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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 64

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In a conference room where a PPT is displayed on a large monitor.

At the wide table, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok, Director Lee Jungyeop, and Kijoon were seated.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung, who had just finished the presentation, also found her seat.


Vice President Jung Hyeongseok let out a sigh that was neither approving nor disapproving.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung tried to gauge the mood of her superior while taking note of the atmosphere.

The four had gathered to finalize discussions about MOST’s next album.

Given that this meeting was to finalize a crucial decision, the atmosphere was understandably tense.

“This feels a bit darker than what we initially discussed.”

It meant it was different from what he had expected.

While Team Leader Jung Heeyoung felt momentarily dizzy from the vice president’s comment, Director Lee Jungyeop, the album’s chief producer, spoke up.

“As we refined the songs for the album, it seemed fitting to go with a slightly darker tone. Actually, even the song intended as the title track turned out that way.”

After pondering for a moment, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok asked again.

“So this is the final proposal?”

“Yes… if you approve it, Vice President.”

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung answered cautiously.

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok fell silent again.

The best comeback plan devised by Planning Team 2 involved a comeback with a fan meeting in early April.

This plan minimized the hiatus, included a reality show and a fan meeting, and avoided overlapping with the comeback schedules of other major artists.

Much thought had been given to release the album on schedule.

However, even a single word from the higher-ups could overturn this plan.

It was not uncommon for fans to complain when a comeback was delayed.

‘At Seonyul Entertainment, this happened all the time.’

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung recalled her nerve-wracking experiences and thought back.

At Seonyul Entertainment, the infamous President Ahn had the final say in everything.

Even projects that the staff had been preparing for months would fall apart if President Ahn did not approve them.

When starting over from scratch, delays were inevitable.

‘Given the tight schedule… If we have to redo the final proposal, from song modifications to styling adjustments… a comeback in early April would be out of the question.’

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung swallowed a sigh.

It wasn’t that she wanted to push for a comeback with inadequate preparations due to the tight schedule.

‘Vice President Jung isn’t someone who overturns decisions on a whim like President Ahn at Seonyul….’

This made her hope even more that Vice President Jung Hyeongseok would approve the final proposal.

‘Vice President Jung has a good sense for these things. His approval would be reassuring.’

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung liked the concept that much.

Although there were initial concerns within Planning Team 2, everyone soon came around.

After organizing his thoughts for a moment, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok spoke.

“MOST’s debut album showcased vibrant youths bursting with energy, right?”


“From the start, we planned to align the album concepts with the growth of the MOST members.”

“Yes. So this album depicts the ‘strong-willed youths’ from the debut album, who were shouting ‘I’m different,’ now facing and struggling with the world….”

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok seemed to be revisiting the original concept to evaluate the final proposal.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung continued the conversation, adding explanations to align with his thoughts.

“Overall, we decided to depict the wandering youth. That much was predetermined.”

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung nodded.

“So I initially thought of a more powerful and rough image. A rebellious image. It could also give a stronger impression while they still had a rookie vibe.”

At first, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung also thought along those lines.

However, the direction changed through discussions with Kijoon during the song production.

“But the outcome feels a bit subdued, doesn’t it? It’s somewhat gloomy. I worry whether it’s appropriate for rookies to have such an image and if there’s demand for it.”

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok’s concern was valid.

Idols typically pursued a bright and refreshing image or a strong and intense one.

Responding to the vice president’s concern, Kijoon spoke up.

“It is indeed a gloomy feeling… but I thought this represents the truly wandering youth.”


“Whether they have dreams or not, whether they think of themselves as special or not, when they face the world and feel frustrated… they can’t always be strong. They feel anxious, break down… I thought of it as a fragile feeling.”

This was what Kijoon had told Team Leader Jung Heeyoung when they first discussed the ‘wandering youth’ concept.

The motif for the concept became ‘fragile petals that could tear at any moment’ based on Kijoon’s words.

“Students and those new to society all feel such anxiety. I believe many will relate to it.”

Adding to Kijoon’s words, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung continued.

“At first, there were concerns within our team about going with such a dark image.”

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok gestured for her to continue.

“But we thought this direction would truly reflect the members’ growth and resonate with their generation. Standing against the world, being strong… that’s been the story idols have told for some time now….”


“We can pursue cheerful or strong images later on, but expressing the anxiety and fragility of this period is something only the members can do now.”

And the ultimate message they wanted to convey was positivity.

Despite their fragility, they were beautiful, like flowers that shone more brightly when they swayed together.

“I understand what you mean.”

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok nodded slightly.

It was already included in the presentation, and he thought the intention was excellent.

It was a well-planned idea to capture the trendy sentiment.

“As we talk, I realize I’ve been too focused on the idol image. Even though we said the concept was about ‘wandering youth.’”

