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Producer with no regrets chapter 1: Into the new world

* * *

Have you ever heard the stories of successful entrepreneurs?

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Ford, Rockefeller, and so on.

Their biographies are nothing short of modern myths.

Many people read the anecdotes of these entrepreneurs with admiration.

“These people are definitely different. They have special abilities that set them apart from the average person.”

Park Seongpil agrees.

Successful entrepreneurs undoubtedly have something special.

Because he has it too.

It might sound like the kind of story someone would tell after a few drinks, but it was true.

* * *

Park Seongpil.

He is the Director of Management department of Success Entertainment.

Right after graduating high school, he entered the industry as a manager for celebrities and, after overcoming countless hardships, reached his current position.

He is one of the founding figures of Success Entertainment. And true to the company’s name, Park Seongpil has brought nothing but success to the company.

However, the internal evaluation of him wasn’t good.

“Hyung, I really feel like I’m going to die.”

Mingyu, the leader of a four-year-old idol group, looked distressed in front of Seongpil.

He looked ready to beg with his head bowed to the floor.

“If I can’t take a break this week, there won’t be any free time in our schedule for the next six months.”

“What can you do? You know how it is. Popularity doesn’t last forever. It seems like it will rise endlessly, but then it bursts like a bubble. If you don’t make a move when work comes in, people forget about you in a month.”

“I know, but…”

“Just do this broadcast. It’s just a clean 1-night 2-day thing. Then you’ll have at least one day off, right?”

“But, hyung. Our members are really tired.”

Mingyu raised his voice a bit, seemingly deciding to take a firmer stance instead of pleading.

To Seongpil, it was pathetic.

“What if we collapse at this rate? Honestly, it’d be better to quit at this point…”

“Do you really mean that?”


Mingyu couldn’t help but avert his eyes from Seongpil’s stern voice.

“Quit? Really?”

“No, hyung. You know I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Don’t you remember when you were a trainee? You danced and sang from the moment you woke up until you went to bed. You said you’d die happy if you just got picked. And now, after earning some money, you don’t want to work?”


“Yeah, take a break. Take a break and see. You might think I see you as just a money-making machine, but that’s not true. I want everyone in this company to succeed more than anyone. So I bring in these schedules, and you say quitting is better?!”

Before Seongpil could get angrier, Mingyu backed down.

“I’m sorry. I just… I’m so stressed…”

The heated atmosphere quickly cooled. Seongpil also looked at Mingyu with pity.

He patted Mingyu’s shoulder to comfort him.

“Sorry for raising my voice. I was wrong too.”

“No, it’s okay.”

“Let’s hold on a bit longer. Even if you don’t renew your contract, there are three years left. Have you thought about what you’ll do?”

“There’s still three years left, and already…”

“You always have to think about the future. There are many who quit being idols and end up doing nothing.”

“I’ll keep being a celebrity, I guess.”

“Think about other things too. Of course, I’ll support you until the end if you continue this job. You have what it takes to succeed in anything.”

“Thank you.”

Mingyu didn’t get the break he wanted. He’d probably be scolded by his members when he returned to the dorm.

Seongpil overcame another hurdle today.

And hurdles come every day, every week.

This time, it was an actress. Her manager, Kang, was the first to approach him.

“Manager Kang, what’s up?”

“Well, it seems like Jiseon has some negative feelings about the role she’s been offered…”

“She doesn’t want to take it?”

“…Not exactly, but she feels it might interfere if she starts rehearsing…”

“Bring her here.”

The manager went downstairs to bring Jiseon. She scolded her manager.

“You said you’d handle this!”

“I-I’m sorry. I couldn’t think of anything to say when I saw the Director’s face.”

In the end, Jiseon was brought before Seongpil.

She was extremely nervous under Seongpil’s piercing gaze, but she resolved not to give up for the sake of her future.

“I’ll be straightforward. I’m not keen on the role you’ve chosen for me.”

“Our Jiseon. One popular drama, and you’ve gotten quite full of yourself.”


“Do what you want.”

Seongpil folded his arms and leaned back. His posture was condescending.

Instead of feeling insulted, Jiseon felt fear.

Although she was gaining some popularity in her second year as an actress, she was still a rookie in terms of experience.

Seongpil knew well about the vague fear she had of the industry.

She had started her career luckily with Success Entertainment and had grown like a greenhouse flower.

“Let’s see how good you are.”

“…Really? Can I really do that?”

“Sure. Do whatever you want. Do you want to see all the scripts we have? Want to decide after reading all of them?”

Anyone could tell he was being sarcastic.

The more sarcastic he got, the more Jiseon’s spirit was crushed.

“I’m curious to see what amazing project you’ll bring in after rejecting what I got you. I’m dying to know what our great actress Jiseon has lined up. So, what do you have in mind? Care to share?”

This sarcasm was practically character assassination.

But Jiseon couldn’t think of a response.

If she had a big fight and got on Seongpil’s bad side, she might be blocked from all dramas.

“I’ll just do it.”


“I’ll just do what the Director picked…”

“Really? You sure? It’s not something you like?”

He thoroughly pressured her, making her feel like her decision was wrong.

Jiseon succumbed to the pressure.


This was what Seongpil did.

“Today was hard too.”

It wasn’t easy for Seongpil either.

But he didn’t think what he did was wrong.

He believed he worked for the company and tirelessly strove for increased profits.

‘Success Entertainment.’

There are over 70 affiliated celebrities, including singers, actors, and entertainers.

The company also has many subsidiary businesses in goods, clothing, cosmetics, dining, and more, ranking within the top 100 on KOSDAQ by market capitalization.

