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ACTSV chapter 35

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Im Gipyo ignored numerous calls and messages from the factory manager. Messages stating that it was absolutely impossible became less frequent and eventually stopped coming after a few hours. He assumed the factory was now running the lines.

‘There’s nothing that can’t be done! If you push, everything gets done.’

However, when he messaged the factory manager the next day to check on progress, there was no reply.

He thought they might be busy with production and, dreaming of the incentives he’d receive, didn’t worry.

The day before the delivery date arrived. By now, the factory should have contacted him, but there was no news.

He called to check when the production would be completed. The response was not what he wanted.

“What? The production items have changed?”

― The factory was sold two days ago. Over half of the existing products are no longer being produced.

“What? How could you tell me this now? Why did the boss suddenly change?”

― How would I know? Who ignored my calls from the start? And who are you to yell at me, a younger person?

Im Gipyo couldn’t hide his bewilderment as the call abruptly ended. This was an unexpected turn of events.

Realizing this situation was beyond his control, he reported it to his boss.

The boss, sounding equally surprised, asked, ― The factory was sold?

“I tried to check how much had been produced, but they said the boss changed and they’re no longer producing…”

― Are you crazy? The delivery is due tomorrow!

“I’m losing my mind too! Wasn’t the factory owner a friend of yours? How could it suddenly be sold?”

― He said he was going abroad two days ago… stabbing me in the back like this? That bastard!

The boss’s anger was palpable even through the phone.

He was not a man to be taken lightly. Though he now had a legitimate business, he originally ran a significant loan company.

Im Gipyo flinched at the sound of glass shattering. The boss must have thrown something in his rage.

― You said the penalty was set at 33 times! Im Gipyo, if we end up paying the penalty, you’re going to handle it all! Got it? Fix this immediately!


The call ended abruptly, leaving Im Gipyo’s face contorted.

The factory manager being the boss’s acquaintance had allowed him to make unreasonable demands and conceal discrepancies in the product contents.

Moreover, he was currently the head of a pyramid scheme.

If he really failed to deliver and had to pay 33 times the penalty, he’d likely die at the boss’s hands before being imprisoned.

Im Gipyo hurriedly searched with his office staff to see if any other factory lines could be utilized, but no factory was available to produce the goods.

Despite his efforts, the delivery date inexorably approached.

Unable to find a solution overnight, Im Gipyo greeted the morning with bloodshot eyes.


At 9 a.m., when most people were heading to work, Im Gipyo dialed a number on a black business card he’d been holding.

He planned to explain the situation and ask for understanding. Although the contract stipulated the delivery, a third of the products were ready. He hoped there was room for negotiation.

However, the number on the card belonged to Lee Cheongoh, not Wonbeom.

Cheongoh, aware of the situation, answered in a calm voice, saying the department head was not available and offered to visit instead.

“Yes, yes… Oh, you’ll come in person?”

― It’s not something to handle over the phone. We’ll come to your office around lunchtime.

“Okay, I understand. Please convey my apologies to the department head and let him know the rest of the production will be completed soon.”

― I will. See you later.

After the call, Im Gipyo slumped in his chair.

“I had a bad feeling…”

But the conversation with the person on the phone had gone surprisingly well, slightly easing his tension.

As promised, around lunchtime, Wonbeom, wearing the same sunglasses as before, visited the office, accompanied by Cheongoh in a black suit.

Cheongoh scanned the office. Im Gipyo was alone, having sent all the staff away.

“Welcome, Mr. Director. And the person behind you is…”

“The one you spoke with earlier.”

“Ah, I see. Please come this way.”

He led them to the meeting room, which was now prepared with refreshments.

Im Gipyo stood until both men were seated. However, only Wonbeom sat down.

“Please, have a seat.”

“I’m fine standing.”

Cheongoh stood behind Wonbeom without sitting.

Seeing this, Im Gipyo glanced around nervously. Normally, one would offer a seat, but Wonbeom remained silent.

Sensing the tension, Im Gipyo smiled faintly and sat across from Wonbeom.

Instead of getting straight to the point, Im Gipyo began talking about the weather and economic trends, things he wasn’t genuinely interested in. Despite the lack of response, he continued talking.

Wonbeom, quietly listening, slowly crossed his legs. The only sound was the fabric of his suit rustling, yet it created an inexplicable tension.

