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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 17

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A nondescript carriage slowed to a halt in front of the castle gate.

As the dust settled, a middle-aged man accompanied by a guard approached, waving his hand in the air and clearing his throat.

Half-closing his eyes, he muttered words he had repeated thousands of times.

“Hand over the carriage’s goods and the travel permit. The goods and the permit must match for passage. Show me the identification badges of everyone in your party.”

The Davnen territory, ruled by an earl, was situated just across a small mountain from the Holy City, so inspections were naturally strict.

The person sitting in the coachman’s seat fumbled inside their cloak, their gender difficult to discern due to a deeply pulled-down hood.

Just as the man squinted to compare their appearance to the description of a wanted criminal, a golden badge emerged from the coachman’s cloak.

No inspector would fail to recognize the emblem engraved on the badge, which symbolized a knight of the Erdian Order, specifically from the Temple Knights.


The man straightened his posture. The Erdian Order’s Temple Knights were an elite group selected for both their divine sensitivity and their exceptional combat skills.

It was said that the leader of the Temple Knights possessed divine power on par with the high priest.

Despite frequently dealing with priests and knights of the order while working as a gate inspector in Davnen, he had never once met someone of such high status in person.

“May we pass?”

The coachman, showing the Temple Knights’ badge, asked softly.

By regulation, carriages entering Davnen from the Holy City were required to have their goods inspected.

However, the carriages belonging to the Erdian Order were exempt from this rule.

Not only was it taboo to search the belongings of clergymen, but the sheer number of clergy passing through made it impractical.

“Of course. But if it’s not too much trouble, could I ask for a short prayer? I’ve been having restless dreams lately and feel anxious and tired. I won’t hold you up if you’re busy, though.”

“Restless dreams?”

The knight of the order, wearing a pendant, glanced at the haggard-looking inspector.

Dreams held significance for the Erdian Order.

Many frauds had claimed to receive divine revelations in dreams, falsely declaring themselves saints before the real one had appeared.

Noticing the knight’s interest, the inspector shot a quick glance at her.

Underneath his hood, his eyes gleamed red.

It wasn’t a common color, but he had no desire to offend a knight of the Temple Knights Order.

He had only requested the prayer to rid himself of the fatigue weighing on him.

“Yes. I had intended to visit the temple on my day off, but I’ve been too busy to even attend the prayer ceremony for the saint’s recovery. And ever since…”

It wasn’t a lie.

Ever since the divine message from Erdian urging attention to the saint, Davnen had been overwhelmed, inspecting nobles, merchants, and pilgrims heading to the Holy City.

The traffic was ten times what it had been even during the largest festivals, and the toll it took was evident.

The knight, seemingly understanding his hardship, nodded. From his calloused fingers, a soft light radiated.

“O noble one who watches over this land, illuminate the path of those who serve with your power. Relieve their bodily pains and grant them the wisdom to continue forward.”

The strength in the knight’s prayer was impressive. With a brightened expression, the inspector expressed his gratitude. He gestured for the guards to remove the barrier blocking the carriage, allowing it to pass.

“I should definitely attend the prayer service next time. After all, I received a prayer from a knight, so I should make a donation.”

Though his financial situation was tight, the prayer from a knight of the Temple Knights Order was worth it.

His body felt lighter, as if his exhaustion had melted away.

Watching the slow-moving carriage, he smiled. Inside, two clergymen sat behind drawn curtains.

Just as the inspector’s eyes met those of one of the clergymen through the clear, sunlit window…


For a brief moment, the clergyman’s ordinary brown eyes flashed gold.

‘Did I just imagine that?’

The inspector turned completely around, staring at the back of the carriage in a daze, until the coachman of the next wagon cautiously approached him.

“Um, Inspector, shall I show you our caravan’s transit badge and travel permit?”

The inspector naturally accepted the documents, turning back to the task at hand.

‘I definitely need to attend that prayer service this time.’

