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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? chapter 10: Pigs Eat Better than Me (2)

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It was strange, just very strange. She felt like she smelled a delicious stew.

But this was after all a pigsty, so saying she smelled food seemed disrespectful to herself and the wild boars.

Felix said, “I wouldn’t recommend calling it food fragrance.”

The dark elf showed a rather obvious expression of incomprehension, but he restrained this emotion.

Lin Lin decided to remain silent.

After walking a while, Lin Lin wiped her mouth. She had already taken off her cloak, feeling a bit embarrassed holding it, thinking she should respect the culture of other races.

“It seems to have absorbed my scent. Shall I clean it before giving it back to you?”

Without the cloak’s concealment, Lin Lin could clearly see the dark elf’s reaction this time.

After Lin Lin spoke, the young dark elf lowered his long silver eyelashes, looking at the cloak in her hands.

He had a slight pensive look as his gaze swept over Lin Lin’s fair fingers in the dim light, a skin color entirely different from that of a dark elf.

“No need,” the dark elf said.

Felix reached for the cloak, avoiding the closest contact between the cloak and Lin Lin’s skin, the collar, and instead grabbed the brim. With his elf-like slender figure, he deftly pulled back the cloak.

“I don’t need to clean it,” he said.

Lin Lin nodded. She had been caught in a light rain today and was feeling a bit sleepy, her mind working slowly. “Thank you for today. See you tomorrow, I guess.”

From Lin Lin’s understanding of the attendance of these demon king’s subordinates, Felix would probably be on duty for several days ahead.

Lin Lin didn’t get a response from the dark elf, but she already knew not to think of dark elves in human terms. So, she only glanced strangely at the silent dark elf as she entered the room and closed the door.

The silver-haired young man with dark skin held the cloak in his hands. His gaze fell calmly on Lin Lin, his handsome face softened by the warm light coming through the bedroom, appearing unexpectedly gentle.

Lin Lin hesitated slightly and closed the door under his gaze.

The door softly closed, completely isolating the warm yellow light in the room.

The slight burning sensation caused by the light disappeared, and Felix lowered his head.

Dark elves were always good at concealing everything about themselves—thoughts, presence, scent.

He stared at the cloak in his hand for two seconds, recalling the hesitant and somewhat embarrassed words of the human female: ‘It seems to have absorbed my scent.’

Then, the usually agile dark elf, for once, somewhat clumsily and slowly, gently pinched the cloak.

He lowered his head, and his straight nose lightly brushed against the collar of the cloak, where it had once snugly fit against the soft neck of a woman.

Felix caught a whiff of a faint, warm aroma. It was as if he finally understood what this scent was like. All day long, Felix, with his keen sense of smell, had been able to detect this subtle fragrance, which made him somewhat uneasy.

The human female from another world had no idea about the rules of the outside world. Even the weakest child among the dark elves could protect themselves better than her.

Weak, stubborn, inflexible, she even tried to protect a farmer who had nothing to do with her.

‘Then, see you tomorrow.’

The dark elf recalled the woman’s words.

There was no culture of such hypocritical politeness among the dark elves, and Felix did not like such hasty and disrespectful agreements.

After all, if they agreed to meet tomorrow, he would start waiting tonight.

The void was empty, everything was blank, and the boundaries around were indiscernible. Lin Lin tried hard to see her surroundings, only to find that she had no hands or feet. Instead, she floated in the air like a small, fluffy cotton candy.

Damn, what kind of terrible curse was this!

Lin Lin tried several times and finally managed to control her floating direction through her consciousness. Everything around was void, but only one direction made her feel warm, like a moth darting toward a flame. Lin Lin struggled to fly towards the warmth, the soft direction.

Lin Lin flew with all her might, the more she flew in that direction, the lighter her body felt. Flying faster and faster, Lin Lin finally arrived at the center of warmth that made her feel warm.

Now Lin Lin knew, this was a dream. Because besides in dreams, how could she float in front of someone without being able to see his face?

Unexpectedly, the person in the dream reached out to her very familiarly and stroked her head.

The place touched by the other person was warm and comfortable, like sinking into the most comfortable sun-soaked quilt. Lin Lin couldn’t help but gently rub the palm of the person’s hand.

The person didn’t speak, but his voice entered Lin Lin’s mind. It was very strange, as if he didn’t use his voice to speak, but the voice directly entered Lin Lin’s brain through consciousness.

“Are you here again?”

The gentle voice was like greeting a bird that happened to stop on the windowsill.

“Again?” Lin Lin was puzzled.

She flew around the person in the air, confirming that she could not only see his face clearly, but even his attire was very uncertain.

It was strange; his image could not be formed in Lin Lin’s mind. It was as if he could have long or short hair, wear an elegant and dignified robe, or be naked with only a white cloth wrapped around his waist, or he might not even be in a human form.

His figure was reflected in Lin Lin’s eyes, but Lin Lin could not interpret any detail about him.

Lin Lin had no memory of this person, but when he greeted her gently, Lin Lin felt instinctively shy.

However, before she could feel shy for a few seconds, the man raised his hand, and a quite rich variety of delicious-looking foods appeared in the void.

Lin Lin’s eyes lit up, and like a cheerful bird, she plunged into the ocean of food.


Lin Lin woke up from the dream, with a red mark on her forehead from hitting the headboard abruptly in the dream.

Although the meals had improved, the food snatched from the abyssal boar’s food bowl was clearly not as exquisite and delicious as in her dreams.

“Why would I dream of food I’ve never seen before!”

Lin Lin didn’t think she had such extraordinary imagination.

With a four-day work week, Wednesday was her day off. Lin Lin worked hard to find books related to dreams in the Demon King’s bookshelf and incidentally found several gastronomy guides of this world.

The food she saw in her dreams actually existed in this world.

The Demon King, who had no vacations, was reviewing documents in his hand, but his attention repeatedly focused on Lin Lin.

The Demon King had a great interest in anything other than work: “Is it a prophecy dream? Continuously dreaming similar dreams could very well be a prophecy dream, which is quite a rare talent.”

“A prophecy about what? Knowing tomorrow’s dinner?”

Lin Lin didn’t believe in these things, especially compared to delicious food, the man with the indistinct face was the one she was really interested in.

Well, he might not necessarily be a man, right? After all, she hadn’t seen his face clearly. Lin Lin’s mind was a mess.

“A person with an indistinct face?”

Just rebuffed by Lin Lin, the Demon King, feeling wronged, refocused his attention on his work, “Has an incubus entered your dreams? Incubi in dreams have indistinct faces, but your dreams become sticky.”

Huh? Lin Lin closed the book in her hand, “Besides incubi, what other races can enter dreams?”

“There are too many creatures that can enter human dreams,” the Demon King casually stamped the word “Approved” on the document in his hand, “demons, dream eaters…”

“Oh, right,” the Demon King raised his head after stamping the next document, seeming very pleased with his joke.

“Even Gods can enter dreams.”

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27 days ago


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not work with dark mode