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DQAAO Chapter 4.3- My return after 4 years

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When I lifted the stick, Ranista exclaimed. At that moment, I realized I had made the wrong choice and tried to choose a different weapon, but an unknown and powerful force pulled me like a magnet.
I was thrown in front of Ranista in an instant, while holding the stick.

“You have quite a discerning eyes. Swinging stick is easier to learn, and the higher your level, the easier you are to escape from life or death than any other weapon.”

He may have reassured me but he was Ranista. A person who could turture someone without batting an eye.

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~~~original translations belongs to krnvl.xyz~~~



Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Wounds from fractures, a missing tooth, and bruises at the age of 10.

In the same place, in the same situation as the guy who made me like that, my legs were trembling when I looked at him. Using the stick as a staff, I barely stood up and stared at him. This time it’s different. My Heavenly Sky Eye let me see everything. I hope my body could keep up with my eyes.

“First, I’ll teach you the basics of building qi, piercing blood, and putting your soul and heart into the dantian.”

Fortunately, this time, unlike before, it was more on education, not beating. I don’t know when things will change, so I tried to listen to him as much as possible. Following Ranista’s words, I sat up straight.

“It induces qi and builds it up in the dantian. However, the demonic spirits ignore the providence of nature in order to obtain a more profit-oriented flow…”

I quietly listened to his teachings. Naegong, Danjeon, Simbeop? Okay. They are worth hearing. Pyocheonmori, Prince Shanghai, Daegolmanli? I wonder what kind of bullshit Ranista was trying to teach me. Didn’t he know that right now, he is no different than buddhist reading the sutras?

In fact, the crazy people, who came from Murim, were like that too in my previous lives too. However, we, Earthlings, could not learn the martial arts of Murim no matter how much we tried to understand them.

I heard that a lot of research has been done to learn the divine strength of slashing mountains with a sword.

The people of the Murim sometimes also became friends with the people of the earth, and sometimes they shares some of their techniques.

Unlike the others from other worlds, their martial arts were relatively easy to access.

However, Earthlings still couldn’t learn martial arts.

Even their Murim books were nothing more than a collection of dog jokes in the eyes of the Earthlings. Researchers tried to understand it as a science, but there were only philosophical elements, and to follow martial arts straight away was nothing but a ridiculous feat.

Look at that figure, the figure of Ranista, who was suddenly floating, saying that he is showing how to control the qi. I couldn’t understand it no matter how I looking at it. If I thought I could learn it, I would try.

“Why can’t you follow me? If you gently flow your qi and go to and from the boundary between Sanghwa and Hwama, the qi will automatically pierce through the dantian…”

What? Whatever?

“Hey, are you following me? I’ve been talking for a long time but it seems like you haven’t understood anything.”

I really can’t understand how qi works.

“Ha ha ha.”

Suddenly his attitude changed.

“Come here, I will teach it to you myself.”

My legs started trembling. My whole body was trembling.

“I will engrave it on your body.”

Just like 4 years ago.

* * *

I greeted the maid who came to apply medicine.

“It’s been a while, Michelle.”

The maids in the medical ward were friendly with me. Four years ago, I came here frequently, so it’s good to be close with her.

“First of all, First young master is such a terror. Fourth young master is back after a long time, really…”

The maids were on my side. Ranista became a commander of knights at a young age, but at the same time he was also a target of fear. I heard that even now, the medical wing of the building next door, used by the knights, is full of patients.

In the end, Ranista started with teaching and ended with beatings.

I was beaten like a dog four years ago. The difference is that, unlike before, there are no external scars. No bones were broken. Although the pain was like having a broken bone.

It didn’t make it any less painful. My stomach was bruised. The wounds engraved this time presented another important lesson with my already missing molars. It’s like a warning. A terrifying warning that Ranista could kill me even without leaving any evidence.

“But, what did he mean earlier?”

After the beating, while struggling in pain, Ranista hyung suddenly asked me kindly.

[What have you been preparing for 4 years?]

I was in a state of numbness in my judgment because of the pain. So I answered stupidly.

[What should I be preparing?]

[I took a step of peace to understand this world in the way of ‘Murim’. So does our sisters. Each of us has a different way of trying to find out why we were born as quadruplets. But, what were you doing?]


I couldn’t tell him that I was hiding from them.

[Were you hiding? But it doesn’t matter. There must be a reason why we were born as brothers and sisters. build up your strength and… don’t be scared I am not your enemy.]

For some reason, his last words were so warm that I almost fell for it.

Now that I think about it…I was beaten up, but he was not enemy?

But there were parts of my brother’s words that I could relate to.

Building strength.

“I saw it, I definitely saw it. Hahaha”

Heavenly Sky Eye let me see all the things that couldn’t be seen by others.

If only it gave me physical strength like Ranista.

“Ahhh, it hurts!”

“What are you laughing to yourself young master?”

Michelle handed me a pain reliever.

* * *

‘Is this enough?’

On the training ground, there was a lion-like person left alone.

No, it was a young boy.

‘The feeling at that time was not an illusion.’

He avoided the unavoidable sword path.

Although it had no power, it was the same.

“No talent, ha!”

He laughed.

It was fun.

As if he dared to see through his wit, the ominous eyes that looked at him kept coming to his mind.

Moreover, the more he looked into those eyes, the more be remembered them.

The memories from his past life.

“Those are really creepy eyes.”

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