansol’s hand.

Meanwhile, Daesoo also found the sensation of placing his hand on Dansol’s shoulder and stretching his body unfamiliar.

‘Why is he so small…?’

Daesoo felt like Dansol’s shoulder could break if he gripped it even slightly, like a fragile egg.

“Now, let’s rotate our ankles and wrists, and stretch our hips once more—. One person lies down like a frog, and the other gently presses from above—.”

“You lie down first.”


Perhaps this was why they were made to stretch together, though they could easily do it alone. Daesoo scoffed at the producers’ intention to capture a provocative scene.

When Dansol knelt on the floor and bent forward, the inside of his white T-shirt, which he used as pajamas, was fully visible.

Moreover, as he pressed his legs and stomach to the floor, his pale skin showed through his short shorts.

Did they hope to arouse some lower-body reaction on camera, or were they planning something with Dansol?

Daesoo wasn’t about to play into the producers’ hands so easily.

“Stand up for a moment.”

Dansol stood nervously, wondering if he had done something wrong.


Without a word, Daesoo handed over his thin windbreaker.

“Wear it.”

“I’m not cold…”

“Wear it anyway.”

When Dansol hesitated, unable to read Daesoo’s intention, Daesoo took the jacket, slid it over Dansol’s arms, and zipped it up to his neck.

On Dansol, the jacket looked almost like a dress. Daesoo folded the sleeves, completely covering Dansol’s hands.

As the two resumed stretching, some of the camera operators who had been zooming in on Dansol’s body swallowed their disappointment and instead focused on Daesoo’s upper arms, clad in a sleeveless shirt.


“Senior… do you believe in fate? I truly… think we might be destined. I was thinking exactly of you when I picked, and it was red…!”

“Ha… Taeoh.”

“Yes, Senior?”

“Shut up and just do yoga… before I drag you into the mat.”

Jisoo, who always resorted to fists rather than words when approached by alphas, was using every bit of patience he had. However, Taeoh seemed to misunderstand his words.

‘Ha…! This is too fast. But doing such things on set…! Is it okay? There are no cameras, so it should be fine, right? As expected of Jisoo Senior! Is this what adult romance is…?’

“Today’s mission pose is the T-stance aerial pose. The two couples who hold this pose the longest will get a comfortable rest, while the two who fail will be on dinner duty, so everyone, focus! Okay?”

Jane emphasized ‘focus’ as if targeting the dazed Taeoh. Anna then explained the pose.

“Think of holding your partner like a flying plane. One person lies on the floor, lifting their arms and legs towards the sky. The other stands in front, placing the lying person’s feet on their abdomen, preparing to fly. Hold each other’s arms tightly, and with mutual trust, let’s give it a try, shall we?”

Jisoo doubted Taeoh could lift him. Despite being called an omega, Jisoo’s height matched Daesoo’s. When he was a model, starving was routine, making him skinny, but since turning to acting, he had gained quite a bit of muscle weight.

“Come on, Senior! Get up!”

Zeus emphasized masculinity among idols, but to Jisoo, they looked like newborn chicks.

“I don’t want to cook. You get up.”

“What are you talking about, Senior! Trust me! I won’t let you fall.”

But Taeoh was stubborn. Misunderstanding Jisoo’s earlier words, Taeoh was now fully immersed in his alpha delusion. With resignation, Jisoo stood in front of him.

In front of their mat were Dansol and Daesoo.

“Ready, go!”

Daesoo was like a rock. His stance was so stable that Dansol felt he could stay in that position all day. Daesoo felt the same. Though he was supporting Dansol, his feet covered more area than Dansol’s waist.

After about ten minutes, as the crew was sure Daesoo and Dansol would win, something happened.

“Oh no—!”

Taeoh’s legs gave out, causing Jisoo to fall into the water. This flipped Dansol’s mat, sending both Daesoo and Dansol into the water.

Jane and Anna, startled by the sudden event, saw PD Choi’s signal to proceed quickly.

From Jisoo and Daesoo’s expressions alone, it was clear they wanted to disappear before any more trouble arose.

“Black team! White team! Congratulations! See you next time!”


[Alpha×Omega Heart-to-Heart Interview]

Q: Jisoo, you got soaked.

Han Jisoo: Haha… haha… Indeed. Yoga right after waking up… and then swimming. Thank. You.

Q: How was your chemistry with Taeoh?

Han Jisoo: Chemistry? Haha… haha… Do I have to continue this interview?

Q: Taeoh, you look dry and comfortable.

Ma Taeoh: Oh, I got a cramp in my leg at that moment, of all times.

Q: How was the synergy with Jisoo?

Ma Taeoh: Ah… it was good. I’m certain. He knows how I feel, and I know how he feels. It was a moment of mutual understanding. Is this what fate is?

Q: Are you sure you had a mutual understanding…?

Ma Taeoh: Absolutely! While there are limitations to what can be shown on screen… this is truly destiny.

Q: Mr. Daesoo, it’s really unfortunate that you lost the game.

Jung Daesoo: It’s because I met the wrong neighbor.

Q: Did you get the partner you were hoping for?

Jung Daesoo: Yes.

Q: How was your teamwork? Were there any difficulties?

Jung Daesoo: There was no reason for it to be difficult. Dansol was so light… But don’t idols eat these days?!

Q: Please… don’t get angry… (trembling)

Jung Daesoo: I’m not angry!

Q: Dansol, aren’t you disappointed that you lost the game?

Joo Dansol: It’s okay! I like cooking anyway.

