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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 14

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To be honest, even if it couldn’t hurt CEO Han emotionally, the chairman’s actions reflected his impatience.

Wealthy families often hoped to secure good marriage alliances, but CEO Han refused, pursuing relationships with male betas instead.

If I were the chairman, I might have broken CEO Han’s legs for such defiance.

Thinking about how to respond to Director Jang, I answered smoothly, “Yes.”

The fifth rule for a secretary: lie if it concerns the boss’s safety.

Director Jang’s face fell at my capable lie. “I thought so. You remembered every attendee…”

“As I said before, there’s no need to memorize everyone. Knowing names, faces, and jobs suffices.”

“But you always remember everything, Secretary Seonyul. It took me forever to memorize all the participants this time… How long did it take you?”

“A day.”

To be exact, 2 hours and 15 minutes. Most people were already known to me, so it was just a matter of confirming their details.

Director Jang overwhelmed by my response, hurriedly followed Jeong Gayun out of the hall, visibly shocked to see Jeong Gayun leaving with a pretty female omega.

I shifted my focus back to the ongoing conversation. Despite the absence of CEO Han, key figures from Daewon Group were all present, naturally drawing everyone’s attention.

“How could you keep rejecting such a perfect bride?”

A perfect bride, indeed. What nonsense. The only reason Kim Jungha was the remaining unmarried omega in the Kim family was sheer coincidence.

The chairman’s description of him as a perfect bride was absurd. From what I knew, Jungha had quite the temper. His coy behavior was pure pretense.

Blushing deeply at the chairman’s compliment, Jungha clasped his hands and replied modestly, “No, Chairman, I’m not that perfect…”

“Nonsense! It’s just that Han Doha is out of his mind. Tsk.”

Watching the chairman praise Jungha, I wondered when this farce would end.

I lifted my head to catch the flow of the conversation, noticing three pairs of eyes on me.

What now? Didn’t this happen before? Suddenly aware of their focus, I rolled my eyes.

The chairman’s low, steady voice reached me.

“While you replace other secretaries weekly, you keep Secretary Seonyul for a long time. Could the beta man you mentioned be Secretary Seonyul?”

“You should watch your words, seriously. You talking about my secretary is starting to really piss me off.”

I tried to ignore the statement, smoothing my face to hide my irritation.

“Why drag me into this all of a sudden?”

I tried to avoid the sudden attention on me, keeping a neutral expression.

These damn Hans with their nonsensical rants must have gotten it from the chairman.

That’s why they can spout such nonsense with a straight face.

“A guy who couldn’t keep a secretary for two months suddenly stuck with one for eight years? Secretary Seonyul! Tell me! What have you been doing with this guy?”

Only then did I realize why CEO Han had insisted on bringing me along to this impromptu party with the promise of extra pay.

Eight years as a secretary, by now I should know my boss’s intentions with my eyes closed… but all I really knew were his sexual preferences and minor habits.

I’m not a god; how could I possibly know everything about him?

I glanced into the distance for a moment, then looked at the Han family.

Damn Hans.

Watching the chairman’s trembling, wrinkled fingers, I unclasped my hands and bowed politely, deliberately avoiding looking at CEO Han.

It was my form of silent rebellion.

“Recently, there’s been a trend in various media linking bosses and their secretaries in romantic dramas and novels. I understand your concerns, Chairman, but unfortunately, my relationship with CEO Han doesn’t fit any of the four letters in the word LOVE. I believe I mentioned this before. Please, don’t let temporary trends affect your judgment of our relationship.”

Don’t pair me with that bastard.

Otherwise, I swear I’ll quit and run away immediately.

As I finished speaking with a quiet smile, the chairman looked at me with a peculiar expression.

Standing next to the glaring CEO Han, I continued to smile.

The sixth rule for secretaries: Treat the boss’s family as you would the boss himself.

Smile, smile. Damn it. The painful reality that all I could do was smile in the presence of the people who paid me and their superiors hit me hard.

Damn internet novels.

Damn dramas.

Damn novels.

Why do people link secretaries and employers out of all professions?

As a professional in this field, it was incredibly frustrating. It wasn’t the first time, but every time I heard it, it made my insides churn.

“Goddamn bastards wasting oxygen…”

In the lavish bathroom, I turned on the faucet and downed another dose of suppressants and antacids.

My face in the mirror looked pale. I still felt queasy. It was only 8 PM. The party was just getting started, and it seemed my departure would be past midnight.

Thinking about the end of my workday made my head spin. I bowed my head and sighed. I desperately wished my sighs and curses would wash away with the water.

Despite having heard countless comments linking me and CEO Han, it still made my heart sink every time. How dare they pair me with that morally bankrupt bastard?

“Long time no see, Secretary Seonyul.”

Startled by the sudden greeting in the bathroom, I looked up to see Kim Jungha. He handed me a handkerchief with a shy smile.

Reflexively, I accepted it politely but quickly returned it since my hands weren’t wet.

“No, please use it yourself, Jungha.”

“Right? I should.”

Kim Jungha, responding lightly, threw the handkerchief into the trash. Must have learned that from CEO Han.

Seeing this, I thought he should be paired with CEO Han, not CEO Han.

Why did that idiot have to get engaged and complicate things?

Noticing that he thought I was shocked by his action, Kim Jungha smiled sweetly.

It didn’t affect me, but he seemed to think otherwise.

“Know your place, right?”

Though his tone was irritating, I was used to it, especially from Kim Jungha.

If CEO Han was Dog No.1, Kim Jungha was Dog No.2.

Damn bastards.

Suppressing my thoughts, I bowed my head as a dutiful employee in a capitalist society.

“…I understand your concerns, Jungha….”

“Do you expect me to believe you when you’re covered in my man’s pheromones?”

His face remained calm, but his words did not.

I blinked, trying to comprehend his statement. Pheromones?

I raised my arm and sniffed, but there was no scent.

The bathroom’s air freshener was the only thing I could smell.

No matter how many suppressants I took, I should have been able to detect it if there was a scent.

Ah, maybe it was just a bluff.

Kim Jungha had improved a lot.

Evolving from irritating comments to bluffs.

Indeed, humans are creatures of evolution.

Should I feel proud of his growth?

After a moment of contemplation, I spoke.

“I’ve spent a lot of time with the CEO, so it must have rubbed off on me. Sorry I didn’t notice since I’m a beta. I’ll spray some deodorant right away.”

“You expect me to believe that now?!”

Ignoring his outburst, I lightly sprayed the deodorant I always carried in my inner pocket, smiling softly like dealing with a child.

How could a twenty-two-year-old, practically a newborn, understand a working adult’s hardships?

That’s why I had to smile.

I wasn’t cruel enough to reveal the harshness of this world to someone so naive.

“Jungha, I have no interest in the CEO. Honestly, I’d love to send you a list of his preferences from food to men, but I’m bound by a confidentiality agreement. I hope you understand.”

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I love this series

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Thanks for the chapter

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