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GTLTGIDES chapter 2

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“It’s best to prepare yourself.”

This was the second time in my life I received a terminal diagnosis.

I wasn’t surprised, as I had expected this situation from the moment I opened my eyes in the body of ‘Yang Heewoon’ and realized whose body I was in.

Currently, Yang Heewoon’s organs are barely functioning.

He struggles with digestion, and his breathing becomes labored even with slight environmental changes.

I don’t know when this might go into cardiac arrest. It’s going to be tough.

“How long can I hold on?”

“Well, you’ve got about three months. Six months if you’re lucky.”

Three months, maybe six at best.

This, too, was expected. But there was one thing I needed to address.

“I’ve already told you, I’m a guide. Can I still use my abilities in the time I have left?”

“Mr. Yang, it’s because of your work that you’re in this state… you know that. Yet, you still want to keep working?”

The doctor looked at me in disbelief.

That’s right.

The reason ‘Yang Heewoon’s’ body was failing was undoubtedly due to his abilities.

By manipulating health check results to say he was fine, he took on three S-rankers, continued overworking without any recovery period, and his body deteriorated as if it were melting away.

I smiled and nodded.

“Yes. I need to work. Is there a way?”


“I have a compelling reason to continue my work. I’m really desperate, doctor.”

I knew this doctor.

He appeared in a rather memorable episode. I remember his name clearly.

Kim Jaewoong, a doctor and an illegal drug dealer.

Publicly, he was a specialist at a fairly large hospital, but he secretly sold illegal drugs at high prices to desperate people he met at the hospital, earning commission fees.

I didn’t know ‘Yang Heewoon’ was his patient, but he probably acted similarly to me in this situation. ‘Yang Heewoon’ truly couldn’t afford to stop working.


It seemed he had a way.

Of course. ‘Yang Heewoon’ managed to survive for five months, if not six. I didn’t know much about him, but I knew roughly when he died.

“I’ll keep your secret. My life depends on it, too.”

“You make it sound like I’m doing something illegal.”

“Doctor, please. I’ll pay whatever it takes.”

“Huh, it’s not about the money.”

Sure, it’s not. It’s written all over your face.

Despite my disbelief, I was the one in need. I waited with a desperate look, hands clasped.

It didn’t take long before Kim Jaewoong scratched his head. His subtle gaze landed on me.

“There is, well, one way.”

At the agreed location, I handed over the money and received the box.

Inside the box held in both hands were the illegal potions that would extend my life, clinking softly.

“Each potion will last exactly three days. During this period, you’ll be able to guide without issue.”

“In reality, these potions are like borrowing future health. The more you use them, the shorter your lifespan will become.”

“But since Mr. Yang doesn’t have a future anyway, it’s not a bad deal, wouldn’t you agree?”

‘Funny, borrowing a non-existent future.’

I chuckled, put the box in the trunk, and sat in the driver’s seat, staring blankly ahead.

“Six months, huh…”

Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself, ‘Yang Heewoon,’ in the rearview mirror and shouted.

“I’ve already died once, I’m not afraid of it a second time!”

I was terminally ill.

Not ‘Yang Heewoon,’ but in another life.

At the age of thirty-two. Not a long life.

Born into poverty and even having a weak body.

To sustain my frail body, I needed money, and being born with nothing, I had to take on risky jobs to make money.

Those dangerous jobs further deteriorated my health.

In that vicious cycle, I ended up working all my life and died young.

‘Well, saying I worked all my life might not be accurate?’

I had one hobby.

Reading novels, especially those with tragic themes.

Others might want to read bright stories for vicarious satisfaction when life is tough.

Was my personality twisted?

I didn’t want to see happy stories.

I liked stories where characters clawed their way out of misery to find happiness.

Tragedies were a nice touch too.

I devoured tragic novels of all genres: general fiction, fantasy, romance, and even BL.

The most memorable work among them was the BL novel “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy.”

