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Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 46

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I had been crying, thinking I should get rid of the baby, even though I hated the idea. Taeshin said if I wanted to keep it, then let’s keep it.

At twenty, just like me, with nothing to our names, what was he relying on to suggest we have the baby?

Though the reality gave me no reason to trust him, strangely, the moment Taeshin said that, I felt like it would be okay.

Feeling like I had found a lifeline, I asked if it was really okay, and Taeshin said he hoped the baby would look more like me. At that moment, I genuinely wanted to have the baby.

Although logically I thought it would be best to get rid of it, Taeshin’s words made me waver and lean towards keeping it. I was amazed at how easily swayed I was.

Taeshin had grown up too. I wasn’t the only one who had aged. The Taeshin I used to think of as always clueless and clumsy had become someone reliable and supportive.

I glanced at Taeshin, who was now much taller and broader than me. As he took notes and listened to the professor’s lecture, he felt my gaze and looked back at me.

I met Taeshin’s eyes briefly before turning to look at the professor giving the lecture. I covered my cheek with my hand and tapped my fingers on the book in rhythm with my pounding heart.

“Everyone, make sure to prepare well for your midterms. It’s not far off.”

Trying to calm my excitement, the words “midterms” pierced my ears, snapping me back to reality. I realized the professor had left the room.

Hurriedly, I took out my phone to check the date and confirmed that midterms were indeed just around the corner.

Oh no, I haven’t studied at all! In a panic, I grabbed Taeshin, who was rustling beside me.

“Why, Sunwoo?”


Taeshin looked at me with a puzzled expression as he packed his things. I clenched my hand tightly around his and gritted my teeth.

“Taeshin, you’re responsible for my midterms. I couldn’t focus on a single lecture because of you!”

There were more than a few lectures that vanished from my memory because of Taeshin. If my grades tanked, Moon Jinwoo would kill me, and that doom seemed imminent, well within the first semester.

“It’s my fault?”

“Whose fault would it be if not yours? You…!”

“Me, to you?”

“That…! Anyway, teach me quickly!”

Taeshin looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to explain. I diverted my gaze and tapped my textbook.

I demanded that he teach me everything, and he nonchalantly agreed it wouldn’t be difficult.

Taeshin shared the key points and notes for each subject.

I spent the day with the promise that he would help with anything I didn’t understand later.

After all the classes ended, Taeshin walked me home.

As usual, he got out with me to say goodbye in front of my house.

“Keep your phone close. If you don’t understand something, ask right away.”

“Okay. Contact me even if you don’t have any questions.”

“If I fail the midterms, I’m telling Moon Jinwoo it’s because of you.”

“Scary, I’ll make sure to study hard and teach you.”

Despite his help, the exam being subjective and descriptive meant I had to study even harder. Still, I didn’t miss an opportunity to remind Taeshin of his big responsibility.

Mentioning Moon Jinwoo scared him, but Taeshin smiled, showing he wasn’t scared at all.

“Get home safe,” Taeshin said.


As I was about to go in, Taeshin suddenly stepped closer and reached out. His arm gently pulled me into a hug. In his embrace, the soft and warm pheromones tickled my nose.

I licked my lips and rolled my eyes as Taeshin called me.



Responding to his low and gentle voice, I hugged him back. I leaned comfortably into his arms, wrapping my arms around his back.

I waited for Taeshin, who seemed to have something to say, as his pheromones enveloped me warmly.

“If you ever feel worried, anxious, or have other thoughts, tell me anytime. I like whatever you do. If things get tough, you can let me make the decisions. No one will scare you then. So….”

“What are you two doing there?”



Just as Taeshin was softly whispering to me, Moon Jinwoo’s voice interrupted us. Almost reflexively, I screamed and pushed Taeshin away, looking around.

Moon Jinwoo was parked halfway up the hill, leaning against his car with a running engine, looking at us skeptically.

“What’s with the hugging in the middle of the road? Are you two dating or what?”

“No, no, we’re not! It’s not like that! We’re not like that!”

“Taeshin, why aren’t you answering?”


Moon Jinwoo pinpointed Taeshin’s silence. Sensing the impending chaos, I quickly stepped in front of Taeshin.

“He’s just surprised because you’re saying such ridiculous things! Taeshin, we’re not dating, right? Right? Right, we’re not! See? Taeshin says we’re not dating!”

Covering Taeshin from Moon Jinwoo’s view, I pretended to listen to Taeshin and quickly spoke. Trying to prevent any further interrogation about us, Moon Jinwoo gave a peculiar smile.

“Yeah, it looks like that.”


