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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 15

* * *

“Auntie An, would you like to hold him?”

“Oh, sure.”

Mom handed me over to Auntie An. She seemed experienced with children, holding me comfortably.
I kicked my legs.


“Oh my.”

Auntie An swallowed.

“He’s really cute.”


“I think he might be the cutest in the whole country.”

Auntie An carefully held my hand and gave it a little shake.


Pleased to meet you!

Auntie An sighed again.

“Oh my, Bodhisattva.”

Back to Buddhism again, I see.

[Your cute actions have delighted Auntie An]

[Love and Peace Coins increased by 50]

[Total Coins: 382]

She must be very moved. The coin increase is no joke.

“The baby’s room is ready.”

“Thank you.”

“No, miss, you did everything. I just cleaned up. But, oh my…”

Auntie An stared at me intently again.

“So, the young master’s name is Kongja?”

“Yes, doesn’t it suit him?”

“Well, with the family name Ma, he’s Ma Kongja. Usually, it would be strange, but…”

She patted my bottom.

“He’s so cute, it actually fits him well.”


“But Kongja implies he’s a boy. He’s not a girl, right?”

“No, he’s a boy.”

Auntie An looked at me, flustered.

“But miss! You chose everything in the baby’s room in pink.”

Uh, mom? Mother?


This is not right!

I protested by stomping my feet. But mom just smiled and brushed her hair back.

“Our Kongja looks good in pink.”

Mom, although pink is considered a neutral color in the future, but usually mom would use blue for baby boys!

“Pyoopyoojj, pyoopabia!”

Still, blue is more common!

Auntie An looked at me and flinched again.

“But he’s still a boy.”



“It’s okay. He’s cute.”

“Well… he is still young.”

Auntie An smiled awkwardly at me.

“Auntie An, won’t you properly greet our Kongja?”

“Oh, um, hi there, baby. I mean, Kongja? Nice to meet you?”



Auntie An’s lips twitched slightly. A subtle movement.

[Auntie An is pleased by your cute response]

[Love and Peace Coins increased by 30]

[Total Coins: 412]

‘What is it, ma’am…’

I looked at her steadily.

Auntie An glanced down, and our eyes met. I smiled brightly and reached out my hand.


Auntie An’s lips twitched again.



‘That’s her smile.’

You should just smile openly. Holding back when looking at this cute face is bad for you, ma’am!

‘Is she the type to hide her true feelings? Interesting.’

I wiggled my legs to show my curiosity.

Auntie An spoke gruffly.

“Yeah, baby. You’re not in a good position, but… you should at least smile.”

Her tone was gruff, but her cheeks lifted slightly. This person really says one thing and does another.

“Oh, Auntie An! How could you say that?”

“It’s nothing, miss. He should know from the start that he isn’t a direct descendant of this family.”

“Kongja might not be, but I am. And it doesn’t matter. Kongja is my child. I’ll manage my shares myself.”

Mom spoke firmly but didn’t seem angry.

“Auntie An, no matter how little he understands, please don’t be harsh. Our boy might get hurt.”

“He’s still a baby. What would a baby understand?”

I squinted my eyes and shouted, “Pyu Pyu La, Pyu Byu!”

I understand!

Auntie An looked down at me and said, “Young Master, you still need to know your place.”

Mom immediately shouted, “Auntie An!”

Just then, a stranger’s voice came from behind me.

“Why? She’s right.”


Auntie An quickly turned around and bowed her head, causing her chin to rest on top of my head. She then quickly covered my ears and eyes with her arms, but I could still hear everything clearly.

“You brought a mutt?”

Wow. Seriously?

‘Calling someone a mutt…?’

Did she channel Hitler or something?

I stared blankly at the woman. With her hair tied up, she laughed sarcastically.

“Really, you’re impressive. Do you know who we are? We’re the owners of Sungjin Group. And yet, you bring in a mutt whose lineage is unknown? What if he will ruin our Family name?”

Mom stood protectively in front of Auntie An and me.

“Oh, sister-in-law. Long time no see.”

Through the gap in Auntie An’s fingers, I could tell who it was just by looking at her back. Mom elegantly flipped her hair back.

