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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 57

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“Yes, that’s right.”

“No, I mean… Who is Most?”

“Oh my gosh.”

“Oh my gosh.”

At a general hospital in Seoul, the lunch break at the medical examination center was noisier than usual.

Mr. Lee, who had asked who Most was, looked embarrassed as the simultaneous exclamations of “Oh my gosh” erupted around him.

“Are they foreigners? Russians?”

“Sir, you live in Seoul, right?”

“Uh, yes, I do.”

“Almost everyone who commutes from Gyeonggi Province by bus knows Most.”

“Is that so? I don’t even know the name of the mayor of Gyeonggi Province.”

At Mr. Lee’s comment, all the employees burst into laughter.

“There’s no mayor in Gyeonggi Province!”

“It was just a joke. Everyone knows it’s the governor. So, who is Most?”

“They’re an idol group.”

“They’re really popular these days. The song we always play is by them! You said you liked it too, sir.”

“Oh, the one with the English lyrics?”


[Dynamic] was a song played everywhere, so Mr. Lee couldn’t have missed it.

“The song is good. I can’t know all the idol names. It’s hard to keep up with young people these days.”

“If you keep that up, your daughter might start ignoring you.”

“No, I feel like I’m already being ignored by you all.”

At Mr. Lee’s sulky remark, the employees burst into laughter.

Mr. Lee watched them curiously.

“There was no reaction like this when Son Hyein came last time.”

“You were the one grinning all day back then, sir!”

“There wasn’t much of a reaction for Kang Myunghoon either, even though he looks just as good in person as in his movies.”

“We liked it then too. It would’ve been even better if we’d met him five years ago.”

“You mean he wasn’t in his prime anymore? Sometimes you’re too much.”

“Sir, anyway, these guys are really hot right now! I didn’t expect to see them right at the start of the new year!”

Since the hospital was located in Gangnam, the examination center staff often had chances to see celebrities.

However, this was the first time the young employees were collectively so excited about someone.

“But if they’re idols, they’re young, right? Why an examination? Are they sick?”

“Not really… It seems like a routine check-up. Their agency must be taking good care of them.”

“Even young people need check-ups. Celebrities live differently, with their day and night schedules all mixed up.”

“Exactly. And it was impressive that they even requested a psychiatric evaluation.”


Mr. Lee, who was chatting with the employees, let out a sound of admiration.

Considering how celebrities are often exposed to the public without much protection, getting a simple psychological test was a very good idea.

Especially after a famous celebrity with depression had recently overdosed on sleeping pills and was rushed to the emergency room.

Lunch break was almost over.

As everyone tidied up, Mr. Lee gave a gentle reminder to the employees.

“I know you’re all interested, but just in case, don’t talk about any results outside…”

“Of course, sir! We wouldn’t say anything. Especially not bad news.”

“We do have professional ethics!”

With the employees’ assurances, Mr. Lee left the office, feeling relieved.


A little later.

The members of MOST, holding their examination forms with shy smiles, widened their eyes.

The forms listed all the tests and the schedule for the day, including some unexpected ones.

Woochul looked back and forth between Manager Seokchul and Manager Jung Giljoo before asking directly.

“We’re getting these kinds of tests too?”

Manager nodded, and Manager Jung explained in detail.

“You guys don’t just read nice comments online; you see a lot of hate too. It can be really stressful mentally.”

“I’m fine though… I’m super healthy, both physically and mentally!”

Woochul exclaimed, twitching his lips.

The issue wasn’t about the psychological tests.

They had just finished their last schedule of the year on December 31st, only four days ago.

Just when they thought they could finally rest a bit, Manager had announced the health check-up schedule.

Woochul, who usually hated hospitals, tried to recover on his own whenever he got hurt dancing or caught a cold.

But being dragged to the hospital during their break?

Even if they understood the necessity, Woochul, Kijoon, Heungmin, and Louis, who all hated hospitals, were dismayed.

Kijoon and Heungmin exchanged sympathetic looks behind Woochul, who was boasting about his health.

“Then the results will show you’re healthy, and we can all be relieved.”

But Manager wasn’t going to let them off that easily.

Moreover, they were already at the hospital with their examination forms.

Woochul cast a resentful glance at Dojae.

It was probably the first time he’d ever felt resentful towards Dojae.

He believed this check-up schedule was because Dojae had collapsed in the waiting room.

It was half true.

The company had planned health check-ups for all their artists, but MOST’s schedule had been moved up.

Dojae smiled awkwardly.

“There’s nothing painful in the tests… Probably?”

Dojae trailed off.

Woochul made a face.

He was already upset about having to fast since the morning.

To Kijoon, who hated needles, even a basic blood test was a painful ordeal.

Even Heungmin, who would usually hit Woochul on the back and tell him it was for his own good, kept his mouth shut.

‘Those two must really hate hospitals too,’ Dojae thought as he pretended not to notice and looked away.


After completing the simple blood and X-ray tests, Dojae sat in front of the psychiatric exam room in the hallway.

To save time, Manager Kim Seokchul took charge of Kijoon, Woochul, and Heungmin, while Jung Giljoo led Dojae, Kyuseong, and Louis.

