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ACTSV chapter 32

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Jinwoo nodded with a smile as Jingyeom frowned.

“Still the same, huh? You still hate eggplant.”

“I do?”

“Yes. You eat everything else well but always disliked eggplant. You used to say the texture and taste were off.”

“I don’t remember eating it… but it seems right. I can’t bring myself to reach for it.”

Realizing Jingyeom’s dislike for eggplant, he felt they had more in common than he thought.

Looking at his belongings, clothes, shoes, and accessories, there were things he didn’t like, but mostly he found them appealing.

Maybe it was just that he liked Baek Jingyeom’s taste, but it certainly helped him get used to the current situation.

While Jingyeom and Jinwoo were having a friendly meal, Wonbeom quietly ate what was in front of him.

The table was set for three, but no one ate much.

As the meal drew to a close, Jingyeom felt a bit sad seeing the leftover side dishes, but he was already full and couldn’t eat more.

He couldn’t take his eyes off the marinated short ribs that were too rich to finish. He wanted to take them to go, but even if he did, Jinwoo wouldn’t let him eat something so heavily seasoned.

After the meal, Jingyeom stood at the counter to pay.

“How much is it?”

“It’s already been paid for.”

“What? By whom?”

He was the first to leave the room. Who could have paid first?

As he asked in confusion, the staff answered with a smile.

“The director paid for it.”

So they call him a director here too. He must come often…

“Thank you for letting me know. The food was delicious!”

After quickly thanking the staff, Jingyeom hurried to catch up with Wonbeom, who was walking away.


Maybe it was the difference in leg length or walking speed, but he thought he’d catch up quickly, yet he had to walk quite a while.


Only after calling him twice did Wonbeom stop.

“Thank you for the lunch. It was delicious!”

“I almost felt disappointed.”


He thought the conversation would end with a simple thank you. But disappointed? About what?

As Jingyeom looked at him in confusion, Wonbeom reached out his hand again. This time, it landed on Jingyeom’s head.

Feeling the weight on his crown, Jingyeom’s eyes rolled. He couldn’t understand why Wonbeom, who disliked physical contact, kept reaching out to touch him.

Was he going to apply pressure because he was disappointed?

While Jingyeom was lost in his own thoughts, Wonbeom’s lips curled up slightly at his puzzled expression.

What was he thinking so deeply about with his small head?

“I was the one who paid, but the staff got the thanks. That’s what I almost felt disappointed about.”

It was an unusually kind explanation from Wonbeom.

Only then did Jingyeom understand, feeling embarrassed as he laughed sheepishly.

Wonbeom gently rubbed Jingyeom’s soft hair. The sound of hair brushing against his rough hand was faint.

Although he wanted to enjoy the sensation longer, he withdrew his hand when he saw Jinwoo coming out.

‘…Disappointed? About this?’

The unexpected feeling made him chuckle. Jingyeom didn’t seem to share the same emotion, only showing his back as he ran to Jinwoo.


The muttered words soon disappeared into the air.

It was time to go back to the office for real now.

Checking the time, Jingyeom decided to take public transportation home.

“Buses don’t run well around here. At least take a ride to the city center.”

If it weren’t for an outdoor assignment but a day off, Jinwoo would have accompanied him, but he felt uneasy sending Jingyeom alone.

Wonbeom offered a solution.

“Get in.”


“I don’t like repeating myself. Get in.”

With one hand in his pocket, Wonbeom opened the back door.

“I’m not heartless enough to send a patient off alone. Especially after receiving this.”

Wonbeom slightly nodded, indicating the sunglasses.

Realizing what he meant, Jingyeom’s fingers twitched.

He had planned to ask for them since they were his, but he hadn’t found the right moment.

Who would’ve thought he’d take them?

And calling himself not heartless…

It didn’t seem believable coming from someone who wouldn’t budge even if someone collapsed in front of him and looked like he had green blood if pricked with a needle.

As Jingyeom stood there in a daze, Wonbeom got into the backseat and closed the door with a bang without waiting for an answer.

Jinwoo looked somewhat reluctant.

He didn’t want Jingyeom and Wonbeom to get more involved. If not for inviting him to lunch, he would have sent him home directly.

Wonbeom could be shown the restaurant, and he could have a quick meal from a convenience store.

But since it allowed him to have lunch with Jingyeom, he decided to think positively for today.

