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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 18

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As the time to wrap everything up and leave became quite late, the situation Henry had been worried about indeed came to pass.

It was considered fortunate to have found a wide clearing without completely crossing the mountain.

When it came to the point of having to camp out, Crown Prince William seriously looked around at his people.

“It seems we’ll have to have a late meal here and then settle in for the night,” he said.

Henry looked at Crown Prince William oddly, who was dragging his words unnecessarily.

It was clear to anyone that it would be best to have dinner and rest quickly.

But what exactly was he trying to say…?

“Since it’s getting late, let’s split the group in half to prepare. How does that sound?”

Crown Prince William glanced first at Edwin and then at Henry.

It seemed like he was saying, “Are you okay with that too?” but it was almost like a half-coercion to do so.

With no real reason to oppose, Henry gave a small nod and was about to turn away.

“Edwin, go with Henry.”

“Your Highness? Edwin is one of your companions.”

Henry’s question about why Edwin was being assigned to him was met with Crown Prince William extending his arm.

“Look at the number of people. Since we decided to split the group in half, it’s only right to adjust accordingly, isn’t it?”

“There’s no need to just split by numbers, though.”

“I can’t very well bring Edwin over here. What if I brought him and later received complaints…”

“Complaints? From whom…?”

“No time to discuss it. Just go.”

As Crown Prince William pushed Henry’s back, their conversation was abruptly cut off.

Henry wanted to ask who would be making complaints, but Crown Prince William pushed him away and quickly disappeared.

“Me? Given the situation, it should be discussed with me, right?”

Since they knew he liked Edwin. Henry gave a bitter smile as he pointed to himself.

Crown Prince William wasn’t a matchmaker, but he was trying to facilitate connections in the middle of this journey.

Henry wondered if he could manage this trip successfully.

Then Henry suddenly looked up and saw Edwin.

Edwin, who had remained silent throughout the conversation, slowly turned his head to meet Henry’s gaze.

Though they made eye contact, Edwin’s indifferent expression remained unchanged.

Henry gestured to the side with his chin.

“Let’s have a quick talk.”

If things continued like this, he would be stuck interacting with Edwin.

If he couldn’t stop Crown Prince William, it was better to convey his intentions to Edwin somehow.

Henry’s words made Edwin’s eyes sparkle with surprise, as if he didn’t expect Henry to initiate a conversation.

However, a request was just a request, and Edwin easily ignored Henry and walked past him.


Henry called out to Edwin and followed him, but Edwin didn’t slow down, forcing Henry to run to catch up.

“Can’t you hear me?”

“I can hear you.”

“Then why are you ignoring me?”

As if hearing Henry’s muttering complaints about being petty, Edwin finally stopped.

However, he didn’t turn to look at Henry and continued to face forward.

Henry, feeling disappointed, walked up to Edwin.

When Henry finally came into Edwin’s line of sight, Edwin’s gaze lowered slightly, as if acknowledging him.

“Do you think you have the right to speak to me like that?”


“Instead of criticizing my actions, look at what you’ve done.”

“What have I done?”

Henry came out shamelessly, as if he needed to be told directly.

However, Edwin was not the type to be shaken by such things.

“You bribed my family’s employee to dig up information, found out my schedule and appeared at all hours, and called out my partner who was supposed to accompany me to the banquet and locked them in a warehouse. And yet, you pretended as if you had nothing to do with it.”

Henry ground his teeth, glaring at the back of Edwin’s head as he passed by.

Although he responded with a stiff expression, the pheromones emanating from Edwin’s shoulders were attacking Henry aggressively.

Until now, even when his name was mentioned, it felt like a story about someone else, but it was clear that Edwin had already provoked his mood.

Of course, Henry admitted he hadn’t been pleased when Edwin showed up.

To be honest, he wouldn’t have been thrilled. But, since he didn’t expect Edwin to come along, he had plenty to say about it too.

“Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Whether William kept us entangled or not.

Henry had suggested speaking to Edwin first, and since Edwin refused, Henry was now confident.

“There happened to be a stream nearby, so we were able to make stew.”

Unexpectedly, Hook was leading the cooking in Henry’s camp.

Normally, it would be James, the servant, but he wasn’t particularly adept at this kind of camping.

Therefore, Hook, who was most familiar with it, took the lead in setting the tone.

