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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 4

* * *

‘Damn it.’

I sighed and shook my head as I woke up.

I needed to get my thoughts in order.

‘Reincarnated as an orphan.’

Well, at least the wish I made in heaven did come true after all.

‘At least I’m healthy, and good-looking too…’

I frowned as memories of the entertainment industry from my past life surfaced.

‘No matter how good-looking I am, being an orphan will make things tough in the beginning.’

Con artists will probably swarm around me.

‘No, the real problem is that I’m a baby.’

I sighed again.


A very cute sound came out of my mouth. I shook my head.

‘The wish is what matters the most.’

Heaven had granted my wish.

I glanced at the clear subtitles in front of me. Someone must have seen me while I was sleeping because my coin count had increased.

[Your sleeping face made the nun happy]

[Love and Peace Coins increased by 20]

[Your sleeping face made Noah happy]

[Love and Peace Coins increased by 50]

I stared at the subtitles blankly.

‘Let’s keep it simple.’

Someone is happy to see my cute face, and my coins increase. And I can use these coins.

‘If I use the coins, my wishes come true.’

But there’s a catch.

‘There’s a price to pay for everything, right?’

Because of that, I suffered from back pain for a while.

I sighed again.


But the wish was very effective.

‘It’s hard to cure a herniated disc, but it was healed in an instant.’

Considering the nun took in an unknown baby and even fed him formula, this price was worth it.

‘And how many wishes do I have in heaven?’

I chuckled at the thought.


Quite a lot, it turns out.

“Wow, not just a billion, but in the trillions. I’m really greedy, aren’t I?”

Now that I think about it, there was that message.

[As a reward for your good deeds, causality will be adjusted]

[There’s a price for everything]

I pondered deeply.

‘Causality will be adjusted?’

Oh no.

‘Did I become an orphan because I wished for so much?’

It was a very plausible guess.

I let out a hollow laugh.


I shook my head, listening to the babbling coming out of my own mouth.

‘Wow, this is practically a scam!’

Hiding such an important detail, they were really something else.

“Well, the wishes were powerful though.”

I smiled. Even though I was an orphan, I had a handsome face and a healthy body. It seemed worth living this life.

‘And above all, the wishes!’

It’s a rather absurd ability, but still.

‘I’m the type to use everything I can!’

I said it outright.

‘I’ll use it!’


I looked lovingly at the subtitles. It was a bit suspicious. But it was a life I was reborn into.

‘This life is the lead role! I’ll be in every blockbuster movie!’

And I had another wish.

‘This life, I’ll be wanting to live at least one day as an ugly person!’

“Bwaaah, boo-boo! Bwaaah!”

‘Because I’ll be handsome for the rest of my life now.’

I was laughing when the nun, whose herniated disc had healed, approached me and smiled.

“Oh my, Kongja, why are you waving your hands like that?”

Huh, did I do that?


‘But what’s ‘Kongja’?’

The nun looked at me with a bright smile and said.

“Baby, your name is Kongja.”

Excuse me, Sister, do you mean the ‘Kongja’ from Confucius? (Kongja is what Confucius is called in korea. Master Kong, Kongja or Kongbuja, that is to say Confucius)

“We don’t know your surname yet, but can you see this?”

The nun held up a metal piece.

“Your name was written on it. Someone deliberately scratched out the surname so it’s unreadable…”



It’s a funny name, but anything suits a handsome face.

‘Just like fashion is completed by the face, a name’s completion is by the face too.’

I nodded.

‘As long as I’m handsome, it doesn’t matter if my name is Kongja.’

If you look good, even a rustic name can seem like a flower boy’s name.

The nun looked at me. I willingly stretched out my small hand.

“Our Kongja, your hands are so small and pretty.”

A baby’s hand is usually like this, isn’t it?

‘Well, this is the least that I can do for sister.’

I grabbed the nun’s finger tightly. It wasn’t much, but the nun smiled brightly.

“Konja, this old lady’s back was in so much pain lately. Even going to the hospital only helped temporarily, so I accepted it as a trial from the God. But since yesterday, my back has been perfectly fine. Why is that?”

