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Superstar from age 0 chapter 159

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Translator: IDCboutmyusername

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The movie soon started.

Beep Beep beep

It was the alarm ringing.

The girl jumped out of bed quickly and turned off the alarm.

“Rebecca! Hurry up and get up!”

“I’m up!”

[Why do you need to do music?]

Like any other peaceful normal days, her Dad was working on his cell phone while reading the newspaper. Meanwhile, her mom was talking to someone on the phone.

[Talent? Effort?]

“A new violin teacher is coming today, so don’t miss it. You have to study well because you’re a student of a famous person. Do you know how much a lesson costs?”


[No, it’s because of money]

Rebecca and her friend George met a child in the park. A lonely black-and-white child in a colorful park, full of melancholy.

On the audience.

That’s Lee Seojun? It took them a while to realize.

The depressed child was not like Lee Seojun at all. The image of Prince Seongnyeong, and the image of Jin Natra… None of them were visible. Right now, he was Gray himself.

As he played with Rebecca and George, Gray was getting brighter and brighter.

Everyone smiled at Gray’s happy and colorful face. Even the viewer felt happy with child’s expression, from black and white, turned into colored face.

This is healing…

Watching the children laughing, the audience quickly forgot the serious narration.

They like Gray’s remarkable growth in his violin skills, but they felt sorry for him, who was already worried about money. Children shouldn’t worry about those things.

Everyone smiled at Gray’s appearance with Teacher Swallow, whom his mother found for him.

The audience could see at a glance that Gray liked the teacher.
They read books together, watched violinists’ videos, listened to music, and shared their own insights.

Gray’s appearance of studying at home and waiting for the day of Violin Class.

Next scene was Gray running towards the apartment next to the bridge with a beautiful bright smile.

With the combo of an ideal teacher and pupil, everyone thought, “He is a good teacher, Gray got a good teacher.”

They expected Gray to soar higher like what he did on the eighth week of busking.

“I have a teacher.”

Rebecca and George rejoiced at Gray’s shy attitude. Everyone smiled at Gray’s enthusiastic praise for his teacher. But those smile didn’t last long either.

Gray put his chin on the violin. Rebecca’s bright smile slowly turned stiff. The audience was confused at the sight.

Why? Isn’t this a good posture?

The cause was soon discovered. The messy performance rang on the speakers. Some of the audiences were so surprised that they shook their popcorn with fright and almost stood up from their seats.

What’s wrong with him?

The Spring- The Four Seasons that he learned from Rebecca.  The Spring sound that was clumsy but somewhat improved, right now…

“What a mess!” Rebecca frustratedly exclaimed.

When Gray heard that, there was a sudden flashback scene.

Behind Teacher Swallow was a swindler who didn’t even know the B note of the violin.

The horrifying twist left the audience’s mouth wide open.

“Is he really a violinist?”

With Gray’s desperate face, the audiences felt confused deep inside.

Wasn’t he a good guy? The audience, who forgot to eat the food in their hands, was now hooked up with the story.

Rebecca and George decided to visit Teacher Swallow with Gray. There must be some reason.

The next day.

The three children with slim hope, headed to Down Rock.

George’s brother decided to go with them when his parents told him that it wasn’t good to let them go there alone without adults. Down Rock was filled with scary neighborhood.

It rained and the truth came out. As they are exposed to the truth, the audience closed their mouths.

Tears came out of Gray’s eyes as he walked down the dark road. Gray and his mother were seen bawling.

After that, Rebecca and George were seen crying in her room. Rebecca, covered herself with blankets and sobbed.

[What do I need to do music?]

At first, it was a voice with sincerity and desperation, unlike the light tone without much thought. The lines reminded the audience of the narration that had been on television for weeks.

[Talent? Effort?]

Gray, smiling brightly like a flower, was seen resting his chin on the violin. Rebecca shed tears when she recalled that scene.

[No, it’s money!]

[If I had money, I could buy a violin that I can use. I could get a good teacher other than that con artist! Money, if I had money!]

Lonely, she remembered Gray disappearing into the rain alone, and Rebecca buried her face in the pillow again and cried.

[There was no reason for Gray to cry…]

Among the audience there were also some people crying.

Some cried because they felt sorry for Gray’s situation, and other cried because they remembered the memory of having to forget their dream for money.

Lee Mi-yeon and Park Sung-ah also wiped away their tears.

Even when the audience was immersed with Gray’s emotions, the scene in the movie continued to pass.

The audience cried once more at the sight of music papers in front of Gray and the violin leaning at the door. They were speechless by the genius Gray, who could not let go of the music even in such despair.

