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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 11

* * *

My heart was racing. Though there was usually little distance between Baek Gunho and me, we’d never been this close in such an intimate position.

I tried to push Baek Gunho away, but he held me firmly, unlike his usual self, not letting go.

“Hey, Baek Gunho.”


“Baek Gunho!”

I kicked and punched him.

If I used my skills with full force, I might be able to push him away, but it would reveal that I’m S-rank, so I had to control my strength.

However, my weak attempts didn’t make Baek Gunho budge.

“What are you doing, you crazy bastard…”

Without responding to my words, Baek Gunho stayed buried in my neck, taking deep breaths as if smelling me. H

is breathing kept gnawing at my sanity.

Should I just attack him…

In this absurd situation, my brain was coming up with equally absurd conclusions.

Of course, unlike Baek Gunho, I was a rational person, so it was just a thought.

But still, he should let go by now…

Just when I was mentally exhausted and about to give up, Baek Gunho finally let go of me.

I glared fiercely at him, and he just shrugged with an innocent look.

“I thought I smelled a monster.”

“What smell… Are you a dog?”

“What were you doing?”

“…I was quietly taking shelter.”

Baek Gunho remained silent and just stared at me. That gaze was… eerie. It was unlike the usual Baek Gunho. I awkwardly laughed and hit him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Shut up, this is serious.”

Baek Gunho warned me in a voice devoid of humor. I had no choice but to close my mouth.

It was because Baek Gunho had never spoken to me like this before. He would tease or criticize me, calling me unlucky or an icon of misfortune, but he had never said something was serious.

Is something really wrong? I got scared. But nothing particularly unusual had happened.

Then, suddenly, Baek Gunho drew his sword. The sword, shining brilliantly even in the shade, was his main weapon, [Fragment of the Sun]. He gripped it firmly and stabbed it into the ground.

[Fragment of the Sun] can cut through both real objects and shadows. The shadow at the spot where the sword was stabbed split as if torn apart.

Baek Gunho pulled out the sword and stabbed the shadow several more times. His serious expression while stabbing the shadow made him look like a madman who should be reported immediately.

“What are you doing…”

At my call, Baek Gunho glanced at me.


“Who’s scared?”


Baek Gunho scoffed, making a ridiculous remark. I could hear my pride shattering. I wasn’t scared; I was just tense because of his strange actions.

Unable to explain, I instead kicked Baek Gunho’s shin. He looked at me calmly, unaffected, then took a step back. I sighed in relief inwardly.

“Are you going to work?”


“I asked if you’re going to work.”

What’s with him spouting nonsense earlier and suddenly asking about work?

I nodded reluctantly.

“Yeah, I have to.”

Checking my watch, I saw it was almost noon. If it were around 4 PM, I could skip work, but it was too early for that, unfortunately.

At my words, Baek Gunho frowned openly.

“Why would you, looking so pale?”

“No, it’s just…”

“You’re scared because it was brutal.”

“No, I’m not!”

If I said it was because of his strange actions, he’d just say “Scared?” again. Baek Gunho didn’t listen to me at all.

“Tell them you broke your leg while escaping.”

“Hey, barely anyone’s injured, why would…”

“Do you want me to break it for you?”

“Did you get hit in the head by a monster?”

“I’ll break it painlessly.”

Baek Gunho looked over my leg and said. I subtly moved my leg back, feeling chilled.

“Look at me like that again and I’ll report you.”

“Seriously, G.O is the problem…”

“Why G.O all of a sudden.”

“Why did he slice up the monster and scare you.”

“I told you, I’m not scared!”

Hearing him call me G.O made me feel strange. It was my own nickname, but hearing it felt like it was constantly stirring up my dark past…

“I should half-kill him if I catch him.”

“Okay. Then I’m heading to work.”

When I changed the subject quickly, Baek Gunho frowned deeply. He seemed quite displeased with my going to work.

He sighed, looking at my legs with regretful eyes.

“Why don’t you just go and marry your job?”

“Shut up.”

Don’t say something so dreadful, seriously.

Does he think I want to go to work?

