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Controlled by an AI chapter 31

* * *

The PR team leader reported to Lee Tae-ho.

– The video is spreading too quickly. Reporters will soon take an interest, and articles will come out. Then it will inevitably be known that Min-ji was almost kidnapped.

“What’s the plan?”

– It’s better to guide the narrative ourselves from the start than to let negative articles come out.

“How do you intend to guide it?”

– We incorporate it into our movie promotion. Since we were the first to release the video, it shouldn’t be difficult.

Lee Tae-ho frowned.

“You’re telling me to use what happened to my daughter for movie promotion?”

– That’s not it. People already think this video is part of our movie promotion. So we spread that rumor ourselves to make journalists think the same.

“And we keep the witnesses quiet?”

– All the witnesses are either our people or the police. It’s possible.

“No matter how much we control it, the truth will eventually come out. There are too many witnesses.”

– Today’s incident is less serious than the one that ended a while ago. We just need to buy some time, even just a month, or even ten days.

“Buying time isn’t the entire plan, right?”

– If our movie becomes a hit, we can make people around Min-ji see her not as a victim but as someone who played a crucial role in a rescue operation.

“You’re planning to use the reshoot direction of the movie being action-focused.”

– Yes. That’s the best option.

Lee Tae-ho pondered for a moment.

There was no guarantee the PR team leader’s plan would work. If it went wrong, the company would take the blame.

But he couldn’t think of another way.

“Alright. Proceed as planned. If there’s any trouble, I’ll cover it, even if I have to empty my bank account, so don’t hold back.”

– I’ll get right on it.


A journalist received a call from the PR team leader at THO Entertainment.

“Oh, Mr. Koo. Haha. I’m on my way to dinner with other reporters. Why don’t you join us for a drink?”

– Sorry, our department is too busy today.

“Busy, you say? Busy….”

The journalist’s eyes lit up. A busy person calling a reporter? This wasn’t a courtesy call.

“Got any interesting news?”

– A video of people jumping onto a moving car and fighting surfaced on the internet today.

“Oh, that video? I’ve seen it too.”

– That’s a video we released.

“Wow, is that from a movie THO Entertainment is making? The video looked amazing. Especially the CGI. Which company did you outsource it to?”

– It’s hard to give details right now.

“What? If you’re not going to share anything, why call?”

– I wanted to ask for a good article about our movie ‘A Sunny Day,’ which is about to be released.

“Oh, well, I have dinner plans now, so we’ll talk later… haha.”

After hanging up, a fellow reporter asked.

“What was that about?”

“They want us to promote a movie. ‘A Sunny Day.’”

The fellow reporter smirked.

“Didn’t one of the actors get arrested at a drug party? That movie’s doomed anyway, so what’s the point?”

“THO Entertainment directly funded it. They’re trying to recoup some of the investment.”

“Then they should at least buy us drinks.”

“They didn’t, but they gave me some tidbit instead. Seen the video of people fighting on a moving car that surfaced online today?”

“Yeah, I saw it.”

“THO Entertainment made it.”

Director Son Tae-min spoke to the actors and staff.

“Everyone, this involves Min-ji directly.”

Lead actor Kim Yoo-chan chimed in.

“Min-ji is the vitamin of our set.”

“Until things settle down, nobody talks about what happened here today. Fortunately, we’re in the mountains with no outsiders, so as long as we keep quiet, it’ll stay a secret.”

Kim Yoo-chan asked.

“What about the detectives over there?”

“They said they’ll investigate privately for now.”

“That’s a relief.”

Pointing to the food truck, Son Tae-min said.

“And anyone who talks about today’s food truck guy will never see my face or CEO Lee Tae-ho’s face again.”

A lighting technician raised his hand.

“Director, we don’t know who the food truck guy is.”

Son Tae-min pointed at the technician and exclaimed.

“That’s the spirit! Exactly that!”

“But seriously, we don’t know.”


An article did come out, but it was about the reshooting of ‘A Sunny Day.’ The fact that THO Entertainment had released a video wasn’t even mentioned.

The article appeared on online community boards. People left comments.

– Wait a minute. The release date for ‘A Sunny Day’ is only a week away, and they’re reshooting?

– One of the major supporting actors was arrested at a drug party. If they want to release the movie, they have to reshoot all his scenes.

– So the release date will be postponed?

– The article says they’ll release it as scheduled.

– Wow. Seriously? They must be filming like crazy right now.

There were many negative comments too.

– Even for Director Son Tae-min, this is too much. How can they reshoot and edit everything within a week?

– If they sacrifice the quality, it’s possible.

– Then this movie will flop.

– This was one of the most anticipated movies of the year.

– It started grand but will end in failure.

– I need to cancel my ticket.

The assistant director reported.

“Director, about that café for tomorrow’s shoot. They’re asking for more money than last time.”

Son Tae-min paused from revising the script and looked up.


“They probably saw the news about our current situation.”

“Really? Pay them.”

“Excuse me?”

Son Tae-min raised his pen and shouted.

“What don’t we have right now? Time! We’re short on time, not money. Tell them we’ll pay double and not to take any customers from morning until night. Also, tell them we might break some things while shooting, and we’ll cover the damages.”

“But that would exceed our budget….”

“CEO Lee Tae-ho said we have unlimited budget! Go for it!”

“Yes, sir!”

Son Tae-min revised the script all night and arrived at the set early the next morning.

Even though he hadn’t slept, he didn’t look tired at all. In fact, there was a manic gleam in his eyes.

The Cameraman remarked.

“You’re full of energy like you’re on something.”

“Don’t mention drugs in front of me. We’re in this mess because of that junkie… ha ha ha.”

The Cameraman was worried.

“Director Son, are you really on something? Why are you laughing in this situation?”

Son Tae-min waved the newly printed script.

“I revised the script last night, and it came out fantastic. If we shoot it like this, the movie will be amazing… ha ha ha.”

The assistant director handed a copy of the revised script to the Cameraman, who skimmed through it.

“The revised parts feel very different. They came out great… Wait, Director Son?”


“This part here. No matter how urgent it is, isn’t describing the fight scene like this problematic?”

“What’s the problem? Did I tell them to jump off a building? To dodge bullets? To fly? What’s the issue?”

The Cameraman flipped through the script quickly.

“Look, all the fight scenes are just described as ‘they fight spectacularly.’ That’s it.”

“I wrote down who fights where, didn’t I?”

“If you hadn’t, I’d have thought it was a typo. What kind of script is this?”

“What can we do? We don’t have time to plan out the movements slowly. We don’t have time to set up wires and safety measures. So, all the fight scenes will have to…”

Son Tae-min turned towards Na Kang-in.

“Depend on Mr. Na Kang-in. He’ll make sure it looks great.”

“Wow, that’s….”

“I know it sounds crazy under normal circumstances. But right now, it’s the only way.”

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