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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 9

* * *

I heard voices in my sleep.

“What should we do about this?”

“I see.”


A gentle hand patted my chest.

“I’m just worried about our little one.”

I opened my eyes. The bright light pouring in above me was unpleasant.
I squinted my eyes involuntarily, and a crying sound came out of my mouth.


“Oh, our Kongja is awake. Did you sleep well, little one?”

Familiar arms embraced me. I rubbed my face against the gray nun’s robe.

“You can fuss more if you want, but is that all?”

I rubbed my forehead and answered.


That’s enough!

The nun laughed and said,

“Sister Maria, could you get some formula, please?”

“Yes, Sister Teresa.”

Ah, it was Sister Teresa. I smiled brightly.

“Byuya, buua!”

Thank you for your hard work today as well.

[The nun is delighted to hear the cute babbling]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

[Total Coins: 368]

“Byu! Byu!”

Oh, it went up.

‘Thank you for the coin, Sister.’

Sister Teresa patted my back and said,

“Little one, how was today?”

Are you talking about Ms. Soo-jung?

I gladly answered.

“Byu, beeyu, buua!”

Yes, it was shocking, but I’m okay.

“Our Kongja is so pretty, it would be nice if you could get parents soon, but…”

She whispered with concern.

“But not like this…”

She was absolutely right. I moved my legs in agreement.


That’s right!

“Even pets aren’t decided so impulsively, let alone such a cute child like this…”

Sister Teresa sighed deeply.

“Does she think of the child as a necklace or a ring?”

No way.

No matter how thoughtless she might seem, could actress Ma really think that way?

I don’t think so.

I waved my arms with all my might.

“Byuya, bu! Uabyuya!”

Just my guess, but she didn’t seem like a bad person.

‘Even though she was impulsive, she sanitized her hands before touching me.’

If she didn’t value children, she wouldn’t have thought that far.

‘If that was even an act, there’s nothing to be done…’

Hmm, but she didn’t seem that cunning.

“I hope our little one meets good parents…”

Sister Teresa gave me a bottle. I eagerly sucked the formula. I was so hungry that it went down easily.
The nun watched me and softly prayed.

“God, may this beautiful child meet good people.”

She prayed incessantly.

Well, whatever about Ms. Soo-jung, one thing was certain.

‘This nun… is a really good person. Truly, very, much!’

Bless you, Sister. Sincerely.

Sister Teresa whispered softly.

“Little one, will Ms. Soo-jung really come back for you in a week?”


I don’t know.

The words got stuck behind the bottle’s nipple. So I patted the nun’s shoulder instead.

“Jjubbya, jjyaya, byu, byujju!”

Whether she comes or not doesn’t matter.

[The nun is happy and sad to hear the cute babbling]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

[Total Coins: 369]

Oh, that must have been cute.

I wiggled my palm.

‘Don’t worry about that, just look at my cute face.’

Why are you sad? Life is too short to live anything but joyfully.

I smiled broadly. The nun looked at my face and smiled gently.

“It’s okay, little one. You don’t have to go anywhere. Let’s live happily with mom.”

Ah, Sister.

‘She’s really an amazing person.’

How many children has she been a mother to like this?

‘At first, I thought becoming an orphan was the worst luck.’

I looked at the nun’s wrinkled eyes.

‘But now, thinking about it, I feel lucky to have come to a place with kind-hearted nuns.’

The milk was all gone before I knew it. The nun held me and patted my back. Soon, I burped.

‘Sister, you will be blessed. No, I will make sure you are blessed.’

Sister Teresa just smiled kindly, as if she didn’t understand my heart.

“Yes, Kongja. Just eat well and grow up healthy.”

I laughed out loud for her.


The nun, who had been laughing heartily, placed me back in the cradle. I moved my limbs for exercise and fell into thought.

‘I think I need to make a life plan.’

I was born an orphan, but I was lucky enough to gain a nun as a mother.

‘So, what should I do now?’

I chuckled indifferently.

‘Should I just eat and sleep well?’

Is that all there is to being a baby?

After moving around on the soft bedding, I felt sleepy again.

‘Eat, sleep, eat, sleep…’

A baby’s life is quite boring.

Suddenly, I became curious about the situation of the orphanage.

‘By the way, are things okay here?’

It seemed like there was a shortage of donations.

I scratched the baby blanket with my feet.

‘If they filmed me on YouTube, it would be good.’

Then donations would pour in. Love and peace coins would go up, too.
I need to make our nun healthy quickly…

‘When will I collect 1,000 coins?’

I quietly closed my eyes. Being in a baby’s body, I fell asleep quickly.

A week passed in the blink of an eye. And as expected, Ma Soo-jung didn’t come.

‘Well, that’s how fickleness is.’

Still, since it’s Sungjin Group, they would provide support, right?

I moved my fingers and toes and smiled at the audience.


Cute, right?

The two nuns burst into laughter at my antics.

“Oh my, so cute.”

“Our Kongja is as cute as an angel.”

“That’s right. Baby angels must look like Kongja.”

Hmm, this must be the highest praise for the nuns. Angels hold a special meaning for them.

‘Then I should respond.’

I clapped my hands and laughed.


Thank you!

Both nuns laughed so hard their cheeks hurt.

“Oh God, your creation is so adorable.”

“Our Kongja! You’re good at laughing too!”

While I was putting on a show, the nun glanced at the clock.

“Any news from Ms. Ma Soo-jung?”

“No. We received promotional materials. Our Kongja’s photos were so cute.”

“Seems like she was just saying things.”

The nun stroked my hair.

“It’s a relief that Kongja can’t understand our words yet.”

Sorry, but I can understand very well, Sister.

“That’s right. It’s actually better. Kongja will either meet better parents or be happy with us.”

Yes, Sister. Who knows. Let’s live well together.

‘But still…’

If Ma Soo-jung becomes my mom, I’d never have to worry about money.

‘Hey, wishful thinking.’

I hid my bitter feelings and clapped my hands. To make our Sister Teresa healthy, I had to work hard to gather coins.

“It’s already night.”

“Our Kongja, it’s time to sleep again.”

“For some reason, he’s not sleeping today.”

Sister, I slept a lot earlier. I don’t want to sleep now.

“Bpi-bpi, bbuwa!”

I want to play!

“By the way, how many months old is Kongja?”

“Well… I’m not sure.”

I waved my limbs energetically.

My little fingers appeared and disappeared before my eyes.

Then, suddenly, the sliding door of the nursery opened with a creak.

‘What, what?’

I turned my head toward the door. There stood someone half-covered in snow, looking like a half-made snowman.

“Who are you?”

“I’m sorry.”

It was a familiar voice.

‘Ma Soo-jung?’

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2 months ago

Nostalgic feeling, my mother sometimes came home in winter… I can almost smell this frosty air from snow on Ma Soo-Jung, with a hint of wet wool…

24 days ago


18 days ago

What happened to Noah??

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