I’m just doing it because of the kidnapping incident.

“I’ll give you a ride.”

“You don’t have to stay?”

“The dungeon break is over, no reason to.”

Usually, hunters stay until the cleanup after a dungeon break is complete, but… there was no point applying normal rules to Baek Gunho.

I reluctantly told him to do as he pleased, and Baek Gunho contacted someone. Soon, his car arrived in the alley.

“Mr. Heewon, it’s been a while.”

Baek Gunho’s secretary, Ahn Sangwook, greeted me brightly. Baek Gunho clicked his tongue at Sangwook’s words.

“The less we see each other, the better.”

“That’s true too. Please get in. I’ll take you.”

When I got in the car, Baek Gunho naturally sat next to me. As the car started moving, he continued to stare at me intently, as if extending his earlier strange behavior.

Even when the car arrived at my company, his persistent gaze didn’t waver.

“You know, even low-rank monsters are dangerous.”

“…What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Do you know or not?”

“Of course I do.”


Baek Gunho’s face was serious as he stated something even a kindergarten kid would know.

“If anything happens, contact me immediately.”

Would you contact someone like him? I knew he’d hold me back if I said that honestly, so I just nodded.

“Don’t just say it, really contact me.”

“Got it, man.”

I gave a half-hearted answer and got out of the car.

Fortunately, my company was understanding about my tardiness.

The rest of the day was so busy with work that I didn’t have a moment to think.


Title: G.O’s Form is Insane


I was wondering if he was dead since he hadn’t shown up for a while, but his monster-slaying class is crazy. No low-rank monster can even compare.


  • As expected of G.O lol

  • G.O fanboy detected

    └ Is praising G.O always being a fanboy?

    └ Praising a guy who can’t reveal his identity, lol

    └ Better than an incompetent who can’t do anything despite being high-ranked

    └ Better than someone who’s up to something shady behind the scenes

    └ Cut it out, I’ll report you all

Title: G.O is Definitely S-Rank

Today settles the debate. Those who doubted G.O was S-rank can shut up now.


  • Even if you hate G.O, he’s definitely S-rank

    └ Honestly, it’s weird to claim he’s A-rank after all the videos

  • I was blown away by today’s video, changed my pants three times

    └ Maybe because it was so brutal?

    └ Who hunts monsters like that

    └ You could see people throwing up in the background, lol

Title: G.O is Probably an I on the MBTI

Doesn’t seem to like attention, probably an I.


  • But he gets a ton of attention already

  • Has MBTI invaded here too?

    └ Infiltration lol

  • I bet G.O is AB blood type

    └ I think he’s a sensitive Cancer

Title: Baek Gunho was Crazy Today Too

From the way he acts, he seems like he’d just bulldoze everything, but his control is crazy delicate. It looks like he’s just stabbing randomly, but he only hits the monsters without damaging anything else.


  • Baek Gunho is a jerk, but his skills are top-notch

    └ His attitude is consistent no matter who he’s dealing with, which is kinda okay

    └ True, he’s equally a jerk to everyone

Title: Isn’t it Time to Identify G.O?

Isn’t it weird that G.O’s identity hasn’t been revealed yet in a country full of CCTV?


  • We should recognize the agency’s incompetence

    └ For real lol

  • He only appears in crowded places, so isn’t it natural they can’t find him?

    └ Don’t defend the agency, it spoils them

Title: Seo Hoon is the Only Trustworthy One in the Administration Bureau

No wonder Seo Hoon is still out in the field even in his fifties, haha


  • Goshoun, panting
    └ Here comes the pervert
    └ Cutehoun, panting
    └ Houunchan, I’d let you have my back anytime
    └ Think about Seo Hoon’s feelings too

  • Isn’t Seo Hoon getting married? I’m thirty… I want to marry him
    └ I heard Seo Hoon’s son is in his twenties;;
    └ This is so hot, seriously
    └ What part of that sentence is hot;;;;
    └ -Clueless about what’s hot-

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you

1 month ago


21 days ago


11 days ago

does heewon’s uncle have a fan club??

1 day ago


Last edited 1 day ago by Banana
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