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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 16

* * *

Baek Gunho’s misconception about me being in a relationship lasted exactly four days.

Just as I was leaving work, I received a message from him.

Baek Gunho: I’m at your company’s parking lot. Come out.

The Baek Gunho who had refrained from messaging me for a few days to let me ‘enjoy my romance’ was gone.

Now, the bossy Baek Gunho was back.

How could he just show up and call me out like that, not knowing if I had other plans?

Though I had no plans, I considered ignoring him.

But the thought of squeezing into a crowded subway made me decide to take his car instead.

When I got to the underground parking lot and into the car, Baek Gunho, with a serious expression, turned to glare at me instead of starting the car.

“You’ve been seeing Kwon Sahyeok, haven’t you?”


“Don’t lie. You both have the same ring.”


So, I wasn’t the only one wearing that ring?

Well, if you’re going to send a signal, you need a device to receive it. I get that much.

But if that’s the principle, then it shouldn’t have been made into rings.

Didn’t he know the universal meaning a pair of rings carries?

Did someone crack open his common sense like an egg and slurp it down?

Sure, rings are convenient to wear, but for normal social life, shouldn’t he have used something else?

I wanted to grab Kwon Sahyeok by the collar and shake him for his crazy common sense. At least he could have told me in advance that it would be like couple rings.

While I was silent, Baek Gunho, who had been busy with his thoughts, looked me over with a blank expression.

Knowing him for quite a while, I could tell that this was his way of showing agitation.

“Seo Heewon.”


“Do you like men?”


“Are you into both men and women? Or does it not matter?”

If I still had a crush with Baek Gunho, I might have been hurt here.

But now, I felt a bubbling desire to smack the head of Baek Gunho, who was speaking so boldly.

Should I hit him or not?

While I was internally conflicted, Baek Gunho was also brooding over something.

“If I’d known it would be like this, I would have introduced you to a guy, but of all people, Kwon Sahyeok…”

“What about Kwon Sahyeok?”

“Kwon Sahyeok has no manners.”

“You said he was fine.”

“Dating is a different story. What’s so good about that bastard? His face? His body? His personality is terrible.”

And yet, you told me to be moderately friendly with him. I scoffed at Baek Gunho.

“No matter how bad his personality is, can it be worse than yours?”

Baek Gunho looked at me with a betrayed expression, like a parent seeing their child rebel.

His fist trembled as he glared at me.

What, is he going to hit me?

He wouldn’t dare.

“I’m not some 26-year-old virgin to be deflowered by Kwon Sahyeok…”

I was creeped out by Baek Gunho’s unnecessary worry.

“Hey, knock it off.”

I was annoyed, thinking about how far his delusions had gone with someone I wasn’t even dating.

My snappy response seemed to make Baek Gunho even more serious, perhaps misinterpreting my irritation as anger toward Kwon Sahyeok.

“You’re not being blackmailed into dating him, are you?”

“Stop talking nonsense and drive.”

“Answer me first.”

“Do I look like someone who’d be blackmailed into dating? I’d rather die.”

My answer made Baek Gunho look even more dissatisfied.

Thinking I might have gone too far, I was about to explain honestly, but Baek Gunho spoke first.

“Fine, if you like him, there’s nothing I can do. Fine…”

“Hey, that’s not…”

“Seo Heewon.”


“Make sure you use condoms.”

I punched Baek Gunho in the ribs.

What a crazy bastard.

I hadn’t said a word about dating.

Let’s see how far this misunderstanding goes.

It’s going to be so embarrassing for him when he finds out the truth later.

I shouldn’t have taken it so lightly.

Title: Why did Baek Gunho get arrested?


I thought he was behaving for a while, but he got arrested again.


  • He wasn’t really subdued, he let them arrest him, right?

    └ Of course.

    └ If he had to be subdued for real, could they even manage that?

  • Baek Gunho looks cool with silver bracelets. Look how well they suit him.

    └ Not cool tone, more like criminal tone.

    └ LOL

Title: Why Baek Gunho got arrested

Apparently, Baek Gunho punched Kwon Sahyeok first.

Baek Gunho got hurt too, but Kwon Sahyeok got hurt worse and is being treated by a healer.


  • If he needs a healer, how bad did he get beaten?

    └ Must have beaten him up badly.

    └ S ranks usually heal quickly, so he must have hit him like he was a monster.

    └ Shouldn’t Baek Gunho be detained? That’s brutal.

  • Why did he suddenly pick a fight with Kwon Sahyeok? There’s nothing between them, right?

    └ Does Baek Gunho ever need a reason to pick a fight?

