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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 22

* * *

Mom blinked. Then she pressed the button again.

-Once upon a time, in a countryside, there was a Poop Dog. The Poop Dog felt wronged. “I don’t eat dung, so why do they call me a Poop Dog?”

Mom muttered.

“That’s right.”

“Young lady?”

“Why should I be scolded for bringing Kongja here?”

Mom ran her hand through her hair.

Why is that? Her eyes seemed a bit off.

‘I recognize that look.’

Believe it or not, I’m a veteran supporting actor.

When I get really mad and lose it a bit, that’s the look I get.

“What did I do wrong! I just met our little angel!”


‘She’s completely lost her mind.’

Hmm, but she’s quite fierce. This must be because of the coin’s price.
But, mom.

‘Alright. Absolutely!’

I smiled brightly.

“Because of these guys, my work has decreased, so I’m on break now. I lost a schedule.”

“Oh, young lady! What are you going to do!”

“It’s a holiday! I’m going out with our Kongja! Kongja, let’s wear pretty clothes and go out with mom!”

Mom twirled around, tossing her hair back.

“I’ll get ready perfectly too. I’ll dress up as if I haven’t, but have. You guys! Take a picture if you can!”


Yes! Let’s take pictures!

‘Is this the beginning? Ma Kongja’s debut.’

Mom turned flamboyantly and walked away.

“Young lady, where are you going!”

“To the shop. I’m getting makeup done too. Auntie An, dress Kongja.”

“Ah, yes.”

Ah, my mom is so fiery,

My heart was pounding. I took a deep breath and picked up the rolling milk bottle again.

‘This is just the beginning.’

Calm down, Hanjoo. No, Ma Kongja.

‘I have to seize this opportunity.’

I gulped down the milk.

‘First, let’s fill the stomach.’

After all, even gold mountains should be seen after eating.

Maybe that’s why. The milk tasted really sweet.
* * *
As soon as we parked at the mart, mom took out the stroller. Then she took me from the car seat and seated me stably.

‘For a stroller back then, it’s quite unique.’

It could be turned around. So, I could always make eye contact with mom just by turning my head.

Every time, mom smiled brightly.

That’s when I saw something sparkling from somewhere.

‘Wow. Paparazzi?’

They’re really taking pictures. I hope they come out well.

“What should we buy for Kongja? Should I buy you a toy?”

I babbled cutely.

“Ppya ppa!”


Mom, there are already more than enough toys!

‘There are so many that I wondered if I could touch each one once.’

What did you buy so much of before I even arrived?

‘My body is already used to YouTube. Toys can’t satisfy me!’

Mom pushed the stroller and walked. As we came up from the parking lot, bright lights appeared.

‘As always, actress Ma Soo-jung is remarkable.’

Mom was wearing sunglasses. But because she was so unique, she drew everyone’s attention.

The ordinary mart looked like a filming set.

Mom looked at me and said.

“Kongja, is it noisy?”

No. Actually, I like being out.

I shook my head. Mom smiled brightly and pushed the stroller forward.

Come to think of it, this was my first solo outing with her.

Mom pushed the stroller boldly in all directions. Then she stopped somewhere and said.

“Kongja, look at that.”

Mom pointed at something with her finger. I chuckled at the sight. There were colorful dolls.

‘It must be the toy section of the mart.’

There are quite a few dolls that any child would be interested in.

“What about this, Kongja?”

Mom pointed at a pink rabbit. I shook my head. Mom, we have plenty of those at home…

“Don’t like pink? Then there’s white too.”

If you exclude pink, everything else is white…

I didn’t need any of them.

“This one? That one?”

I kept shaking my head.

“Then what does Kongja like?”

I grinned. Well, mom. What do I want?

‘A chance to take a pretty picture.’

I know exactly what to do for that.

‘I need to create a touching moment.’

Come on, paparazzi. I’m ready! I pointed at mom and uttered the one phrase I’d been practicing for this moment.


Mom lifted her sunglasses.


Her eyes were already wide with surprise.

“Kongja, did you just say, mama?”


‘I’ve been working on this.’

Until now, all I could say was “bbyu bbyu bba bba”…

But I’ve been preparing for today.

‘If I say mama, she’ll be moved.’

Then the subtitles appeared.

[Ma Soo-jung is delighted to hear your first “mama.”]

[Love and Peace Coin increased by 30]

[Total coins: 7,607]


‘She must have really liked it.’

Mom smiled a sunny smile. Her face was so happy that I smiled along with her.

She’s really happy, huh?

‘As expected…’

Most people, when the time comes, say things like:

‘I can’t believe you’re so happy over something so small.’

Is that how all parents feel? Even though I’m not her biological child. I lightly scratched my cheek. It felt like I was swallowing a ticklish feeling.

“Our little Kongja, Mommy will buy you everything today! It’s a special day for you!”


No, thank you!

“I can buy everything from here to there!”

Wow, what a flex.

I hurriedly shook my head.

‘Mother, you’ll bankrupt us at this rate!’

I waved my arms in protest, and then Mom suddenly went silent.


Mom pushed up her sunglasses and bent down to touch her forehead to mine.

Warmth spread as our foreheads met.

Her delicate fingers brushed my cheek.

“Our Kongja is like an angel.”


“How do you always make Mommy so happy? Because of you, even ordinary days seem to sparkle.”

Oh, Mom.

I swallowed hard.

‘You’ve only had hardships since you took me in.’

But you’re still happy?

What kind of emotion is this? Honestly, I had no idea because I’d never experienced it before.

It felt unfamiliar, but it wasn’t bad.

I kissed Mom on the cheek.

Mom smiled while touching her cheek.

“Really, you must be an angel. The baby angel who came to me one day.”

The praise felt very ticklish. Looking at Mom like this, I made a resolution once again.

I will never let this person die early!

‘I can do it!’

Celebrity, top star, coin! Mom’s health!

To do that, I need to gather a lot of coins, the foundation of our household!

‘Oh, come to think of it, they must be filming like crazy right now.’

Should I show a more affectionate side?

‘But do I really need to stage that?’

We’re already this affectionate, aren’t we?

I smiled brightly. Mom spoke while pushing the stroller.

“Still, Kongja, if you need anything, you have to say so, okay?”

I shook my head. Everything was already prepared. Besides, if there was something I needed…

‘There is one thing.’

A mirror.

‘I need to practice my expressions.’

* * *

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