“You said the goods aren’t ready.”

“Ah… about that, I’m really sorry. The factory was suddenly sold…”

Im Gipyo lowered his eyebrows, expressing regret. But to Wonbeom, it was clear this was a fabricated expression.

“I didn’t come here to listen to excuses like that.”

At those words, Im Gipyo hurriedly spoke up.

“If you give us just a little more time, we can prepare everything. As I mentioned over the phone, we have one-third of the promised quantity in stock!”

“What I want is not one-third, but the full amount.”

For the first time, Wonbeom, who had been speaking informally until now, used formal language. He tapped his toe in the air. Even with that small action, it was clear he was annoyed.

Cheongoh, who was standing next to him and watching Im Gipyo, listened to the footsteps echoing from beyond the wall. He couldn’t tell what was happening outside, but it seemed like there were quite a few people.

He had expected things to turn out this way, but it was too predictable to be interesting.

Wonbeom moved his hand from his thigh to the table and slowly leaned forward.

Im Gipyo swallowed hard without realizing it. He couldn’t take his eyes off Wonbeom’s every movement.

Strangely, his gaze was continuously drawn to him. Even though there were people behind him, his eyes were fixed on Wonbeom.

It was odd. It was definitely not a good sign. His mind was getting increasingly cluttered.

Im Gipyo, blinking rapidly, cautiously lowered his hands from the table. He checked to make sure his phone was still in his pocket.

Watching this, Wonbeom slightly lifted one corner of his mouth.

“You failed to fulfill the contract, so as per the contract, you owe a penalty of 3.3 billion won on the 50 million won amount. A total of 16.5 billion won. Please compensate.”

“What? No… Don’t make such a hasty decision. We have items you can take right away. If you give us a bit more time, we can meet the full quantity…”

Im Gipyo tried to remain calm, but hearing the amount made his eyes tremble. It was a completely different appearance from when he calmly deceived Jingyeom.

But Wonbeom’s expression didn’t change.

Maintaining a straight posture, Im Gipyo exhaled heavily. He took a deep breath, inflating his chest, then exhaled.

“We didn’t completely miss the deadline, right? It’s just a slight shortage in quantity. You don’t need that many products immediately. Didn’t you come to have a mutually beneficial conversation?”

“A mutually beneficial conversation…”

Wonbeom placed his hand on the table. It was a large, solid hand that looked like it could knock out teeth with one hit.

Covered in scars, it didn’t look like a hand that held a pen.

“I asked back then. Is it okay if we don’t contact the factory? But you confidently assured me it could be done… wasn’t that you?”

Im Gipyo’s brow furrowed deeply. Wonbeom’s mouth curled up in satisfaction.

“I need the 16.5 billion.”

There was no negotiation.

Im Gipyo smoothed out his furrowed brow and spoke firmly.

“I want to resolve this through dialogue, so please cooperate.”

His tone suggested he was gritting his teeth.

But until the end, Wonbeom maintained that there would be no negotiation. Im Gipyo, looking resigned, sent a message to someone.

At that moment, the conference room door burst open and several burly men barged in through the narrow entrance.

Neither man showed any signs of being surprised, as if they had expected it.

Wonbeom stood up and pushed up his slightly slipped sunglasses with his index finger.

“You’re choosing quite the old-fashioned method for these times.”

“Old ways are good.”

“I also like old things, but we have to live according to the times. Stubbornly sticking to the old ways will only leave you behind.”

Im Gipyo was a bit flustered by their unexpected calmness. Usually, when men stormed in like this, people would be startled, but they were too composed.

Still, to give them one last chance, he asked again.

“Are you sure you want to go by the contract?”

“That’s what the contract is for, Mr. Im Gipyo.”

“Continuing to insist on this will end badly for you.”

Im Gipyo stared at Wonbeom’s profile, standing in front of the men, and then flinched. He hurriedly pushed his chair back and retreated.

It was the first time he saw Wonbeom’s eyes since he had kept his sunglasses on.

‘I’ve got the wrong person!’

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1 month ago

Go wonbeom get them !

1 month ago

Kick his ass wonbeom

28 days ago


21 days ago

I see a good face slapping coming hehehe

19 days ago

Go Wonbeom, Go Wonbeom, Go!💃🏻💅🏻✨🤣

17 days ago


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