Oh, it must have been very painful.

‘I made a wish.’

“Boo-baaah! Boo-ah!”

“Oh! How cute…”

The nun kissed my hand and said.

“Did our Kongja healed me?”

No, that’s not it.

I shook my head.

I’ve always tried to live a good life. Although healing the nun was more of an experiment.

‘But if it ends well, all is well, right?’

“Boo-ah! Byaa!”

When I flailed my arms and legs, the nun laughed.

“It’s fine if you grow up as my child, but our Kongja is so cute…”

The nun whispered softly.

“It would be nice if you could meet even better parents.”


‘Is she talking about adoption?’

I sighed. Isn’t that like a lottery?

“Well, there are parents who adopt and raise children well…”

I knew it wasn’t that easy.


If it happens, it’s better to go early.

Well, no. More important than timing is meeting good parents.

“Some people adopt kids just to get apartment subsidy.”

Compared to that, staying here is a hundred times better.

The nun’s rough hand caressed my cheek. I deliberately pressed my lips to her hand.

‘You are a truly good person.’


‘So if you’re hurting anywhere, please complain.’


I’ve received a coin of good fortune, so I will use it for you as much as I can.

“Oh, how adorable.”

[The nun is delighted to hear your cute babbling]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

[Total Coins: 71]


I tilted my head in confusion.

‘The amount seems to have decreased. It’s only going up by 1?’

What’s going on here?

I’ve decided to collect as many coins as I can, but now the rate of increase has slowed down?

‘Should I be more frugal with them, just in case?’

I looked at the nun. Her back had improved, and she seemed genuinely happy.

She was such a kind person.

‘Even so, for a nun like her, I should definitely use it!’

I spoke immediately.

‘Use a Love and Peace Coin!’

“Buuu! Bappaba, byabya!”

The sound was a dreadful babble, but…

‘It’s okay. I’m handsome!’

When you’re good-looking, everything’s fine!

I ignored my flushed face and looked at the subtitles.

[How would you like to use the Love and Peace Coin?]

‘Make the nun healthy!’


[To make the kind-hearted Sister Teresa healthy, 1,000 coins are needed. You do not have enough Love and Peace Coins]

I hiccupped in surprise.


Why are the prices like this?

‘Fixing her back was only 100 coins!’

Why does making her healthy cost 1,000 coins?

As I questioned this, the subtitles changed.

[Everything comes with a price]


Maybe it’s because I’m a child, but my whole body shook with each hiccup.

‘Is the nun in bad health?’

I carefully observed her.

The diligent nun was changing another child’s diaper. She was also soothing the crying baby.

‘Her complexion doesn’t look bad…’

Still, the price difference was significant.

‘Should I save up coins for now?’

How can I gather a thousand coins? Should I use them for something else?


The nun, having finished changing the other child’s diaper, looked at me with concern.

“Kongja, are you hiccupping? Do you want some water?”

She patted my belly gently. Suddenly, my heart felt warm.

This was truly unconditional love.

‘Be blessed, Sister!’

“Bupyabya, byabya!”

The nun smiled at me.

‘If I can’t make someone like her healthy, I’m not Lee Hanjoo, but Kim Hanjoo.’

I’ll even change my surname. Of course, in this life, my name is Kongja.

‘I will definitely make you healthy. Damn. When will I collect enough?’

So, what should I do?

‘To collect coins…’

I gazed at the nun. The answer was already clear.

‘I have to be cute!’

Overwhelmingly cute!

I smiled widely and flailed my arms and legs.

[The nun is delighted by your cute behavior]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

Oh, indeed!

I put my hand in my mouth and acted cute. The nun laughed along with me.

“Our little prince is so adorable!”

[The nun is delighted by your cute behavior]

[Love and Peace Coin +1]

[Total Coins: 73]

Just as I was about to continue being cute, another child started crying. The nun quickly went over to them.

Oh no.

Just as I figured out the method, I hit a limit.

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1 month ago

It was funny

24 days ago


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