Jinwoo opened the passenger door with a sly smile. There was no reason to refuse the offer to ride together.


“Then… could you just take me to the office?”

Feeling uneasy about imposing again, Jingyeom felt uncomfortable. He had enjoyed a delicious lunch, but getting a ride was different.

It had taken quite a while to get to the Korean restaurant. Although he had seen the bus go by, he couldn’t find the stop.

He could use a map app to find his way home, but being in an unfamiliar place, he would undoubtedly get lost.

He thought it would be better to be dropped off at a more familiar place and asked to be taken only to the office.

As he was about to set the navigation destination to the office, Wonbum spoke up again.

“Go home.”

“…My home, Director?”

“Do you think I meant my home? If you want to get off work on time, move quickly.”

“Yes, understood.”

As Jinwoo entered the address with familiarity, Jingyeom, sitting in the passenger seat, tightly gripped his canvas bag. If he just went to the office, he could manage the rest of the way home.

“You can take me back to the office…!”

He leaned over to whisper to Jinwoo, but in the confined space of the car, it was impossible for Wonbum not to hear.

“What if you collapse and bother Secretary Baek again, just go.”

“I can’t because I feel bad! You already went out of your way to help me today.”

“I manage my own time. It’s not your concern.”


Feeling the coldness in Wonbum’s firm reply, Jingyeom straightened his body and faced forward. He had told him not to worry earlier, and now he was saying not to care, which hurt him.

He was concerned, but it felt like his feelings were being dismissed.

Jinwoo, having set the destination, glanced at Jingyeom. His lower lip was sticking out slightly, indicating he was a bit upset.

Knowing Wonbum’s usual tone, Jinwoo chose not to explain it to Jingyeom. He felt it was for the best.

He knew Wonbum wouldn’t act impulsively just because he was interested. However, emotions are unpredictable.

Because he had experienced it himself.

It was already 4 PM.

As rush hour approached, traffic in the city increased, causing some delays.

Since he had to climb a narrow hill to get home, Jingyeom asked to be dropped off in front.

“It’s tough to climb.”

“I need to stop by the mart. I saw in the flyer that watermelons are on sale today.”

“Watermelons? If you want one, I’ll buy it on my way home. It’s heavy, how will you carry it?”

“Hey. No matter how weak I am, I can carry a watermelon home. I even carried a box of toothpaste…”

Of course, he was still suffering from muscle pain because of that, but he wasn’t so weak that he couldn’t carry a watermelon.

Actually, he wanted to buy the pork belly on sale in the flyer more than the watermelon. But since he had eaten recently, he couldn’t bring himself to mention it. Eating fatty foods wasn’t good for him.

Jinwoo watched Jingyeom with a face full of doubt.

Though Jingyeom tried not to show it, Jinwoo noticed him occasionally massaging his arms.

Even during the car ride, he had been rubbing his forearms with his small, pale hands. If he carried a watermelon, he would surely suffer tonight and tomorrow.

They say muscle pain is alleviated by movement, but for someone with little muscle, resting could be more beneficial.

“Then buy a small one, not a big one.”

Jinwoo could buy it himself, but it seemed like Jingyeom didn’t want that.

Eventually, they turned on the blinkers and stopped in front of the mart.

As Jingyeom unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to thank Jinwoo, he remembered the earlier incident and turned to Wonbum.

“Thank you for driving me.”

Wonbum, still wearing sunglasses, made it hard to tell where he was looking.

He didn’t respond, but Jingyeom assumed he had heard and turned back.

“Thanks. See you at home later.”

As Jingyeom was about to get out, the usually silent Wonbum spoke up.

“Can I come over for the cold water I missed last time?”

“No way.”

Before Jingyeom could reply, Jinwoo firmly cut off the absurd suggestion with a faint smile.

“You helped me get 300,000 won back, but you can’t even give me cold water?”


“Isn’t that a bit stingy? Secretary Baek?”

“I don’t think it’s stingy at all, sir.”

Jinwoo could have handled it alone, though having Wonbum with him had certainly made it easier. But he didn’t want to bring him home.

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1 month ago

Love this story

1 month ago

Low key wishing wonbum won’t go after gyeom

1 month ago

It’s really interesting 😎

1 month ago

Thank you

29 days ago


12 days ago


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