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Chapter 2

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The morning scenery of the soon-to-be-divorced couple starts energetically today as well.

To be precise, Seo Taecheon gets up vigorously, takes a cold shower, and goes out for a run, while Lee Jiwoon struggles with the alarm set at 5-minute intervals before barely waking up.

Beep. Beep.

When Lee Jiwoon opened his eyes to the sound of the alarm, Seo Taecheon was already gone.

It was even 30 minutes later than the last possible time he had to get up.

“Oh no! I’m late!”

Lee Jiwoon hurriedly washed, barely dressed, and dashed out of the house.

Eventually, Lee Jiwoon, who was 20 minutes late and got severely scolded by the team leader, opened his phone and sent a text to BBG.

Jiwoon: You have no compassion. You could have woken me up just this once.

BBG: I’m not free enough to wake up a sleeping person.

“Ha, seriously. Even if you talk, it’s always like this.”

Lee Jiwoon shook his head and turned on his work PC.

He was busy all morning.

The phone kept ringing because of the development of promotional products for the newly opened local resort and the home shopping sales linkage project, and every time he refreshed his mailbox, new emails piled up.

“Ha… it’s chaotic.”

“Assistant Jiwoon, it’s time to eat!”

“Is it already 12 o’clock?”

Having worked so frantically, he didn’t even realize how time had passed.

Min Hyekyung scolded the hastily rising Lee Jiwoon.

“Today, our team has a lunch gathering with the Director, right? You didn’t forget that, did you?”

‘Oh no, my poor memory.’

Lee Jiwoon slapped his forehead.

“Let’s go for lunch.”

At that moment, Seo Taecheon walked out of the Director’s office.

Despite the midsummer heat, he exuded a cool and elegant aura, causing the female employees and Omega employees to blush.

However, in Lee Jiwoon’s eyes, he was just a person who came to work alone, shamelessly.

The venue for today’s gathering was a high-end Korean restaurant right in front of the company. Manager Park insisted on dragging Lee Jiwoon, who was trying to sit in a corner, to the middle.

“Haha. Assistant Lee, sit next to the Director.”


“If people like us sit next to him, we’ll only talk about work. The Director would prefer to sit next to a young person.”

“No… it’s okay,”

Without a chance to protest, Lee Jiwoon was forcibly seated on the cushion.

Seo Taecheon, who sat next to him, looked unfazed.

But Assistant Min, sitting diagonally, clapped her hands exaggeratedly.

“Oh my, you two look great together. What’s going on here?”

Then Manager Park and Team Leader Choi, along with the other managers, agreed enthusiastically.

“Now that I think about it, both are single Alphas and Omegas. They look good together.”

“Exactly. Anyone would think they are a couple.”

‘A couple? No, we are a married couple. Damn this world.’

Lee Jiwoon forced a smile and just drank the cold water.

“A couple? That’s ridiculous.”

“Assistant Lee, don’t you like Alphas like the Director?”

“Ah… it’s just that… I’m not interested in dating or marriage. Being single is the best!”

As Lee Jiwoon spoke with a bright smile, Seo Taecheon, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

“I also believe that marriage has no place in my life.”

“Oh, really? The Director is a singleton too.”

Assistant Min said as if she was surprised.

People started meddling, asking why he didn’t want to get married, and if Alphas and Omegas didn’t tend to marry earlier than Betas.

“Single life is the best! Being solo is convenient.”

Just as Lee Jiwoon tried to grab some side dishes while maintaining a business smile, Seo Taecheon suddenly reached out and took the plate of side dishes.

Huh, what?

He took my side dish?

Lee Jiwoon frowned at Seo Taecheon.

What Seo Taecheon took away was soy sauce marinated shrimp.

It was a shrimp dish, the number one crustacean Lee Jiwoon couldn’t eat.

“Uh… did you remove the shrimp because of me?”

Lee Jiwoon was a bit surprised, wondering if this person knew about his allergy.

“No. I took it because I wanted to eat shrimp.”

Of course.

What was I expecting from this heartless person?

Lee Jiwoon gave a wry smile.

“Sure, sure. Enjoy your meal and live long.”

“If you’re hungry, eat this.”

Seo Taecheon placed a plate of grilled short ribs in front of Lee Jiwoon.

“Oh? It looks delicious. This is my favorite.”

Min Hyekyung, who was sitting across from them, didn’t miss the sight of the two whispering to each other.

What’s with those two?

Did he consider his allergy and remove the shrimp?

While she wondered, the meal ended.

Lee Jiwoon got up and quickly followed his colleagues.

“Let’s go for a drink.”

“Sounds good.”

Watching them leave without looking back, it seemed like there was nothing between them… but earlier, they looked too close.

Min Hyekyung’s eyes glinted sharply behind her glasses.


On the way back, sipping on an iced coffee.

In front of Team 1’s office stood the familiar face of Assistant Ki Hyunjin.

As soon as Lee Jiwoon saw him, he walked briskly.

“Oh! Assistant Ki! What brings you here?”

He was once Lee Jiwoon’s mentor and, though now in a different team, they still stayed close.

Seeing his kind and good-natured senior, Lee Jiwoon couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re cute as always.”

“It’s an honor to hear that, even if it’s just flattery, Assistant Ki.”