Gray was composing like crazy with his head down, when he finished he raised his head. A tearful face appeared.

Two days later. At the park.

Gray left his room after two days of closing himself. He ran. He ran toward the park.

‘It’s already been two days.’

Days have already passed since that day.

He was afraid that he would have no friends anymore after he wanted to meet them two days later. He didn’t want them to be disappointed.

But Gray ran. They were good friends.

He didn’t want it to end like this. He took a short breath and headed to the place they met every day.

Gray, who was running fast, found something and stopped slowly.

A rainbow.

What’s at the end of the rainbow?


“You’re late!”

They were friends giving a warm smile to each other.

The sight was so, so movijg that Gray finally burst into tears. At Gray’s cry Rebecca and George began to cry, too.

“I though you wouldn’t come out anymore.”

“I was very scared because you didn’t come…”

“……I’m sorry I’m late.”

Three children’s eyes were swollen after crying. The children forgot that they cried and burst into laughter after they looked into each other eyes.

Gray cheerfully laughed as if he had let go of all his sorrow.

The children, who cried, laughed, and finally lost energy, ate the snacks that George brought to replenished their strength.

Gray laughed because he was happy. He felt that way because he was happy. He was scared for failure and be frustrated again, but everyone was cheering for him. He didn’t want to give up either.



“Can you teach me how to play the violin again?”

Rebecca and George shouted in surprise at Gray’s words.


“Yes, I want to learn again. I am currently a mess, but…… Can you teach me again?”

“Of course! You’re a genius! You’ll problem learn it right away!”

Rebecca said with a smile.

“I’m sure Rebecca will soon run out of things to teach.” George added with a serious tone.

His voice and red eyes did not match, but Rebecca and Gray both nodded at the seriousness.

“You need a proper teacher, too.”


Gray shuddered at the word of ‘teacher’, but still nodded. George went on.

“And you need the money.”

Money. It was hard for adult to earn but harder for children. Who wants to hire children to work in place of the adults? There was a heavy silence between the three children.

“So I looked it up. Busking, what do you think?”

“Busking? I don’t think I can earn that much from busking”

“It’s not just busking. Let’s upload your busking on YouTube.”


Rebecca and Gray was confused why YouTube.

“There are a lot of videos on YouTube teaching me on how to edit. I will learn it very quickly. Hopefully, we are able to post your busking and attract viewers but now you are not good as the violinist in other videos.”

George’s eyes sparkled while talking

“However, this not the only thing we can earn money from.”

George added with suspense. Gray and Rebecca were now full of anticipation.

“What is it?”

He studied video editing during the family trip, and he searched ways to earn while waiting for Gray during these two days.


“……What is that?”

“It’s about sponsoring, donating, and investing in people. It’s means if we post Gray’s story, we might get sponsored.”

Rebecca and Gray’s eyes twinkled at George mentioning ‘sponsor’.

“Not only that, but I’m learning things like opening a YouTube channel,” he said. “Rather than waiting to be sponsored after posting the story, if you show it in a video, it is easy to get trust it and be sponsored.”

The two children listened enthusiastically and George, who was excited, continued.

“Of course, sponsorship won’t go so well. There are many other more tear-jerking stories than Gray’s out there. The YouTube channel is Plan B. I don’t know if we can make a profit, though”

It’s uncertain. They might get disappointed at the process. Rebecca and George looked at Gray.

“What do you think, Gray? Woth crowdfunding you can be sponsored, but your story will be known to many people.”

George quietly told him the advantages and disadvantages of sharing his story on the Internet.

George was ready to help Gray no matter what decision he will make. Gray smiled brightly looking at the eyes of his friend.

“I want to. Let’s do it.”

‘I want to learn the violin.’ That’s what Gray thought.

Since then, children have started filming videos to post on crowdfunding sites and YouTube.

Gray gave up all the bad habits and learned from Rebecca again from the beginning. He learned it faster than before with his dazzling talent.

Rebecca kept asking questions to her violin teacher and participated hard in the classes she took. George also researced means to make Gray more popular.

“Today is your first performance, right?”

So the first busking performance was decided. They asked the park manager and found a place where they could busk.

Gray, who was playing the violin for the first time in public, went through the score with a nervous face again and again.

Although it was shabby, this will be his very first performance in front of an audience.

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  1. farah says:


  2. Riezz says:

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Alash says:


  4. Star says:


  5. Kry says:


  6. AndySummer says:


  7. Rina says:

    Love 3

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