“What brings you to the annex? It’s been a while since you’ve avoided this place, calling it dirty and messy.”

“Yes, it’s been years. But with everyone talking about a mutt being brought in, how could I stay away?”

“A mutt…”

Mom crossed her arms.

“Is that your way of introducing yourself?”

Wow. She hit the mark perfectly.

I kicked my legs in excitement.

“Pyu Pyu, Ppa Ppi!”

Go, Mom!

“…Oh, sister-in-law!”

“What’s wrong, sister-in-law? I know all about your family’s situation. You know, they say the pot calls the kettle black.”

The woman with her hair tied up started shaking. She was so angry, it was visible even to me.

“Would you please leave, sister-in-law? I need to show our young master around the house.”

“…Just you wait.”

“Oh my, sister-in-law! Do you know? You’ve said ‘just you wait’ about… a hundred times?”

Wow. My mom is really strong.

Mom turned confidently and smiled at me. This must be what they mean by dignified beauty.

I flapped my hands and shouted,

“Pyu Pyu!”

My mom is amazing!

Just as Mom was about to take me from Auntie An, the woman suddenly shouted,

“…It’s because you always act so recklessly that Maru died!”

For a moment, I saw it.

The slight tremble at the corner of Mom’s eye.

The moment you pull a whisker from a sleeping tiger…

‘Maru… the one with the spot on his foot…’

I heard he passed away at a young age.

‘Is that something you say to a parent who’s lost their child?’

Are all chaebol families like this?

Mom slowly turned around in silence. The sister-in-law, not sensing the danger, continued,

“Because you act so recklessly, Maru knew and didn’t come to his mom. Isn’t that right?”

Mom calmly crossed her arms and slowly opened her mouth.

“Sister-in-law, I have a bad habit.”

Mom took a step towards her.

“When I hear dog-like comments, my fist moves before my words. You know I enjoy kickboxing, right?”

“What… What are you going to do? Hit me?”

“If you’re curious, keep talking. If you say something worth a punch, you’ll get one!”

My mom is amazing.

“Ppu Ppa!”

Perfectly impressive!

“Do you think Mother will let you get away with it if you hit me?”

“Mother? Mrs. Noh Hwa-jin? Of course, she’ll let it slide.”

Mom rolled up her sleeves.

“I have a lot of money. Enough to cover the cost of a beating. I’m Ma Soo-jung, the third daughter of Sungjin Group.”

“I… I’m the second daughter-in-law of the Sungjin family!”

“I know. But that’s all you are, right?”

At this point, I couldn’t even be surprised anymore.

‘What an incredible person my mom is.’

I looked up at the sky and murmured,

“Pyu Pyu Ppa, Ppa Ppa Aa”

Thank you, God.

“If you mention Maru’s name in front of me again, I’ll beat you until dust flies on a rainy day. Got it?”


“For your information, even if I beat you to a pulp, Mrs. Noh Hwa-jin wouldn’t blink an eye. That’s the kind of person she is. So get out of my sight, Lee Yoo-gyeong.”

Lee Yoo-gyeong. I need to remember that name.

Lee Yoo-gyeong retreated step by step, almost stumbling out the door. Mom bit her lip and clenched her fist tightly.

Just seeing that made the grief of losing a child palpable.

Silence fell. It was broken by Auntie An, who was holding me.

“Are… Are you okay, ma’am?”

“I’m fine. She just comes around sometimes to irritate me.”

Mom pretended to be unaffected but smiled sadly.

‘No, she’s definitely not okay.’

Seeing her like that, I made up my mind.

‘From now on, Mom’s sorrow is my sorrow.’

“Pyu Pyu!”

Mom, I’ll take revenge for you!

Hearing my resolve, Mom’s expression softened.

“Is my boy worried about his mom?”

“Pyu Ya!”

Of course!

Plus, I’ll get revenge for you.

‘But can I use the Love and Peace Coin for something like this?’

I immediately shouted,

“Pyu Pyu!”

‘Use Love and Peace Coin!’

[How would you like to use the Love and Peace Coin?]

What would be good?

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