Calling him cute was by no means flattery.

Lee Jiwoon’s bright brown eyes, combined with his drooping eyelids, gave a fresh impression, and his apricot-colored cheeks and lips exuded loveliness every time he smiled.

“It’s not flattery.”

“I’m just average. You’re the handsome one, Assistant Ki.”

Does he not have a mirror at home? Anyway, Ki Hyunjin had a different purpose for his visit, so he quickly got to the point.

“You know there’s a workshop planning meeting today, right? I’ve already told the managers from Teams 3, 4, and 5. Since the conference room here is the largest, how about we hold the meeting here? Is that okay?”

“Ah, right. It’s tomorrow, so we need to do a final check.”

Lee Jiwoon took out the documents pinned to the partition with a thumbtack.

[Planning Proposal for the Summer Workshop of Sehwa Hotel and Resort Group – Marketing Strategy Division]

“Let’s start right now.”

Soon, the team leaders gathered in the conference room. Employees from teams 1 to 5 sat around the table, reviewing the schedule and checking the plans for the next day.

They would leave early in the morning, arrive at the company-owned resort in Gapyeong, compete in group games, and have a barbecue party for dinner.

“First, let’s recheck the room assignments. The director will stay in the suite, and everyone else has been assigned to single rooms. Please confirm that it’s correct.”

Ki Hyunjin handed a sheet of paper to Lee Jiwoon.

Although he would be on the same floor as Seo Taecheon, they had separate rooms, so there was nothing to worry about.

“Yes, it looks like the accommodations are settled. Everyone, next is the charter bus. How about randomly assigning seats on the bus?”

“Completely random?”

When Lee Jiwoon asked in curiosity, Ki Hyunjin kindly provided an example.

“We have 60 participants for this workshop, from assistants to department managers, and even the director. Sitting next to a stranger might break down the barriers of rank and generation and facilitate communication.”

All the team leaders, including Lee Jiwoon, agreed.

It seemed like a fresh idea that could be praised by the higher-ups.

The only drawback was not knowing who would sit next to you, but that was part of the job.

“Then, let’s finalize this plan. See you all tomorrow.”


Although the company workshop wasn’t particularly enjoyable like an MT (membership training), Lee Jiwoon cherished the opportunity to get some fresh air.

Was this the symptom of a married man’s disease?

Loving anywhere but home and feeling happy just to stay out overnight.

As soon as he got home, he opened his wardrobe and took out several outfits.

Seeing him put on a fashion show with tracksuits and hoodies, Seo Taecheon casually remarked.

“Are you trying to impress someone?”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“I just noticed you’re putting a lot of effort into your outfits.”

“I’m a sworn bachelor. I have no interest in dating or marriage, so who am I trying to impress?”

When Lee Jiwoon snapped back, Seo Taecheon shrugged and turned off the tablet he was looking at.

“By the way, I wonder who my bus partner will be. I hope it’s someone I can talk to. I don’t want an executive.”

Lee Jiwoon mumbled as he packed his suitcase.

Seo Taecheon quietly took out his phone and sent a text somewhere.


The charter buses for the workshop arrived one by one at the company yard.

Unlike their usual formal attire, employees in casual clothes gathered in small groups, chatting.

Ki Hyunjin, the chief organizer, held a Bluetooth microphone.

“Everyone, we will now distribute the bus tickets. For the sake of team-building, we’ve assigned seats randomly, and you’ll find out who your partner is once you’re on the bus.”

“Wow, this sounds fun.”

“What if I get stuck with an old fogey? I don’t want that.”

Amid mixed reactions, people collected their tickets and boarded the buses.

Lee Jiwoon took a ticket for bus number 1 and got on.

The seat next to him was still empty.

Who will it be?

‘Someone from my team or another team? I’d prefer someone my age, but it would be a disaster if it’s the director. Ugh, just thinking about it is unpleasant.’

As each person boarded, Lee Jiwoon kept wondering if they would be his partner, but no one sat next to him.

With only 5 minutes left until departure and still without a partner, he began to suspect something was wrong.

There are 60 people, an even number, so why am I the only one without a partner?

This is strange.

Just as he was thinking that, Seo Taecheon, wearing a shirt and slacks, got on the bus.

“Hello, Director!”


Voices filled with flattery greeted him from all around.

Seo Taecheon responded curtly and started walking towards Lee Jiwoon.

‘Oh no. No way he’s my partner, right?!’

‘Please, no. I hope not.’

Lee Jiwoon clasped his hands together and closed his eyes tightly.

Seo Taecheon casually sat next to him and poked his forehead.

“What are you praying for?”

“Ah… Ah…”

“What’s wrong? You don’t like that I’m sitting here?”

“When did I say that? It’s just a bit surprising.”

From a messed-up marriage registration at the district office to being assigned the seat next to him on the bus, it was all too much.

“The bus is departing. Please fasten your seatbelts!”

The bus driver announced the departure.

Lee Jiwoon crossed his arms and lounged in his seat, looking out the window indifferently.

‘Ah, I just want to get there and rest. I want to take out a snack too.’

He desperately craved the cookies he packed last night.

There’s nothing like sugar to relieve stress.

He didn’t realize until then that he had left out an item while making space for the cookies in his suitcase, something he had forgotten to put back in.

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13 days ago


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