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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 63

* * *

When the members returned to their dorm, they found Assistant Manager Lee Jungyeon, the program’s PD, and the writer still there.

After greeting the two, the members quickly noticed the changed atmosphere.



Louis and Woochul immediately ran toward the camera installed above the TV.

The remaining members looked around the living room and kitchen.

There were cameras installed on every door, the dining table, and even on top of the refrigerator.

“Are there cameras in the rooms too?”

Heungmin, who had opened a door, soon found a camera mounted at the far end of the room.

At this rate, it seemed their dorm life would be captured in every detail.

“But where will we change our clothes?”

“There are no cameras in the bathroom.”

At Dojae’s response, Heungmin nodded.

“It’s going to be uncomfortable. It feels like someone is constantly watching…”

Feeling awkward at the thought, Heungmin scratched the back of his head.

Dojae quietly confirmed the camera positions and then lowered his gaze.

Unlike the others, who only felt like they were being watched, Dojae had actually lived under constant surveillance surrounded by palace guards.

Having cameras around didn’t bother him at all.

“We’ll be filming only three days a week, so please bear with it even if it’s inconvenient.”

At Assistant Manager Lee’s words, Heungmin quickly responded.

“Of course. It’s just a bit awkward right now…”

“You’ll all get used to it soon. When we met the other day, everyone seemed to have good personalities. Just live as you are, naturally. I’ll edit everything well.”

Though the meeting had been brief, the PD praised and encouraged the members.

He was relatively new, having recently left his company to work as a freelance PD.

MOST was a rookie group with many days of activity ahead.

If this program went well, it would bring many more opportunities, so he wanted to leave a good impression on both the staff and the members.

“We look forward to working with you.”

As their representative, Kijoon greeted the three people.

Assistant Manager Lee briefly smiled and began explaining the necessary details.

“We’ll also install cameras in the practice room. It’s best not to be conscious of the installed cameras…”

Each of the six members was given a personal camcorder to carry around and record whatever content they wanted.

“Wow, like vloggers?”

“Yes, exactly like that.”

The members focused on Assistant Manager Lee’s words, asking questions.

The main content of the program was planned by Assistant Manager Lee.

She considered what kind of content could fill their break periods with minimal budget but maximum impact.

She came up with the idea of installing cameras in the dorm like CCTVs and filming the members’ natural behavior 24/7, then editing it into episodes.

The audience for this type of content wasn’t the general public but the fans.

She believed in accurately capturing the fans’ needs and the members’ charm, making this plan feasible.

With the support of Team Leader Jung Heeyoung, she completed the planning and quickly found skilled external PDs and writers for filming and editing.

The notoriety from the hospital incident unexpectedly helped.

“Noona, will this be uploaded to our MyTube channel?”

Louis, who had started calling Assistant Manager Lee ‘noona’ recently, asked.

Actually, for the members, Assistant Manager Lee was more like Manager Seokchul than Team Leader Jung Heeyoung.

Though not as stern as Manager, she was cautious, so the members had to be polite around her.

However, Louis felt comfortable enough to call her ‘noona’ recently.

‘He’ll soon be on first-name terms with Manager Kim too,’ thought Dojae, observing Louis’s sociable nature.

Assistant Manager Lee shook her head.

“No! This was decided quickly. I was about to tell you, but the channel has changed.”

Though not fully informed, the members vaguely understood that the program was being self-produced because they couldn’t secure a broadcast slot.

Despite their popularity, enough to win Rookie of the Year, they faced the struggles of coming from a small agency.

The sudden channel change left them puzzled.

“We’ve decided to exclusively release it on ON TV.”

ON TV was an internet broadcast platform familiar to the members.

“ON TV?”

“Yes, we managed to connect with them at the right time…”

A person interested in MOST contacted them after seeing the group trending due to the hospital incident.

ON TV wanted to create exclusive content, and upon hearing the program concept, they readily agreed to support the production.

While King Entertainment still handled the program’s planning and production, they received support from skilled external producers and no longer had to worry about production costs.

“That’s great news.”

At Dojae’s words, Assistant Manager Lee nodded.

“Yes. Though it’s not a TV channel, considering accessibility, it might be better than a TV channel.”

The primary target audience, the younger generation, was more internet-savvy, and ON TV could be accessed globally.

Like MyTube, but with the parent company being Ontact, a major IT firm running South Korea’s most-used portal site.

ON TV was expanding its business by securing exclusive content, and the portal site planned extensive promotions.

This meant they would get significant promotional benefits without extra costs.

Dojae looked at Assistant Manager Lee with trust, and she gained more confidence from his gaze.

“The first episode will air the first Wednesday of March, with one episode weekly. There will be six episodes in total.”