Vice President Jung Hyeongseok quickly acknowledged his narrow perspective.

He then added, “In that case, the important thing is the song.”

The key was whether they could encapsulate that concept in the title track.

At this, Director Lee Jungyeop and Kijoon exchanged a knowing smile.

“Luckily, we finished working on it last night. We can play the completed song for you.”

Director Lee Jungyeop connected his laptop to a small Bluetooth speaker and played the track.

Soon, a captivating melody surrounded by mystical sound effects blended with Dojae’s pleasing baritone.

Dojae had arranged the song, with Lee Jungyeop and Kijoon refining it together and Dojae providing the guide vocals.

The expressions of those listening to the song were quite serious.

It was an emotional song, completely different from [I Am Different] or [Dynamic].

After a while, the song ended, and silence filled the meeting room.

“What do you think, Vice President?”

Director Lee Jungyeop asked confidently.

He had written the main melody of the song. Despite his numerous hit songs, ballads were his specialty. Emotional melodies were his forte.

However, since MOST wasn’t a ballad group, that alone wasn’t enough.

Kijoon, who specialized in hip-hop and dance, added melodies at the beginning and end, and layered beats to give the song a fresh feel. High-pitched parts, reminiscent of their work on [Dynamic], added power to the song.

But that still wasn’t enough.

The song was perfect, but it wasn’t a perfect fit for MOST.

The desired feeling was not tears of sadness due to darkness, but tears of being dazzled by bright light. That feeling wasn’t coming through as intended.

That’s when Kijoon recommended Dojae.

Kijoon shared his re-arranged version of [I Am Different] with Director Lee Jungyeop, showcasing Dojae’s impressive understanding and interpretation of the song.

Entrusting the arrangement to Dojae once again, his touch elevated the song to another level.

“It’s good.”



Vice President Jung Hyeongseok spoke with a stunned expression.

Director Lee Jungyeop felt the same.

It was good and amazing.

“With multiple harmonies layered and various instruments used appropriately, the song became richer. It expressed a delicate feeling while never dragging.”

The song became one that could be performed without any issues.

At Director Lee Jungyeop’s insightful feedback, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok’s tense face relaxed, and he let out a short sigh.

“You all had your reasons for being confident.”

With Vice President Jung Hyeongseok’s acknowledgment, smiles appeared on the three men’s faces.

“Let’s go with this. I don’t want to be foolish enough not to use this song as the title track.”

Even if the concept was a bit challenging for an idol group, the song was what mattered.

A singer just needs a good song.

That was Vice President Jung Hyeongseok’s belief.

Of course, luck had to be on their side.

MOST’s luck had already been proven with two rookie awards.

“Did Kang Dojae also work on this?”

Before leaving the meeting room, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok confirmed with Director Lee Jungyeop.

When Director Lee Jungyeop nodded, Vice President Jung Hyeongseok gave a meaningful smile.


Once the title track was decided, album preparations progressed rapidly.

Recording schedules for the title track and other songs were arranged in quick succession.

The members focused on vocal lessons for a while to prepare for recording.

Even after lessons, Louis continued to practice his parts repeatedly.

“I have to bloom- yes, eh, eh.”

The part where the note had to be bent was difficult.

Vocal trainer Kang Changsik assigned additional practice for this part.

“Hmm…. I think it would be better to lower the note a bit there.”

When Kyuseong pointed it out, Louis sighed.

“Too difficult! It’s too hard. I want to do it well.”

“You’re not doing it badly now, so you’ll get it with practice.”

As Dojae encouraged him, Louis quickly grinned as if he hadn’t just sighed.

“I can do it, right? Anyway, I really like the song. Director Jungyeop is a genius, but so are Kijoon and Dojae. They’re both total geniuses.”

This was something Louis had been saying since he first heard the title track.

Of course, all the members were very fond of the title track.

With the song heavily reliant on strong vocals, all four vocalists were eager to deliver it well.

Even Woochul, who usually lay down after practice, kept practicing relentlessly.

Dojae showed a satisfied smile.

At that moment, the practice room door opened, and Jung Giljoo entered.

“Louis. Come on! It’s time to go.”

“Oh, right!”

Louis had a special stage coming up at the KVS ‘Song Festival.’

Despite being nervous about his first solo schedule, his mind was entirely on the title track once it was out.

“I’ll be back!”

Louis said goodbye and followed Jung Giljoo out.

As soon as Louis left, Woochul stood up abruptly.

“Guys! Everyone gather around!”

“What’s going on?”

Hyung-min responded reluctantly.

Woochul, seeming frustrated, called out again.

“Hurry, gather around! It’s something we need to discuss while Louis isn’t here.”

“While Louis isn’t here?”

Hyung-min asked.

Everyone shared the same curiosity as they gathered around Woochul.

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16 days ago

Is his birthday coming up?

6 days ago


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not work with dark mode