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Chapter 1

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In the early 21st century, the population of alphas and omegas began to decline rapidly due to a culture of free-spirited dating and breakups.

Sensing a crisis, the government encouraged marriage among the traits while making divorce procedures more strict.

This led to the implementation of the so-called [Alpha-Omega Special Divorce Contemplation System].

Even if an alpha-omega couple applied for mutual divorce, they had to reconsider their decision for six months, much longer than the beta couples.

While divorces due to domestic violence, infidelity, or neglect were expedited, the process for mutual consent divorces became more complicated.

The law made it difficult to divorce simply for reasons like ‘I don’t love you anymore,’ drawing much criticism, yet it took deep roots in society.

As a result, alpha-omega couples had to endure much patience and effort to get a divorce.

Moreover, the law mandated at least one monthly marital counseling session, keeping a spouse observation diary, and participating in government-sponsored travel experiences.

Notably, an appointed divorce counselor would go to great lengths to reconcile the couples, aligning with the government’s policy to protect the precious genetic traits.

“Excuse me, I’ve never married Mr. Seo Taecheon. I’ve hardly even spoken to him!”

Jiwoon first discovered his marital status when he tried to open a special savings account for singles and requested a copy of his family registry.

Seo Taecheon, 31 years old, dominant alpha, blood type AB, born June 1st.

“What the…”

He knew from a recent office dinner celebrating the director’s birthday that these details matched perfectly.

There couldn’t be two Seo Taecheons, a rare dominant alpha, in the entire country.

Shocked, Jiwoon immediately sought out Taecheon to correct the administrative error and file for annulment.

Taecheon readily agreed, but it wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed.

Since they worked at the same company, it was extremely difficult to prove they were ‘practically strangers’ with ‘no intent to marry.’

Jiwoon and Taecheon visited public offices and courts daily, trying to rectify the situation.

However, lawsuits were not simple matters, and Taecheon’s legal advisor warned that the process would take a very long time.

Though winning the case would erase the ‘marriage record’ altogether, getting there was a taxing journey.


Jiwoon spent three consecutive days drowning his sorrows in soju, while Taecheon was equally flustered.

But they couldn’t live as unmarried individuals with this false marital baggage.

Reluctantly, they decided to undergo the contemplation period and agreed to a mutual divorce, moving in together temporarily.

They planned to erase the marriage record after the annulment case was resolved.

Thus, about a month ago, they formed an unofficial pact, rowing together toward the goal of a successful divorce.

Having left the director’s office first, Seo Taecheon quickly boarded the elevator.

Jiwoon watched as the elevator descended to the second basement level and then counted exactly three minutes.

“You’re heading down now, Jiwoon?”

“H-how did you know?”

“You always leave three minutes after the director leaves. Anyone would think you go home together.”

Min Hyekyung teased as she grabbed her bag and stood up.

“Ah… w-well…”

What should he say? His mind went blank, and he just gaped as Min laughed and clapped her hands.

“Just kidding, just kidding. It’s because I don’t want to leave before the boss.”

“Oh… haha. Yes. Right. Yes, that’s true.”

“You really know how to handle yourself in the workplace. Come on, let’s head out together.”

As they walked out into the hallway together, Jiwoon entered the elevator with Assistant Min Hyekyung.

The problem arose when Min Hyekyung pressed the button for the second basement level.

“You’re going to the second basement level?”

“Yes, I parked my car there. You taking the subway?”

“Oh… the sub… the subway! Yes! I’m taking the subway, the transportation of the people!”

“Come to think of it, you used to walk to work, but now you take the subway?”

Jiwoon felt a twinge of anxiety again.

Since moving in with Seo Taecheon to prove their cohabitation, his commute had become longer.

Although Seo Taecheon drove him part of the way, he had to get off a few stops before their destination to avoid suspicion, making the subway part of his daily routine.

Today, however, he needed to go directly to the second basement level to meet Seo Taecheon and head to the supermarket.

What should he do?

Should he wait outside until Min Hyekyung goes home?

“I can give you a ride. Which direction are you headed?”

“Oh, no, it’s fine. I can go by myself.”

“It’s hot out. Don’t be like that, just get in my car.”

Touched by his senior’s kindness, Jiwoon spent ten minutes making excuses and finally managed to locate Seo Taecheon’s car after wandering around the building.

“Why are you so late?”

“I have no excuses. I’ll cook dinner today.”

