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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 8: Why Are You Rewarding Me? (2)

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Felix even felt like laughing a little. If it had been him entering, the Dark Elves would have immediately noticed such subtle and rapid breathing, quickly realizing that an inexperienced little thief was stealing from them.

Fortunately, the newcomer was not a warrior or a ranger, just an ordinary farmer. The man grumbled and slapped the dirt off his pants legs, as if he had lost an argument with his wife and was coming over to do some work.

The box was properly closed, so the farmer did not notice that the warehouse had been robbed. He tiptoed to retrieve the thick rope entangled on the wall nails.

Then, the farmer hesitated and turned around slowly.

This was just an ant that was easy to deal with. Felix calmly pressed the woman trying to peek at the situation back against his chest. His slender and pitch-black hand, characteristic of subterranean creatures, grasped the back of her head, and then he soothingly stroked it.

Similar to the forest elves favored by nature, Dark Elves also had a small talent for taming animals. Their light touches did not provoke resentment.

Felix adjusted his wrist lightly with his other hand, focusing on the farmer. The clever sleeve arrow made a ready-made tiny sound, only waiting for the prey to approach.

Although Lin Lin did not know the specific situation, she caught a glimpse of the sleeve arrow hidden on Felix’s wrist.

She also heard the farmer muttering to himself and could guess that the owner of the warehouse had returned.

Felix was preparing to attack the human. Lin Lin, realizing this, became alert.

The Dark Elf had calmly informed her that he had killed humans before.

If the Dark Elf in front of her acted, the farmer would probably be dead.

Lin Lin tried to reach out and pull the sleeve arrow on Felix’s wrist, but this time, it was not as easy to grab as a coin. Felix agilely avoided her, aiming the sleeve arrow at the unsuspecting farmer.

As before, if Lin Lin did not make a strong gesture, the Dark Elf would act according to his own thoughts.

Lin Lin watched as his ebony-like arm paused at an appropriate angle. The silver eyes of the Dark Elf showed no emotion; they were empty assassination machines.

How could she interrupt him?

Should she be firm? How firm should she be?

Countless melodramatic scenes flashed through Lin Lin’s mind.

Lin Lin grabbed Felix’s arm that was aiming and raised it, and with her other hand, she punched the Dark Elf’s cheek.

The movement was not big, but the force was not small either, and the sound was masked by the farmer’s footsteps.

Lin Lin’s pupils dilated, holding her breath, her heart beating rapidly. More than fear, she felt embarrassed.

If the dark elf calls her crazy, what should she do? She really feels a bit crazy now!

She must not continue to be embarrassed! Lin Lin is the type who will review the embarrassing and glorious moments of her life before going to bed every time.

Time seemed to pause, and Lin Lin saw the dark elf slowly, slowly turning around.

Felix slightly lowered his head, looking somewhat surprised.

Lin Lin still stared wide-eyed, simply walking straight ahead without giving him a chance to react, reaching out and firmly pressing the dark elf’s mouth to prevent him from saying anything terrible.

The farmer picked up a piece of leather that he had thrown around on the ground and then walked out of the warehouse.

Lin Lin’s tense emotions relaxed, she withdrew her hand covering the other person’s hand, her hand trembling slightly.

Lin Lin felt that the dark elf was still staring at her, as if waiting for her to speak first.

“You can’t kill him, he’s innocent,” Lin Lin explained, “We can’t steal his things and kill him.”

The dark elf raised his thin eyelids and retorted, “You left behind gold coins.”

Lin Lin didn’t argue with him anymore, changed her attitude, looked up and apologized in a friendly manner, “I didn’t mean it just now, does your face hurt?”

The dark elf’s reaction was calmer than she had imagined.

“Hmm? Didn’t mean it?” The dark elf elongated his tone, seeming somewhat confused, “Weren’t you intentionally rewarding me?”

Lin Lin’s originally apologetic expression blanked for two seconds, “What reward?”

She was more confused than the dark elf.

“Oh.” Felix lowered his head, remembering that in human culture, there was no blessing for women to be violent, “Nothing.”

He wasn’t angry because he had been punched, because Lin Lin couldn’t inflict any fatal injuries on him, only real harm was punishment, according to the dark elf, such a weak woman like her would reward him no matter what she did to him.

Then Felix felt Lin Lin’s breath pause again.

The dark elf’s senses were really keen. Even without looking with his eyes, he could read hesitation, probing, apology, and other complex emotions from her slightly paused breath.

Fine. The young dark elf thought disdainfully, perhaps in human culture, Lin Lin had indeed done something very offensive, so she was so nervous.

It’s ridiculous, Felix felt the residual pain on his face. If she was really sorry, she wouldn’t have hit him. The apology was just because she was worried about being retaliated against by the dark elf and gave him a poor-quality candy.

Felix wanted to leave here as soon as possible and end the mission.

However, the woman in front of him reached out her hand to him.

And then the slightly hot face that had just been punched was gently touched by the human female’s hand.

Human body temperature is higher than that of dark elves, so even though her skin was not hit, it also felt hot along with it.

Felix looked up at the human in front of him. Her skin was softer and more moist than a dark elf’s, not as dry and taut, and the places touched by her fingertips seemed to leave some moist traces.

Felix rarely had contact with women, let alone this gentle state of being stared at with warm eyes.

She shouldn’t look at him like this, Felix averted his gaze. She should be disgusted, afraid, and despised; these were the attitudes he was more accustomed to.

It was a strange sensation; Felix couldn’t help but tilt his head slightly, feeling a tingling sensation where he had been touched.

Then, he heard a soft female voice say, “This is your reward.”

Lin Lin caressed the dark elf’s face like she was petting a black cat downstairs, realizing that treating non-humans like animals was more effective.

As she had guessed, the dark elf’s silver eyes flickered, and he became somewhat gentler, seemingly enjoying the closeness implied by her actions.

The dark elf’s ebony hand slowly covered Lin Lin’s left hand that was touching his face, feeling colder, the dark color enveloping her fair skin, as if the darkness was sticking to her pureness.

Lin Lin felt the young man gently squeeze her hand, as if testing how fragile her hand, which lacked exercise and was overly soft, was. He immediately let go when he noticed her frowning.

Lin Lin felt this was a playful touch, like being scratched by a cat.

However, if there had been a kind old hunter here who had dealt with dark elves before, he would have told Lin Lin:

Dark elves like to test everything that interests them.

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