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The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 4

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When Gu Feiyang saw the fleeting look of confusion on Su Lingwei’s face, he knew she hadn’t remembered who he was.

He clenched his fist and cleared his throat, pretending to be a little hurt as he said, “See, I knew the beauty wouldn’t remember who I am. It really hurts.”

After hearing Gu Feiyang’s lament, a name flashed through Su Lingwei’s mind, instantly overlapping with the person in front of her.

Unable to contain her surprise, she exclaimed, “Gu Feiyang, how come you’re back?”

Shouldn’t it be “How come you’re back early?”

Su Lingwei and Gu Feiyang had grown up together, but Gu Feiyang had gone abroad to study when he was fifteen. She remembered clearly that in their past life, after Gu Feiyang went abroad to study, he had stayed overseas, both in his career and residence, and was supposed to return only after about four years.

In fact, in her past life, Su Lingwei had never seen Gu Feiyang again. She had only learned of his return to the country through online news.

So when she saw him, because of the years spent abroad, Gu Feiyang had changed quite a bit from when he left, and Su Lingwei didn’t immediately match the person with the name, thinking he was someone else.

“Weren’t you busy with your career overseas?” Recognizing Gu Feiyang, Su Lingwei was both surprised and delighted. Although they had been apart for several years, at this moment of reunion, many familiar feelings from the past surged up like a tide, making her incredibly excited.

Gu Feiyang raised an eyebrow slightly and said, “I wanted to come back, so I did. I actually came back yesterday.”

“How have you been these years abroad?”

After being separated for several years and not being able to meet again in their past lives, Su Lingwei naturally cared about his life abroad when she saw Gu Feiyang again.

Gu Feiyang’s expression was indifferent as he thought back to the uneventful years spent abroad. He said, “It’s been alright, just that the food wasn’t great, and I missed home, missed you guys.”

Li Xinran chuckled beside him, “Gu Ershao is a sentimental person.”

Facing Li Xinran’s teasing, Gu Feiyang said seriously, “I have a bright red patriotic heart, is that not okay?”

“Right on, being abroad makes you more patriotic.” Li Xinran gave him a thumbs up.

Gu Feiyang took a seat at the empty space beside Su Lingwei, ordered a glass of whiskey, and raised his glass to Su Lingwei and Li Xinran.

“To a happy return!”

“To a happy return!”

After taking a sip of his drink, Su Lingwei set down her glass and asked about Gu Feiyang’s plans for his return. “Now that you’re back, what are your plans?”

Gu Feiyang pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and then said, “My dad’s not in great health. He wants me to work at the family company, but my older brother is in charge there. I want to do something I want to do, so I’m still considering and haven’t decided yet.”

The situation in the Gu family was a bit complicated. Gu Feiyang and his older brother, Gu Xiangdong, were not born of the same mother. Gu’s father had first married Gu Xiangdong’s mother, Xue Huiru, and then became wealthy through his father-in-law. Xue Huiru died when Gu Xiangdong was five, and it was two years later that Gu’s father married Gu Feiyang’s mother, Zhang Xiaoling, and then gave birth to Gu Feiyang after another year.

In fact, at the beginning, Father Gu and Zhang Xiaoling really had no relationship. The only connection was that Zhang Xiaoling was the nurse who had taken care of Xue Huiru before. However, she only took care of Xue Huiru for two months and then left. Later, more than two years later, while traveling, she accidentally met Father Gu who was sick on the road. She kindly took care of him, and that’s how they got along.

But this incident has always been a thorn in Gu Xiangdong’s heart. Even though Father Gu has explained the relationship between the two to him, in Gu Xiangdong’s heart, it is an insurmountable barrier.

He always feels that Father Gu and Zhang Xiaoling hooked up early on. No matter how Father Gu explains it to him, he doesn’t believe it. Over the years, he has always looked at Zhang Xiaoling with disapproval, and with resentment and hatred towards Gu Feiyang as well.

Gu Feiyang is a person with his own opinions since childhood. He doesn’t want to compete with Gu Xiangdong for anything, so as not to deepen the conflict. That’s why he chose to study abroad at a young age and then stayed overseas to start a business, never returning.

Su Lingwei understands Gu Feiyang’s dilemma. Family matters are the most difficult to break away from in this world.

She can’t help Gu Feiyang make any decisions, so she can only pick up her glass and encourage him, “Come on, believe in yourself, you can do it.”

“Thank you.” Gu Feiyang accepted her encouragement with a smile, raised his glass and clinked it with hers, then took a big sip of wine.

Putting down the glass, Gu Feiyang turned to ask about Su Lingwei’s recent situation, “How have you been these years?”

“Pretty good.” Su Lingwei smiled.

Gu Feiyang glanced at her and said, “I heard you got married.”

“Just divorced yesterday.” It was just a matter of getting the divorce certificate. Su Lingwei said frankly, without any intention of hiding, as if it was not a big deal for her, looking relaxed and free.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” If he had known beforehand, he wouldn’t have brought it up. Gu Feiyang felt very sorry.

“It’s okay, I don’t care, what do you need to apologize for!” Su Lingwei didn’t mind at all, smiling, raised her glass and clinked it with Gu Feiyang’s again.

“What are your plans for the future?” Gu Feiyang asked, holding his glass, exerting a slight force, his gaze falling on Su Lingwei’s beautiful face, unmoving.

Of course, Su Lingwei had plans. She wanted to embrace her new life happily. “I’m going to work at my dad’s company tomorrow. I think I can do well.”

“Congratulations, good luck.”

“Okay, let’s do it together, cheer!”

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12 days ago


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