His face, full of resolve, looked much more lively.

Seo Woohyun stepped down from the carriage, glancing around. It hadn’t been long since they started the journey, and now stepping out again so soon felt awkward.

“Seel, how are you feeling?”

“…Oh, yes. I’m fine.”

Seo Woohyun shot a glance at Erdian, who had just called him by his fake name.

Despite reminding both Raullet and Giselle before the trip to be careful with names and attitudes, Erdian had been calling his name freely throughout the ride.

‘He switches his tone like flipping a coin.’

The god, who stood comfortably among humans, now spoke in a casual tone, quite different from the refined, elegant way he usually spoke.

If Seo Woohyun hadn’t known he was a god, he might have mistaken him for an ordinary peer.

“There’s a marketplace nearby. Want to check it out?”

“A marketplace?”

“Yeah, it’s a bit chaotic with all the stuff for sale, but it’s fun.”

The subtle smile on Erdian’s face still felt unfamiliar.

His change in tone made him seem like a completely different person from the one Seo Woohyun had first met.

When Seo Woohyun hesitated, Erdian suddenly leaned in close.

“Are you feeling sick? About to throw up?”

“No, it’s just… your tone is throwing me off. But I’m fine, let’s go.”


“Yes, really.”

His handsome face was too close for comfort, so Seo Woohyun subtly shifted away.

The others from their group were still chatting with the carriage station manager.

“Here, take this.”

Erdian handed over a heavy coin pouch. It had a latch at the top and showed signs of use.

Inside were several gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

As Seo Woohyun blinked in confusion, wondering if it was meant for him or if this was the start of a quest, Erdian grinned.

“Spend it however you like. If you run out, I’ll give you more.”

“I thought you were giving me a shopping quest.”

“If you want one, I can give you that too.”

“I wouldn’t mind. Collecting stamps is fun.”

“Then why don’t you exercise more?”


“I’m joking.”

Erdian chuckled and draped his arm over Seo Woohyun’s shoulder.

The sudden warmth and proximity made Seo Woohyun’s heart race.

His casual speech, striking appearance, and the comfort of his touch were disarming.

If he weren’t a god, I’d probably be falling for him.

Seo Woohyun quickly dismissed such blasphemous thoughts, glancing up at the sky instead.

“Alright, let’s go. If it’s boring, just tell me. I’ll make it fun.”

What would this mischievous god do if I told him it was boring?

Seo Woohyun clutched the coin pouch tightly and kept his eyes forward, not daring to look at Erdian.

Despite his playful tone, knowing who he really was made it impossible to take anything lightly.

“…Let’s go already.”


Erdian waved off the group following behind them.

“Seel and I are going to check out the market. We’ll catch up with you later, okay?”

Raullet Biffel, the leader of the Temple Knights, hidden under a deep hood and dressed in plain clothes, nodded slowly.

He had nearly lost his life once during his days as a squire, saved by a priest of the order.

That event had solidified his devotion, leading him to join the Temple Knights.

“See you soon.”

Erdian quickly turned away after shaking off the troublemakers.

Due to the significant difference in size, Seo Woohyun’s body was almost completely hidden behind Erdian’s broad back.

Erdian hadn’t removed the arm draped over Seo Woohyun’s shoulders, causing Seo Woohyun to tilt slightly to one side.

Seo Woohyun peeked out just enough to glance at the others and gave a signal with his eyes.

“I’ll be back soon.”

His large eyes blinked rapidly, unable to hide his anticipation.

The faint blush on his cheeks made it obvious to anyone that he was eager for a trip to the market.

The group nodded and saw them off.

“Take your time.”

After all, the irregular inspection and the relic delivery were just excuses.

The trip to the temple in the Duchy of Soznian was clearly the Saint’s first outing.

It looked like a date between Erdian and the Saint, but no one dared to say it aloud.

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4 days ago

It is one 🤭

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