Seo Taecheon looked at Jiwoon, who clasped his hands together in a pleading gesture, without changing his expression.

“Grill two steaks. Medium rare.”

“Oh… yes.”

Cooking wasn’t his forte, but he had no choice.

Sitting in the passenger seat of the Maybach, listening to classical music, Jiwoon sighed deeply.

To outsiders, it looked like a very comfortable scene.


Upon arriving at the supermarket, they wore masks and pushed the cart together, worried someone might recognize them.

They took a quick selfie as proof of their shopping trip, but Seo Taecheon’s eyes looked too stern.

This would lead to the divorce counselor saying, “Alpha, you’re not making an effort. You should have done your best to spend quality time with your spouse.”

That would be troublesome.

“Try smiling a bit, Director.”

“I’ve never smiled while taking a photo.”

Annoyed by his curt reply, Jiwoon shook his head and took a quick picture.

Knowing the photo might lose points, he decided to make up for it by cooking a delicious meal.

After buying meat, vegetables, seasoning powder, melon, and cherries, they left the supermarket.

With their cart full, they headed to Seo Taecheon’s riverside apartment in Cheongdam Bridge.

Having never lived anywhere better than a one-room apartment with a 100,000-won (around 72 USD) deposit, Jiwoon still couldn’t adjust to the luxurious and spacious apartment, even after a month.

“I’ll cook. You should take a shower.”


Seo Taecheon grabbed a black silk robe that looked like something out of a movie and entered one of the four bathrooms.

With his broad shoulders and large build, he looked good even in such an absurd garment.

‘Sigh. I guess I’ll write today’s report and start cooking.’

[August 8th, Monday. Went grocery shopping with my husband.

Plan to respect his taste by eating his favorite steak.
List of spouse’s good points discovered today: Broad shoulders and looks good in a black robe. The end.]

After hastily jotting down his report, Jiwoon focused on cooking.

Seo Taecheon emerged, dripping water from his hair, his skin glistening and his chest exposed.

Despite the imposing visual, there was no reason to nag him to get dressed or dry his hair, so they sat at the table and began cutting the steak.

“How does it taste?”


Seo Taecheon was notoriously taciturn and indifferent.

Despite their upcoming months together, Jiwoon found him incredibly boring.

While his face and body were interesting, his personality was so stoic that the thought of a real marriage seemed dreadful.

“Shall we sleep now?”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

They washed up in separate bathrooms and met in the bedroom.

The room had a soft nightlight and a king-sized bed with cozy bedding, radiating a newlywed atmosphere with a subtle diffuser scent.

Why insist on sharing one bedroom and one bed in a seven-room apartment?

It was because the divorce counselor could demand a photo of them sharing a room at any time.

Initially, they used separate rooms, but constant photo missions at odd hours forced them into one room and one bed, a situation they’d been enduring for two weeks now.

“Let’s lie down.”

With a resigned tone, Jiwoon got into bed first.

As Seo Taecheon lay down beside him, a chilly silence filled the air.

“Good night, Director. Please wake me up tomorrow morning. Don’t go to the office alone. I need to get there early to prepare for a meeting.”

“We’ll see.”

Seo Taecheon answered vaguely and turned over, their hands brushing against each other.

Startled, Jiwoon quickly moved his hand to his chest.

Geez, that scared me.

After a month of this fake newlywed life, he still hadn’t gotten used to it.

Occasionally touching bodies or catching a whiff of Seo Taecheon’s pheromones was unsettling.

The sharp forest scent tickling his nose was unbearably embarrassing.

Ugh. The alpha smell is too much.

Grinding his teeth, Jiwoon tightly closed his eyes.

Yes, Jiwoon had lived a busy and unlucky 27 years without ever having a romantic relationship.

And now, this pure person was a married man…! Soon to be a divorcee…!

The heavens are indifferent.

Sob sob.

“Just be quiet and sleep, Assistant Lee.”

When Jiwoon rustled the bedding and muttered, Seo Taecheon sternly turned away.

“Oh, yes.”

Jiwoon rolled his eyes and snorted inwardly.

‘You think you’re the only one who dislikes this? I do too.’

Thus, their fake newlywed life, aimed at a successful divorce, continued into the night.

They never knew what kind of incidents or accidents awaited them the next day, trying to get some sleep on such a night.

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13 days ago


8 days ago

Fantastic first chapter. I’m locked in.

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