It was clear to anyone that Manager Kim Seokchul was handling the members most likely to cause trouble, while Jung Giljoo was left with the relatively easier group.

Dojae was relieved to be free from the resentment of the other members.

Before meeting the doctor in the examination room, they needed to check their test sheets in advance.

Dojae focused on the test sheet, rolling a pen in his hand.

“…Do you feel anxious in crowded places? Why would I be anxious? Isn’t it nice?”

Louis muttered to himself, reading the test sheet aloud.

Dojae glanced at Louis’s test sheet.

Technically, you shouldn’t look at someone else’s test sheet, but with Louis muttering like that, it was hard not to.

In any case, the test results would be shared among the members and the company.

“Louis. You…”

Seeing Louis’s test sheet, Dojae had to restrain himself from speaking his thoughts aloud.

All the items related to anxiety converged to zero.

Anxiety about interpersonal relationships was zero. Zero.

To be honest…

It was as if he lived without a care in the world.

‘But he doesn’t particularly cause any problems. I didn’t expect him to be this carefree…’

Dojae thought in astonishment.

No wonder he had followed Dojae, who was just a passing acquaintance, all the way here without hesitation.

‘He doesn’t seem to get stressed much either.’

He seemed to have only the positive level of stress that could motivate someone to do better.

Despite having just gone through a busy schedule without proper sleep, his test results were surprisingly healthy.

Given that he had been regularly managed while in the palace, it was easy to guess this fact even with a rough estimate.

‘It’s a good thing.’

Thinking that this was just like Louis, Dojae turned his head.

Then he saw Kyuseong’s test sheet.


Dojae tried not to show his surprise.

In Kyuseong’s case, all the items related to stress were checked.

He was the complete opposite of Louis.

One side of the sheet was heavily marked, making it hard not to notice.

If Louis was at zero, Kyuseong was at the maximum.

‘Has Kyuseong always been this stressed?’

He was usually quiet and didn’t cause any problems, diligently doing his part, so even Dojae, who shared a room with him, hadn’t noticed.

At that moment, a nurse who had come out of the examination room asked.

“Kim Kyuseong, have you finished checking your test sheet?”

“Ah… yes.”

“Then, Kim Kyuseong, please come in first.”

Kyuseong stood up awkwardly and entered the examination room.

Dojae watched Kyuseong’s back with a worried look.


After Louis and Dojae finished their exams.

It was time to reunite with the other members and head back.

As they were heading to the elevator to go down to the parking lot, Kyuseong was nowhere to be seen.

“Did he go to the restroom?”

In response to Dojae’s question, Jung Giljoo tilted his head.

“Yes. But why isn’t he back yet?”

“Right. Didn’t he go when Dojae was about to go in? Then it’s been over 20 minutes.”

“I thought he might be doing something serious…”

But it was taking too long.

Jung Giljoo muttered as he tried to call Kyuseong on his phone.

The phone rang for a long time, but Kyuseong didn’t answer.

“Ah. Hey. Remember, he put his phone on silent mode because we were in the hospital!”

“Why be so polite…”

Jung Giljoo mumbled in a troubled tone at Louis’s words.

“You guys wait here for a moment. I’ll go check the restroom.”


In case they missed each other, it seemed better for the two to stay put.

Jung Giljoo went to find Kyuseong, and Dojae and Louis sat back down.

“Could he be stuck because there’s no toilet paper?”

Dojae looked at Louis.

Louis seemed to mean it seriously.

Fortunately, there weren’t many people at the medical center, and no one recognized the two wearing hats.

The two quietly chatted while waiting for Kyuseong and Jung Giljoo.

“What did the doctor say about you? He said I was really bright and energetic. He said if everyone had a perfect mental state like mine, he’d have to quit being a doctor. Hehe.”

“Just as it seems?”

“Yeah. Doesn’t it look like that?”

Louis giggled, pleased to be praised by the doctor.

The doctor had briefly explained the results of the test sheet check and the autonomic nervous system test, saying there was nothing major to worry about for Dojae either.

“He said… I’m well-balanced.”

“Oh… as expected.”

“Did you ask Kyuseong?”

“Kyuseong? No. He went to the restroom right after I came out, so I didn’t have a chance.”

Dojae nodded.

‘I hope the doctor didn’t give him bad news.’

Just as he was starting to worry more deeply.

Kyuseong was walking toward them from the opposite direction Jung Giljoo had gone.

“Hey, hyung!”

Louis jumped up to greet Kyuseong.

“Hyung, the restroom is that way. Where did you go? Where have you been?”

“Ah… I got lost… sorry.”

At Kyuseong’s words, Louis chuckled lightly.

“That’s right. You’re bad with directions. Why did you go alone? Giljoo hyung went to find you!”

“I thought Dojae wasn’t done yet… I should have called. Sorry.”

Relieved by Kyuseong’s words, Dojae took out his phone.

He was about to contact Jung Giljoo, who was likely wandering around looking for Kyuseong.

“No! I said no!”

At that moment.

With a loud noise, someone rushed toward Dojae.

“You brat! Come here!”

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1 month ago

Ooooh so because Kang self unaligned he took a while to wake up and when he did maybe it was like the shift of the souls was complete(?) I hope he adapts to being Lee and that we get to see more of his life too

2 days ago


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