Last year’s sales exceeded 200 billion won, making it a company that Seongpil is proud of.

“It’s about time.”

Seongpil also had a dream.

Although he held the title of Head Manager and Director, he wanted to be a producer.

He was tired of managing celebrities and wanted to move into production.

Not as an actor, but as a singer.

And now, the project was in full swing.

“I’ll be in charge of Success Entertainment’s new idol production!”

Seongpil was appointed as the head producer of the idol production project a year ago.

Under his leadership, everything from selecting trainees to recruiting songs was carried out.

It felt like he was living in a dream.

“Let’s leave this project to Sangyeol.”

He was jolted awake from his dream by those words.

It was another Director, Yoon Sangyeol.

As soon as the CEO said that, Yoon Sangyeol widened his eyes in disbelief.

“Oh, this is… so sudden…”

Yoon Sangyeol stood up and bowed deeply.

Seongpil gritted his teeth as he watched.

“Seongpil, you should focus on Idol Academy.”

Idol Academy.

A now-common survival program where trainees compete.

Success Entertainment was set to manage the girl group formed from this program, and the management rights were given to Seongpil.

“Sir! I can handle that and the new idol production simultaneously!”

“Well, that’s true, but Sangyeol has more experience in production.”

“But you promised it to me this time!”

“Just wait a little longer. We have to start producing a boy group in two years anyway, right? I’ll definitely leave that to you. Our quarterly performance isn’t great, so we need Sangyeol’s name to reassure the shareholders. I’m sorry.”

CEO Kim Taehoon.

He looked like a kind uncle.

There was a 12-year age difference between him and Seongpil.

Despite this, they were close due to shared hardships, and there wasn’t much formality between them.

“Sorry about this. I really am.”

Yoon Sangyeol smiled as if he were sorry.

Something snapped in Seongpil’s mind.

His vision turned white, and anger surged.

Seongpil already disliked Yoon Sangyeol.

Seongpil was stern with celebrities, bluntly stating what was bad.

Then Yoon Sangyeol would swoop in.

“That’s just how Seongpil is. He’s a bit twisted. Don’t be too upset.”

Just recently, Mingyu, whose vacation was suddenly canceled.

“Oh, really? You really wanted that role, didn’t you? What a shame. I’ll talk to Seongpil, but don’t get your hopes up. No need to thank me, I’m just trying.”

And to Min Jiseon, who had her role rejected again.

Yoon Sangyeol took all the good roles for himself.

It wasn’t a good cop, bad cop routine.

It was just making Seongpil the bad guy while Yoon Sangyeol played the good guy alone.

Naturally, Seongpil’s reputation suffered.

Instead of supporting him, the Director maligned him.

“What can I do? There’s a lot of talk inside and outside the company. I feel bad, but…”

It wasn’t just a feeling of taking away; Yoon Sangyeol really was taking everything from him.

Yoon Sangyeol didn’t want Seongpil encroaching on his territory.

He wanted Seongpil to stick to celebrity management.

This incident was undoubtedly a result of Yoon Sangyeol’s persistent scheming.

“You’re in charge of the Idol Academy, right? Survival audition programs are popular. And management is your specialty. The CEO trusts you, that’s why.”

Survival auditions being popular was a thing of the past.

The tears and efforts of trainees had been overused.

Now, tears weren’t even seen as tears, and even if they debuted, there wasn’t much interest.

In other words, Yoon Sangyeol had swapped jewels for stones.

“Sorry about this.”

Yoon Sangyeol patted Seongpil’s shoulder as if to console him.

That was the final straw for Seongpil.

“If you’re sorry, at least act like it!”

Seongpil punched Yoon Sangyeol in the face.

With a loud thud, Yoon Sangyeol toppled over.

As the chair and desk crashed down, everyone in the meeting room was startled and backed away.

Seongpil didn’t stop.

He climbed on top of Yoon Sangyeol and kept punching.

Yoon Sangyeol, stunned by the first punch, couldn’t fight back properly.

Soon, he was bleeding from his nose and unconscious.

“Seongpil, have you gone mad?!”

“Stop him! Hold him back!”

Someone grabbed Seongpil from behind. Seongpil, still furious, swung his fists wildly.

“You bastard! Do you know how long I’ve been holding back to produce?! I’ve been saying this for years!”

“Se-Seongpil, calm down…”

“Even Taehoon is the same! I told you my dream was to be a producer from the start! And you treat me like this? What the hell?!”

“No, it’s not like that…”

“You trust Yoon Sangyeol more than me, who’s been with you from the start? Then go live with him forever!”

* * *

“Sorry about this.”

Yoon Sangyeol patted Seongpil’s shoulder as if to console him.

Just before losing his temper, Seongpil took a deep breath to regain his composure.

“No, it’s fine.”

“Then let’s move on to the next item.”

Seongpil silently took notes on the meeting in his notebook.

Yes, this was Seongpil’s peculiar power.

The ability to see future actions he would regret.

Canceling Mingyu’s short vacation, deciding Min Jiseon’s roles – all were decisions based on seeing the future.

A blessing no one else had, and likewise, a power no one else could understand.

This power had helped him avoid many crises, and it would continue to do so.


Seongpil’s pencil broke from the pressure of his grip.

His hand holding the pencil trembled.

“No, damn it, I still can’t stand this.”

Seongpil kicked Yoon Sangyeol next to him.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter

Maria Lulu
Maria Lulu
30 days ago


Maria Lulu
Maria Lulu
24 days ago


8 days ago

It is a good start

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