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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 12

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As he shook out his hair, red strands scattered into the air before settling on his notably pale face.

If Henry’s face looked somewhat cold and ascetic, this man exuded a somewhat alluring aura.

Seemingly aware of his own appearance, the man winked at Henry.

“I don’t really like it when men wink.”

Henry was not pleased at all to receive an unsolicited wink from a man he didn’t recognize.

The man was tall, with fair skin, and his build was not at all slender.

Who was this light-hearted man?

“Did you forget about me?”

Henry squinted as he examined the man. How could this person possibly know Henry?

Henry, who lacked nothing, was particularly meticulous about distinguishing his social interactions.

Commoners were never treated as equals, and this man, with his frivolous tone and expression, did not seem like a noble, making him the type Henry disliked.

‘Originally, Henry wouldn’t acknowledge someone unless he needed them.’

When Henry’s character was thoroughly detailed in the past, he was especially crucial as a villain.

The character was carefully crafted to consistently commit evil deeds until meeting a miserable end, and this detailed information was proving very useful now.

Nevertheless, Henry still had no idea who this man was.

“I’m Hook. Did you like the item I provided last time?”


Henry took a hint from his words.

“It’s been a while.”

Although Hook was the type of person Henry disliked, there was someone he kept around. Hook, the son of a fallen noble, was a powerful figure in the back alleys.

Through him, Henry could obtain poison, hire errand boys, and continue his wicked deeds.

Of course, Henry had no intention of engaging in any evil deeds at the moment, so he could dismiss him…

“You’ve become so much better looking that I didn’t recognize you.”

“I didn’t expect to hear that from you, Young Master Henry. Actually, I was just anxiously waiting to be scolded by you.”

“Why would I scold you?”

“Well… for pretending to know me in such a public place?”

Hook’s tone rose at the end of his sentence. There might have been a reason why Hook approached Henry despite knowing he was disliked, but the Henry he knew was not one to make exceptions.

“To think that you need to watch my mood just to greet me… you must have had a tough time.”

Hook looked genuinely surprised at Henry’s words. It wasn’t that a commoner was daring enough to speak to him, but the fact that Henry acknowledged his hardships.

“No, it’s not that it was tough… it was just…”

For the first time, Hook hesitated and fumbled for words, losing his usual composure. In the midst of his fluster, Sir Teher placed the scabbard against Hook’s chest.

“Don’t come any closer.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. My apologies.”

Hook raised his hand to push the scabbard away, replying to Sir Teher with a slightly respectful tone.

Sir Teher, in response, pressed the scabbard with more force against Hook’s chest.

As a tense standoff ensued, Henry’s moderate voice intervened.

“Both of you, stop.”

Henry, still calmly drinking tea, separated them with a composed expression.

As Sir Teher withdrew the scabbard and returned to his place, Henry looked at Hook.

“Sorry, my bodyguard is just doing his duty. There’s no need to apologize for the sudden encounter.”

“I am the one who should apologize.”

“Just be careful next time.”

Henry’s sharp remark about not missing the next opportunity left Hook speechless.

He felt that the formerly prickly young master was now more difficult to deal with.

“So, what do you have to say to me?”

“Well, I was wondering if you had forgotten how to find me since you haven’t been looking for me. You haven’t forgotten, have you? Just hang the red string I gave you anywhere, and I will appear.”

“I’ll remember.”

Henry stored the information he gained from meeting Hook in his mind.

He had thought it would be good to meet someone like Hook while contemplating Henry, and now knowing how to meet him was not without benefit.

“I want to emphasize that I always perform customer requests to the highest standard.”

“I know.”

The more you pay, the harder I work, that’s clear. So, despite Henry being a villain in the original story and causing harm to others, Hook had admirably followed along.

Thus, despite their mutual needs, they ironically maintained a close relationship by doing their best.

“Well then, see you next time.”

Hook lightly put on his hat again and backed away. He cast a peculiar glance at Henry before disappearing among the crowd.

Henry rested his chin on his hand as he watched Hook.

Even in the novel, only a little was revealed about him, and the author had deliberately remained vague to preserve his mysterious image.

Consequently, Henry knew Hook to some extent, but not completely.

He didn’t even know what Hook’s true nature was at this moment.

While Henry was observing Hook, someone approached. Henry sighed silently at the unmistakable presence of the approaching individual.

“I never expected to be dealing with someone like that.”

Henry frowned at the tone of the speaker, who seemed to have a confrontational attitude. It would have been better if they had simply passed by as strangers.

“Why don’t you just go away?”

Henry waved his hand dismissively beneath the table, keeping his gaze fixed ahead. Despite his usual disdain for such behavior, his current demeanor was anything but graceful or aristocratic. Edwin, not only annoyed by Henry’s dismissive attitude but also by his frivolous gesture, raised one eyebrow slightly.

Not only did the person seem entirely out of place, but Edwin also showed no sign of being flustered, even when caught. On the contrary, he seemed to be bothered by the entanglement, with his red hair getting disheveled. When he met the red-haired man, he even smiled as if it was amusing, but now he treated Edwin like an annoying obstacle.

The way Edwin frowned at Henry after starting a conversation and exuded an aura of not wanting to talk further was evident. Even when Henry, aware of Edwin’s gaze, merely pouted his lips in response, it was clear that he was not pleased.

What on earth was going on?

Edwin observed Henry, noting his crossed legs and the way his toes hovered in the air, a sight Edwin had never seen before. This was not the usual proud and poised Henry, who always held himself upright and with chin lifted.

Yet, despite the change in demeanor, Henry’s gaze, which had always seemed indifferent, was now clearly directed elsewhere. He looked as if he was completely shutting Edwin out, consistent with his behavior at the palace but still awkward. It was not the Henry who used to seek his affection.

Henry seemed to be purposefully avoiding Edwin, slightly turning his body as if to say, “Why are you still here?” It felt as though he was adhering strictly to his earlier claim of having no other thoughts.

Could it be that he had truly given up on Edwin?

Given the many times Edwin had been at the receiving end of Henry’s behavior, could he trust Henry’s words now, especially after only two encounters, including what happened at the palace? Edwin squinted his eyes as he studied Henry.

Henry, biting his lower lip, was unaware that his lips had reddened. His gaze darted to his own lips. It wasn’t only women who were observing Henry. Regardless of gender, age, or background, everyone was captivated by him.

Edwin sensed a shift in Henry’s demeanor. Despite being a beta male, Henry radiated elegance and beauty combined with an intimidating firmness that made him seem unapproachable. The unexpected vulnerability he showed when accepting the man named Hook made Edwin focus on Henry even more.

The person before him was not the Henry he knew. So, could it really be?

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1 month ago

Thanks for the update

30 days ago

Sounds like jealousy to me 😗

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