The members nodded, committing the first broadcast date to memory.

Surrounded by cameras, the members resumed their daily lives.

“This little thing is quite bothersome,” muttered Heungmin as he sat on the sofa, scrolling through his phone.

He wanted to lie down comfortably, but with the camera watching, he felt the need to stay upright.

Woochul, who was sitting in front of the TV watching MyTube, teased him.

“Anyone would think you have star syndrome, Hyung. You’re so conscious of the camera.”

“What star syndrome? You keep framing me like that lately. Keep it up.”

“Oh! I will! Definitely!”

“You brat. And what does this have to do with star syndrome anyway?”

“If I say it’s related, then it is!”

Heungmin’s expression showed clear annoyance. You can counter logical arguments with logic, but against illogical claims, there’s no rebuttal.

“Don’t be too noisy,” Kijoon said flatly as he entered his room and shut the door.

Without asking, they knew what he would do next.

Heungmin, not wanting to disturb Kijoon’s work, said, “I’ll be the mature one,” and lay back on the sofa.

Dojae, observing Heungmin and Woochul, chuckled briefly.

Heungmin seemed to have forgotten about the camera already.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Louis asked as he saw Dojae getting dressed again.

“I’m going for a run,” Dojae replied after drinking a glass of water.

Both Woochul and Louis were instantly shocked.

“Wow. You’re going today too?”

“It’s freezing outside, Hyung! It’s -10°C!”

Dojae reassured the worried Louis by saying he dressed warmly for the weather.

“Running on a day like this, that’s impressive,” Heungmin said, ready to applaud.

“Well, I’m off.”

“Just take it easy because it’s cold,” Heungmin added to Dojae’s farewell.

Dojae nodded, tying his shoelaces. As soon as he stepped outside, the icy wind hit his face.

Indeed, it was a cold day to be running along the windy Han River.

But for Dojae, the act of running itself was enjoyable.

Running freely along the beautiful river was a pleasure he cherished.

‘When I was in the empire, the only place I could run was on a treadmill…’

Practice was set to resume tomorrow, making it difficult to find time for extra workouts.

‘I should run a lot today.’

The feeling of starting something anew was exhilarating.

Dojae’s steps were light as he ran along the Han River.


After finishing his workout and shower, Dojae returned to his room.

Kyuseong was lying on the bed, listening to music.

Kyuseong removed his earphones and greeted Dojae.

“Did you have a good workout?”


“You’re so diligent. I should start exercising too…”

“From tomorrow, you’ll have no choice but to exercise.”

“True. I think I gained some weight eating everything I wanted during the break. The trainer will scold me for sure.”

Instead of replying, Dojae just smiled.

Although it wasn’t a long break, Kyuseong’s cheeks had gotten noticeably chubbier.

Despite his efforts while preparing for their debut, Kyuseong loved eating.

If Dojae was a gourmet, Kyuseong was a big eater.

‘Honestly, he’s probably going to get scolded a lot.’

Not wanting to make him worry about tomorrow’s issues today, Dojae kept his thoughts to himself.

As Dojae pulled out a chair and turned on his computer, Kyuseong asked, “What were you talking about with Kijoon earlier? He didn’t seem upset.”

“Oh… after the meeting?”


Anyone else might have thought Kijoon was angry from his stern expression, but after spending years together, the members could distinguish when Kijoon was truly angry.

Although it didn’t make his stern face seem any more friendly.

“He asked if I’d like to work on the title track with him.”

“Work on the title track together?!”

“Of course, I’d just be doing some arrangement.”

Another reason why Dojae had resolved himself while running in the -10°C weather.

“That’s amazing! That picky Kijoon wants to work with you…”

The members knew well that Kijoon wouldn’t ask just anyone to participate in song production just because they were a member.

“You agreed, right?”

“Of course.”

Kyuseong was overjoyed, congratulating Dojae as if it were his own achievement.

It was a great opportunity to have his name on the title track.

Dojae put on his headphones and played the file Kijoon had given him.

‘Opportunities exist to be seized.’

Though he had been studying composition, he hadn’t completed a full song yet.

This project could be meaningful for both the team and Dojae personally.

Dojae focused intensely on the music as it played.

Until all the lights in the dorm went out as the members fell asleep, Dojae’s computer screen continued to shine brightly.


A few days later.

After a full day of foreign language classes and vocal lessons, Dojae returned to his computer to continue his work.

Finally, he opened the messenger and clicked on Kijoon’s name.

[Hyung, I revised it according to what you mentioned in the practice room earlier]

Dojae’s eyes sparkled as he sent the completed file.

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1 month ago

Thanks for chapter

6 days ago


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