    └ True…

Title: Baek Gunho hasn’t been arrested as much as you think

Most of the time, he wasn’t arrested for excessive force against criminals, only when he made someone physically incapacitated.

People think he’d get arrested for his harsh words, but he never got arrested for that, just sued a lot.

He was briefly detained when he grabbed the collar of the Minister of Ability Affairs.

Of course, he got arrested plenty of times for beating up other hunters, but that’s common among hunters.


  • Saying it’s common among hunters, Baek Gunho still got arrested way more often.

    └ Baek Gunho’s arrest record is six times that of Son Ahreum’s.

    └ Son Ahreum got arrested quite a bit too.

    └ No matter how calm she seems, she’s still a S-rank.

  • Arresting him doesn’t do much. They just put him in solitary confinement to put on a show. Dirty government.

    └ Why are you venting here?

    └ How do you perfectly subdue a S-Rank? Be grateful there are six S-Ranks who let themselves be arrested.

    └ Other countries have a lot of S-Ranks on wanted lists.

Title: Baek Gunho is innocent


He’s compensating with his looks. (Nod)


  • I prefer Kwon Sahyeok.

    └ Kwon Sahyeok is also compensating with his looks.

    └ Why is Baek Gunho innocent? He beat up Kwon Sahyeok.

    └ Men look better after they’ve been through some rough times.

    └ Okay, got it.

    └ Your logic is as shameless as Baek Gunho’s.

    └ You need to be shameless to be a Baek Gunho fan.

Title: The reason they fought = love quarrel

I heard Baek Gunho’s girlfriend and Kwon Sahyeok hung out. Not cheating, just hanging out.

So Baek Gunho got really pissed.

Kwon Sahyeok teased him about it, and they fought. The end.


  • Was it Lee Jihye and Kwon Sahyeok hanging out?

    └ Wow, they look good together.

    └ Lee Jihye dating Baek Gunho is just a rumor.

    └ Then who? Mina?

    └ Mina is his ex.

    └ I heard Baek Gunho’s girlfriend is a regular person.

    └ If she’s a regular person, she must be really pretty to be dating him.

    └ Considering Baek Gunho’s dating history, that’s a given.

Title: Baek Gunho is a jackass

I want to make him my personal slave.


  • OMG

  • Reporting this for violence.

    └ Baek Gunho doesn’t care about this stuff. Just don’t pick a fight with him in person.

    └ He really lives as he pleases.

    └ Doesn’t he sue a lot?

    └ He doesn’t care, but if his guild members get affected, he sues relentlessly.

    └ That’s how you use a guild leader with a bad temper.

-Your boyfriend is a real lunatic.

That’s what Kwon Sahyeok said right after calling me. I wanted to throw my phone at his forehead.

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

─ Sure, sure. Oh, right, am I your boyfriend now?

“…Why did you fight?”

I changed the subject instead of engaging further. Kwon Sahyeok chuckled on the other end.

─ I didn’t fight. A good citizen was just bullied.

“Who’s the good citizen?”

─ Me, of course. I’m so law-abiding. Compared to Baek Gunho, I’m a saint.

“Just tell me why you fought.”

─ He asked if we were dating, and when I said no, he started beating me, asking if I was toying with you.


─ He was furious, saying how dare I toy with you. It was scary.

Despite claiming it was scary, his voice was full of laughter.

It was clear he enjoyed seeing Baek Gunho angry.

“You deserved to be hit.”

─ That’s harsh. Do you like your ex more than me?

Feeling there was no more point in the conversation, I hung up.

I was worried that Kwon Sahyeok might have said something strange, but it seemed he hadn’t, which was a relief.

I should have clarified earlier that we weren’t dating.

I never thought Baek Gunho would go and lose his temper.


But why did he get so worked up?

Do friends usually get that heated over each other’s relationships?

He had been overly interested in my relationships before, but if he was so concerned about it, why not just admit his feelings?

There was no reason to go after Kwon Sahyeok and start a fight, was there?

So, the fact that he made such a big deal out of it…

“Ah, I’m going crazy…”

I shook off my wild thoughts and smacked my head.

After getting fooled by Baek Gunho’s antics so many times, it felt stupid to be start being hopeful again.

It’s all Baek Gunho’s fault.

* * *

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1 month ago

I do believe Baek Gunho has feelings for him and probably hasn’t realized it, but people do actually get that heated over their friend’s relationships, usually girl best friends. Girls don’t play with their besties.

Reply to  enibae
22 days ago

Baek gunho is just obsessed and didnt realise it yet,it’s not like getting heated for his best friend😔

21 days ago


12 days ago

baek gunho 😭🫵

10 days ago

i’m almost as frustrated as heewon cus does baek gunho like him or not 😭

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