Q: Are you good at cooking?

Joo Dansol: Ah… When I’m with my members, I’m in charge of meals. They’re still young… so I handle anything involving fire or knives.

Q: Here, you’re the youngest, that’s surprising!

Joo Dansol: But in our team, I’m the oldest!


“Sol, you’ll catch a cold. Go shower first.”

Jisoo clicked his tongue as he looked at Dansol’s pale lips.

‘Broadcasting company folks… could they at least let us do the inner thoughts interviews after a shower?’

“It’s okay, hyung! You go first!”

With only one bathroom in the room, Dansol, wrapped in a large towel, seemed to be waiting for Jisoo to finish first.

Dansol was shivering. The weather had suddenly turned cold, making it impractical to delay. Jisoo spoke up.

“Shall we… shower together?”

“Ah! That works!”

Dansol smiled, dropped his towel, and quickly peeled off his wet, clinging clothes.

As the pieces of fabric that covered Dansol’s body disappeared one by one, revealing his pale, bare skin, Jisoo, who had suggested they shower together, found himself feeling dizzy.

Where he expected to see a soft belly, there were firm abs developed through dance practice, and his pink chest, contrastingly erotic, came into view.

Though an Alpha, Jisoo had seen more than enough to say he’d seen it all while living as an Omega. But Dansol, with his innocent and clear face, was provocatively seductive.

“Oh right… this outfit! Daesoo treasures it the most!”

“Really? What should we do… It’s all wet because of me…”

Jisoo picked up Daesoo’s windbreaker from the floor and used it to cover himself.

“I’ll take it back to him. You shower first.”

“But… I ruined it, so I should return it myself, shouldn’t I?”

“No, I have some business with Daesoo anyway. I’ll be back soon. Quickly shower, Sola.”

Despite his tearful face, Dansol tried to follow Jisoo, but Jisoo insisted he stay. Then he walked through the living room to the Alpha dorm on the second floor.

Knock, knock, knock—

“Who’s there—”

“It’s me, let me use your bathroom.”

With just a white towel around his lower body, it seemed Daesoo had just showered. He was about to shut the door when Jisoo quickly inserted his foot.

“If you don’t lend it to me, I’ll join Dansol in the shower right now.”

“Use it as much as you want.”

Daesoo opened the door wide before Jisoo even finished speaking. Jisoo threw the drenched windbreaker at him.


“Why are you giving this to me?”

“So you don’t have an excuse to bother Dansol.”



“Want to leave?”


A few minutes later, Jisoo emerged from the bathroom with just a white towel around his waist, exuding a steamy mist. Seeing him, Daesoo frowned as if he’d seen something unpleasant.

“What the hell.”

“Great actor Jung Daesoo, could you lend me some clothes? I had to rush out without bringing any.”

“Sorry, but I don’t have anything to lend you. Get lost.”

“Do you really want to see me walk through the living room naked on TV? Or… should I go back and tell everyone I just showered in your room, in this state, unless…”

Before Jisoo could finish, Daesoo sprang from his bed and tossed some clothes from his closet.

“Put them on and throw them away.”

“You always wear the same tracksuit, yet you act so high and mighty.”

“Want to strip?”

“Why so extreme—”

Jisoo, who Daesoo thought would leave after changing, sprawled on the sofa. Daesoo’s glare suggested he wanted him to leave, but Jisoo ignored it.

“Hey, Mr. Actor? Who are you voting for in the elimination?”


Daesoo responded instantly to Jisoo’s question.

“Come on, let’s form an alliance?”


“Listen, even if you vote for me, I won’t be eliminated. There’s no one else but you who’d vote for me.”

“Hah, how can you be so sure? Isn’t that too self-assured?”

“Ever watched a zombie movie? Who dies first? The one who stands out.”

Jisoo, who had been lying down, suddenly sat up.

“Who stands out the most next to Dansol, apart from me?”

“Jaegal Minhyuk?”

“And who does Jaegal Minhyuk see as his biggest rival? He thinks I’m an Omega.”

“It’d be me.”

“This week, with everyone scouting, getting two votes can raise your elimination risk. That means either you or Minhyuk is in danger. How’s our big bear going to secure votes without me?”

“Damn it.”

As much as Daesoo disliked Jisoo’s reasoning, he had to admit there was some truth to it. Those who openly showed affection usually stood out.

Those who had openly shown affection were himself, Jaegal Minhyuk, and Yoo Doohyun. Among them, only Minhyuk and Daesoo were seriously competing.

As Jisoo pointed out, one of them was likely to be eliminated.

“Fine, do as you like.”

“Wait a moment, Hu… Alright. I’ll choose Jaegal Minhyuk.”

“Good thinking.”

Jisoo chuckled and left the room.

Taeho happened to see Jisoo’s back as he closed the door with a click and hurriedly left down the hallway.

Though not skilled in cooking, now that he had taken on the task of preparing dinner, Taeho wanted to show Jisoo a perfect image. He had left early to go to the kitchen and at least prepare the ingredients.

Taeho emerged with a couple’s apron held boldly, and what caught his eye was Jisoo coming out of Minhyuk’s room wearing a tracksuit much larger than his size, smiling.

Watching Jisoo hastily leave down the hallway, Taeho dropped the apron with two cute rabbits drawn on it.

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2 months ago


1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

JiSoo you fox 🦊
Poor MinHyuk 😢🤭

9 days ago

Pobre Taeoh no le duró nada su ilusión jajaj

1 day ago

Bro is mortified

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