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The Youngest Master wants to be exorcised! chapter 27

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Mutant type.

Refers to creatures that deviate from the registered database information due to the incorporation of various reported characteristics of monsters from across the country.

Evolving monsters become more ferocious and adapt to harsh environments by changing their appearance.

Grade 3 Lizardmen typically have tough outer skin and sharp claws, and generally resemble lizards as their name suggests.

However, the Lizardman on screen had wings on its back. Each wing, at least 1 meter long, flapped, accompanied by a tense background score.

[Unexpected appearance of a mutant type not listed in the reconnaissance report!]

The laughter disappeared from the edited scenes, and viewers outside the screen were filled with tension.

-What the hell is that

-Check out the wings flapping

-Lizardman going crazy flying around


With the light editing gone, the cheerful comments had vanished. The raw, primal fear that a civilian encountering a monster might feel was being reflected in real-time responses.

A stream of fire shot at the mutant Lizardman floating in the cloudy sky. Screeching in agony, the Lizardman began to tilt and fall to the ground. To avoid falling, the burning-winged mutant Lizardman flapped its wings and fell towards the production team.

[Jung Minchan: Jiwon!]

Minchan’s voice was heard, and the screen shook wildly. The rough breathing of the cameraman and the bustling voices of the confused production team were broadcasted plainly.

-Can they really show this?

-They’ve been feeding us sweet stuff, and now suddenly it’s spicy.

-The production team must be awakened ones, right? If not, please say they are.

-Damn, it felt ominous from the moment they shoved the camera in…

Amidst the responses filled with worry and confusion, the broadcasted footage was only tense. Jiwon, who had pushed the mutant Lizardman away with psychokinesis, nervously brushed his hair back.

[Song Jiwon: Ah, it got properly caught.]

[Kim Yoon: There are three more Sasquatches besides that.]

As soon as he detected the appearance of the mutant type, Yoon quickly finished the surrounding reconnaissance and briefed them.

[Jung Minchan: Sasquatch? Why is it showing up when it’s snowing?]

[Kim Yoon: I guess it came out because the weather is getting colder. Anyway, I’ll handle it and come back.]

Yoon casually said and vanished into thin air. The subsequent scenes, maintaining the sense of reality, had no background music.

Only the occasional roars of monsters, the sound of something burning, and the crashing noise of destruction were heard. Due to broadcast regulations, the remains of the monsters could not be shown.

The only identifiable form left was the Sasquatch that Yoon had strangled to death. The production team’s injuries were cleanly edited out to avoid controversy.

In the open space where black smoke was rising, sparks of fire scattered.

Scenes of Jiwon breaking the monster’s legs, neck, and wing bones for confirmation were edited out.

Soon, the screen showed Yoon running to and hugging ‘Lee Jaehee,’ who was waiting safely at a distance.

[Guiding to calm the disrupted waves after using abilities]

The part mentioning the reconnaissance team or the injured was cut out sharply, and a touching background score played.

-Aww, the puppy… look at him bowing down to the youngestㅠ

-Jaehee is so sweet, patting his head and comforting his back…

-Check out Jiwon reaching out to be hugged, his hair disheveled but smoothing it down with his hand to look good for the youngest. So cute.

-It seems like the kids like Jaehee more than expected… my sister is an esper, and she said it’s not easy to act like that when an esper comes back from the field.

┕Immersion and otaku generated.

┕┕Please tell my sister I respect her…!

-LOL Jiwon trying to mess with the youngest, lifting his chin and placing it on his head, so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

┕ Jaehee’s irritation is so funny—twisting his body and slipping out of the embrace, it’s hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • Ah, I feel all warm and fuzzy because it seems like he’s following the kids’ guiding style… Team Leader Jung holds hands and makes eye contact / Jiwon reaches out asking for hugs and joking around / Yoon snuggles like a playful puppy, rubbing his face on the shoulder… Ah, if you guys are just colleagues, then I have no colleagues (crying emoticon)

  • Now I get why it’s a center promotion variety show. It means you can see kids like that if you go to the center, right??

  • Before the kids went to Jaehee, they seemed a bit, how should I put it, irritable? But when Jaehee touches them, they turn into excited puppies meeting their owner.

  • Ah, no. The next episode is the last one… Don’t go, D Team… Come back……

┕ I’m a new fan; is this only the 4th episode?

┕┕ Since it’s originally a variety show for promoting the center, it was planned to be short to avoid being criticized for being repetitive. I see some places already annoyed by it^^ㅋ

  • Ughㅠㅠㅠㅠ Even just watching the preview makes me sad. I wonder if the kids will appear somewhere else?

