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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 2: Work is Bullshit! (2)

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Cultural differences, Lin Lin could only attribute this to cultural differences.

After Lin Lin introduced herself as an accountant who could help the Demon King with his books and manage finances, the noble Demon King mistook “accountant” for a species, believing “accountants” were a race skilled in bookkeeping and cursing (?).

He thought they handled books as naturally as forest elves shot arrows.

“What kind of pathetic species has bookkeeping as an instinct?” Lin Lin completely rejected the Demon King’s assumption.

Admittedly, she hadn’t thought through her introduction. But with her social experience, she never needed to say, “Hi, I’m a human.”

Initially, the Demon King seemed to see Lin Lin as a rare creature. Now, knowing she was human, complications arose.

Humans and the Demon King weren’t on the same side.

“Humans are a race that prays to the God of Light,” the dragon softly questioned Lin Lin, “Why did you choose to serve under the Demon King?”

“Because he captured me?” Lin Lin replied.

‘Did you really think I volunteered?’

The tension between the two was so evident that even the usually oblivious Demon King finally realized it.

The Demon King reached out to pat Sapphire’s shoulder, but Sapphire skillfully dodged it, showing he had more experience avoiding the Demon King’s inexplicable attempts at closeness than Lin Lin did.

Rejected by both the dragon and human, the Demon King smiled brightly. “Don’t worry, Lin is my contracted servant.”

Silence. An excessive silence.

Lin Lin felt that the term “servant” was somewhat demeaning.

Sapphire, on the other hand, looked as if to say, “You contracted ‘this’?”

Upon hearing the word “servant,” Lin Lin felt a slight burning sensation on the back of her neck, where her skin felt as if it was on fire.

She had once strained to glimpse a small black circular mark on her neck in the mirror, which seemed quite ominous. It was the mark signifying her status as the Demon King’s servant, also serving as her pass to move freely within the Demon King’s castle.

The demons, both curious and hostile towards her, watched her cautiously and suspiciously, unsure of what hidden power this seemingly weak girl possessed to earn the Demon King’s favor.

By sealing the servant contract, Lin Lin’s soul belonged to the Demon King. It was as if a delicately delicious dessert was marked with a specific surname.

Sapphire’s sapphire-like eyes gazed at Lin Lin.

Lin Lin had realized that this dragon was well-versed in the art of offense.

He treated neither the Demon King nor her, a human, with kindness, and he looked down on all races equally. Either he was oblivious to this, or he was aware but couldn’t be bothered to change.

‘No wonder your dragon race is dwindling, serves you right, I’ll give you a thumbs-up for that.’

“Humans are cunning and untrustworthy. Even if she becomes your servant, I still think there’s something fishy about it. It could be a human conspiracy.”

“I need to check the color of her soul.”

As Sapphire uttered these words, Lin Lin saw him slowly close his eyes. With his eyes closed, his cold and stern face looked even more like an icy statue.

Lin Lin looked at the Demon King beside her, covering her mouth and lowering her voice.

“Is he always this cold and self-absorbed?”

Gossiping in front of the subject was quite inappropriate, forcing the Demon King to lower his voice as well.

He was much taller than Lin Lin, so he bent down, his slightly curly hair brushing against Lin Lin’s cheek.

“He’s always like this. There’s nothing we can do. Sapphire dragons are as cold as rocks. But he knows a lot, like a well-read rock.”

Oh, a cultured rock, a living stone tablet.

The dragon, being discussed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Lin Lin immediately pretended to look away as if she hadn’t said anything, while the Demon King, who also pretended to have said nothing, was now holding a cup, delicately sipping tea and even thoughtfully blowing at the non-existent steam.

Although Lin Lin found Sapphire’s personality somewhat off-putting, he could see the color of her soul!

In the past, Lin Lin often took quizzes like “Which Hogwarts house are you in?”

She would even spend 20 minutes answering hundreds of questions just to know her MBTI personality type and whether she was suited to be an artist or an engineer, then look up famous people who shared her type.

So when Lin Lin noticed the other party staring at her thoughtfully, she couldn’t help but point to herself and ask, “What color is my soul?”

Personally, she liked red; it was festive.

Or white could work too.

Usually, girls who transmigrate have such pure souls that they attract gods of light and become saints, right?

Or maybe they’re simultaneously pursued by four or six gods, creating a romantic mess where the most powerful and wealthy beings in the world are captivated by her.

The fate of the world hinges on her whims.

Sorry, too many romance novels.

“It’s pure black,” Sapphire said slowly.


Lin Lin’s eyes widened.

She couldn’t accept this answer at all.

Even though she lacked knowledge about this world, she could guess that black symbolized negative, dark things.

“Did you make a mistake? Can you check again?”

To her surprise, the dragon, who had always been suspicious of her, showed a rare gentle demeanor.

“It seems you truly are one of us. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen such pure black.”

“I told you to check again!”

Lin Lin was unhappy.

Whose soul is pure black?

She didn’t really want the light gods’ drama, but this made her feel inferior compared to other transmigrators.

The dragon, who was rarely commanded, paused and looked at Lin Lin with his calm, sapphire-like eyes.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to look again because the vulgar language in your soul is quite… abundant. Most of it is cursing bosses and trash jobs.”

“Oh?” The demon king was curious, his curly hair trembling slightly, “Am I included?”

Not just included, but frequently.

Sapphire didn’t answer the demon king’s question and continued to stare calmly at Lin Lin.

“Alright, stop looking! My soul is indeed pure black!” Lin Lin interrupted.

Why did this feel like someone was reading her diary?

Damn it, don’t those high school and college girls who transmigrate curse their exams?

Are their souls really pure white?

This was the grievances of a corporate slave!

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