With keywords like #GuideBus, #RegretfulTop, #EsperTop, #GuideBottom, #IndifferentBottom, #AbilityBottom, #Tragic, #MultipleTopSingleBottom, it depicted the story of a young man living in a near-future fantasy world plagued by ‘Gates,’ catastrophes, who had exceptional talent but lost everything dear to him because of it.

As typical of tragic BL novels, it was rated 19+.

The protagonist lost his parents, his freedom, lived in hell, and barely clawed his way to the light only to hit the wall of reality again. RegretfulTop and public ridicule followed him.

Yet, even in that dreadful environment, the protagonist never gave up and ultimately blossomed his extraordinary talent.

He hated the world more than anyone but ended up saving it. He even forgave the RegretfulTop who mistreated him.

I couldn’t help but love the path he walked.

It wasn’t a very famous novel, but I was utterly obsessed, re-reading “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” until the day before I died.

I couldn’t count how many times. Towards the end, I couldn’t afford new books due to medical bills, so I kept re-reading it.

‘Not that I ever wanted to get transmigrated into that world.’

The god governing life and death must have felt sorry for me.

I was now in the novel “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy,” in the body of ‘Yang Heewoon,’ the predecessor of the protagonist.

He wasn’t a significant figure. As you can see, a terminally ill B-rank guide. In the story, he doesn’t even meet the protagonist, just an extra by name.

He was used to create anxiety by mentioning the protagonist’s three Tops before he met them.

‘Predecessor, Mr. Yang Heewoon, wasn’t it? He died suddenly while trying to handle those three alone.’

‘The stress must have been immense. His treatment was the worst. He didn’t even greet people while passing by. Completely ignored except during guiding.’

‘I even saw physical abuse. Verbal abuse, too! If it were me, I would have quit immediately. Threw the resignation right in their face!’

‘I saw him being called out late at night multiple times. Did he love money that much? He insisted on holding a position that didn’t match his rank and just died suddenly.’

‘Anyway, I felt uneasy. Being the successor of someone who died so suddenly. Who knows if the new one will die just the same?’

‘I noticed the new guy looked just as gloomy as Heewoon. Might be cleaning up a corpse again.’

Something like that.

Afterwards, there were occasional mentions of the predecessor, but their name was never brought up.
They almost never appeared in the past recollections of the public figures who would have worked alongside them.

Even I, who had read “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” until it was practically worn out, couldn’t immediately recall the name upon seeing it.

It wasn’t until I read ‘Yang Heewoon’s’ memories that I realized they were a character in “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” and that I had transmigrated that character in the story.

‘It doesn’t matter much.’

But what does it matter?

It’s a life that I thought was completely over.

Now, I’ve entered the world where the characters I loved are living.

A second life. A sort of bonus stage.

Whether it lasts for three months or half a year, I am grateful.

It is simply precious.

‘How can I make the most of the remaining life?’

Fortunately, ‘Yang Heewoon’ was in a better situation than I was in my past life.

A civil servant with a secure job, working with the characters from this novel, including the main candidates.

Even as a B-level guide, they are above average in talent and earn in the top 20% salary-wise.

The company also provides a house and car, so living conditions are quite stable.

Although life is limited and health is deteriorating, the potion should allow me to hold on for a few more months.

‘Still… it might be a bit tight to live earnestly?’

I glanced at the trunk through the rearview mirror and then started the car.

Before returning to ‘Yang Heewoon’s’ home, there was a place I needed to stop by.

‘…It’s here!’

Checking to see who was standing in front of the counter from outside, I opened the convenience store door and entered.

Standing in front of a shelf full of snacks, I glanced towards the counter.

There, a young boy with a hat pulled down low and a small build was standing.

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1 month ago

So, the plan is to tame those S-classes and adopt the guide MC? 🤔

27 days ago

Update more pls

27 days ago


2 days ago


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not work with dark mode