┕ These kids are so busy that I heard they only agreed to appear after several years through a friend of a friend… They probably won’t appear againㅜ

As the final episode approached, reactions of regret became predominant.

The editing team put in a lot of effort, and [D Team Exploration Life] achieved greater success than expected, even trending in real-time.

The people involved were completely unaware.

“Jaehee, let’s have breakfast.”

Minchan entered Hyunsoo’s room and woke him up. His head, buried in the soft pillow, shook from side to side.

“Stop sleeping. You’ve been sleeping too much lately.”


In his drowsy state, Hyunsoo half-opened his eyes and called Minchan’s name.

Minchan frowned slightly at the rare pet name, but quickly composed his expression.



“Lee Jaehee.”

Minchan murmured the name softly.

‘Park Hyunsoo is already dead. The one in front of me is only Lee Jaehee.’

In this way, he brainwashed himself, calling Lee Jaehee’s name several times. The person in front of him was once Park Hyunsoo but should now be a different being.

The moment he became Park Hyunsoo again, he would leave them without regret.


“…I’m not deaf. Stop calling me.”

“If you don’t wake up, I’ll carry you. Then Jiwon and Yoon will be so happy. Right?”


At this horrifying statement, Hyunsoo jumped up. His eyes were swollen from sleep, and his cheeks were flushed.

“Good boy.”

Minchan patted Hyunsoo’s disheveled hair. By now, he seemed used to this gesture and didn’t even blink.

“What’s for breakfast?”

“Galbijjim made by Mrs. Doumi.”

“You just heated it up, right?”

“Before I came to wake you, I think Jiwon was adding something…”

Before Minchan could finish, Hyunsoo ran out of the room shouting.

“Jiwon-hyung! Don’t do it!”

Watching Hyunsoo’s frantic retreat, Minchan finally smiled brightly. The clattering sounds from the kitchen were endearing.

Minchan got up from the bed and slowly surveyed Hyunsoo’s room. It hadn’t changed much. Only the sizes of his clothes had changed.


The room, now returned to its owner, felt warm and cozy.

After a short break, D Team returned to their routine, suffering from a flood of tasks. Meetings, tasks, rest, tasks, rest, meetings…

‘Ah. Just hold on a bit longer.’

Hyunsoo was completely absorbed in the rare time off. Though he had to take care of his health, he felt oddly lethargic and didn’t want to do anything.

“Are you very tired?”

Yoon asked, handing over a cup of warmed milk. Hyunsoo took a sip of the warm milk and nodded.

“You seem tired. Your condition has been weird lately.”

“Don’t worry about us. If you need more rest, take it.”

Jiwon added, handing Hyunsoo a snack.

‘Resting is impossible. If I rest, who will guide those guys?’

Since Hyunsoo returned, the sub-part guides hadn’t once guided the main part. Hyunsoo didn’t want it that way.

After working together for six years, they knew each other well and were comfortable with each other.

“If I rest, who will do the guiding?”

“That much can be endured with sheer willpower…”

“What is this, a martial arts film?”

Hyunsoo retorted Yoon’s nonsense about enduring with willpower. Yoon scratched his cheek in response.

“I do have some ability similar to lightness skill…”

“Oh. You even know the term ‘lightness skill’?”

“What, do you think I’m a fool?”

Yoon flared up, listing how much he reads during his free time. Of course, Hyunsoo listened with one ear and let it go out the other. He knew it was endless if he paid attention to every little detail.

“But I’m really worried.”

“What about?”

“That you’re sleeping too much.”

Jiwon said, and Minchan nodded in agreement. Yoon, who had been diligently appealing to be a comforter, suddenly became serious and lowered his gaze.

“Don’t you think you should see a doctor?”

“Hmm… I have been sleeping a lot lately.”

Thinking about it, it felt like half of his days were spent sleeping. Jiwon, reciting information from the internet about excessive sleep, persuaded Hyunsoo to get a regular check-up.

“I’m really worried.”

Hyunsoo looked at the serious faces of the three and, after a moment of thought, slowly nodded. He thought it was a good timing to consider getting a regular check-up.

“Shall I make an appointment?”


Upon Hyunsoo’s consent, Minchan quickly made a phone call. Watching this, Hyunsoo pushed up his heavy eyelids.

‘Ah. I’m strangely tired all the time.’

The three watching his dazed face were filled with concern.

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7 days ago

Ouf he gonna die??

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