“You know how to do everything.”

“Living alone, this is basic.”

Hook handed stew and jerky to Henry and also offered stew to Edwin.

Seeing Edwin just standing there, Hook waited to see if he would accept it, leading to an awkward standoff between the two.

Since Hook had never liked Edwin from the start, he assumed Edwin wouldn’t take the food.

After all, with his ambiguous identity, Hook might even suspect that the food could be poisoned.

Hook was at a loss about how to persuade Edwin that he hadn’t done anything to the stew.

“Edwin, this isn’t the Duke’s residence. If you don’t like the stew, you should have said so from the beginning. But then again, saying so wouldn’t change the menu, so why not just accept it?”

Henry’s nagging intervened.

He seemed frustrated just by speaking, so he personally took the stew from Hook and handed it to Edwin.

Henry had sensed Edwin’s displeasure through his pheromones since Hook first offered him the stew.

However, it wasn’t possible to make a new dish just for Edwin here.

Returning to his place with the spoon firmly in hand, Hook’s expression changed oddly.

Compared to Hook’s incredulous look at whether Edwin had refused the food simply because he didn’t like the menu, Edwin merely gazed down at the stew without much change in expression.

“Starting off tough, huh?”

Henry mumbled complaints as he ate the stew, returning to his original spot.

Meanwhile, Prince William observed what Henry was eating and let out a sneer.

He was eating quite decent food, possibly selected from the palace’s best servants.

Noticing Henry’s incredulous gaze, Prince William turned to meet his eyes and shrugged.

“Enjoy your meal.”

So, he split us up just for this.

To have the good food for himself. Annoyed by Prince William’s irritating attitude, Henry ate the stew roughly.

When the meal was almost over, Sir Teher began preparing the sleeping arrangements.

Henry had no problem sleeping in the carriage, but the issue was the change of the sentries and where Edwin would sleep.

Unlike a knight, Edwin was clearly the heir of the Duke’s house.

Even if he had only come with one horse, it wouldn’t be appropriate to just give him a blanket and have him sleep outside.

Henry rested his face on the window frame, staring intently at Edwin.

Even though he knew Sir Teher was struggling, Edwin said nothing at all.

Nor did he seem anxious about not having a place to sleep.

“What are you thinking this time? No, what are you feeling?”

If only some pheromones were leaking out, it might have been easier to figure things out, but the pheromones were stable, making it difficult to discern any inner thoughts.


At that moment, Edwin’s pheromones began to circulate around Crown Prince William, exuding a sharp, pricking quality, as if showing some displeasure.

Henry, following the trail of pheromones, discovered that Crown Prince William was wearing a mischievous smile, continuously gesturing towards a certain direction, which turned out to be his own carriage.

Henry, unable to ignore the unspoken exchange between Crown Prince William and Edwin, shook his head.

“Henry, Edwin says he wants to sleep in your carriage.”

“I didn’t get that impression at all.”

When Crown Prince William playfully pushed Edwin towards Henry, Henry immediately protested.

Frankly, Edwin hadn’t expressed such a desire, but William’s insistence was becoming irritating.

“If it’s that uncomfortable, you should get up.”

Henry warned Edwin in a low tone, only audible to him. Edwin simply raised an eyebrow, prompting Henry to quickly turn away.

“Edwin is likely uncomfortable with this spot and wants to leave. So, don’t push him in your direction.”

“Is that so?”

When Crown Prince William asked as if genuinely surprised, Edwin glanced at Henry and gave a small nod.

He then saluted Crown Prince William and guided his carriage into the deep forest.

“Planning to spend the night without a roof, tsk.”

Crown Prince William, who had been sounding frustrated, suddenly turned to Henry.

“Is it because you’ve been watching Edwin for a long time?”

“What are you talking about?”

Henry tried to brush off the strange remarks from Crown Prince William, who seemed to be gearing up for something odd.

With Edwin gone, Henry was eager to go to bed. Just as he was fiddling with his pillow, Crown Prince William’s voice came from behind.

“Really, you had been acting like you know all about Edwin despite saying nothing.”

Henry froze, still holding the pillow.

Did I… really give that impression?

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1 month ago

Well, Henry can sense Edwin’s honest pheromones

20 days ago

The novel is wonderful

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