“There’s no way Moon Sunwoo and Taeshin are dating.”

I nodded at Moon Jinwoo’s confident words but then wondered why not.

I hadn’t officially told Taeshin how I felt, but Taeshin had shown all the signs that he liked me. Even my high school friends knew Taeshin liked me.

Could Moon Jinwoo know too?

Was that why he was always wary of Taeshin?

No way… but what if he did know?

If Moon Jinwoo knew and still acted like this, it meant his personality was just that terrible… though we all knew that already.

Anyway, why couldn’t I be with Taeshin? Feeling suddenly indignant, I burst out.

“But I could…!”


I could be with Taeshin! As I was about to shout, Taeshin quickly turned me around, covering my mouth and cheek.

He looked down at me with a gentle smile. His pleasant smile irritated me.

You idiot, you like me and yet you’re smiling after being insulted by Moon Jinwoo!

I glared at Taeshin, ready to tell him off, but his warm and soft smile melted my anger away.



The cherry blossoms were already blooming in the lower neighborhood, and it seemed they were here too.

Taeshin’s smile felt like a gentle spring breeze.

As I stared blankly, Taeshin’s face moved closer.


“See you tomorrow.”

“Y-yeah. Get home safe.”

Taeshin’s lips softly touched mine before he stepped back. After a light kiss, he got into a taxi and disappeared.

“Hey! Lee Taeshin!!”


As Taeshin disappeared, Moon Jinwoo roared with anger, his eyes glaring fiercely in the direction where Taeshin had vanished. He whipped his head around, and his gaze pierced through me.

“Moon Sunwoo! Are you out of your mind? Why are you just standing there?”

“What… Ah! It hurts! What are you doing? Are you crazy?”

Still fuming, Moon Jinwoo stomped over to me, grabbed my face with one hand, and roughly wiped my lips with a handkerchief in the other hand.

The roughness made my lips sting, and as I struggled, Jinwoo scolded me to stay still.

“Damn it, I told you to wake up, didn’t I?”

“Ugh, what! What did I do to deserve this?”

“You still don’t get it, you idiot! Lee Taeshin kissed you, and you didn’t even notice!?”


Gasping at Jinwoo’s accusation, I stood frozen. He finally stopped scrubbing my lips.

“I’m going to kill Taeshin. That bastard is insane!”

“Have you lost your mind? Why would you suddenly kill Taeshin?”

“Are you crazy? Whose side are you on? That maniac…!”

“What are you two doing?”

A familiar voice interrupted Jinwoo’s rant. It was our eldest brother, mimicking the question our second brother had asked earlier.


“Jungwoo Hyung!”

Jinwoo’s grip on my face loosened as the eldest brother appeared.

I quickly hid behind him, sticking my tongue out at Jinwoo, who looked like he was about to explode.

“Why are you bullying the youngest in the middle of the street?”

“I’m not! Do you even know what happened… Ah, damn it!”

Flinching, I shrank back, and my eldest brother patted my head.

While I felt wronged, the eldest brother told Jinwoo to stop being so sensitive.

Then, he took me inside the house, noticing how I was wary of Jinwoo.

He assured me that I could sleep over and call him if Jinwoo bothered me.

Comforted by his words, I went into my room, dropped my bag, and texted Taeshin.

[Me> You did that on purpose, didn’t you?]

[Taeshin♥> Did you get home safely?]

[Me> Yeah, but did you do it on purpose?]

[Taeshin♥> What are you talking about?]

“You kissed me!”

Frustrated by his feigned ignorance, I quickly typed.

[Me> You kissed me in front of Moon Jinwoo!]

[Me> Do you know how much trouble you caused?]

[Me> He’s going crazy, saying he’s going to kill you.]

[Me> Don’t let Jinwoo see you for a while, okay?]

If Jinwoo didn’t actually kill Taeshin, he might still beat him to a pulp. Taeshin was soft-hearted and had never fought before, so I warned him, but there was no reply as he was probably showering.

[Taeshin♥> Jinwoo Hyung is overreacting.]

[Taeshin♥> I let it slide.]

When he finally replied, I expressed my confusion.

[Me> Let what slide? What are you talking about?]

After a few minutes of silence, I put my phone down and tried to focus on my studies. But my curiosity got the better of me, so I switched to browsing the internet in incognito mode.

「Preparing for Pregnancy」

Not sure what to search for, I looked up whatever came to mind first. While narrowing down the information, Taeshin’s reply popped up on the screen.

[Taeshin♥> Jinwoo Hyung is clueless.]

It was ironic coming from the least perceptive person I knew. I addressed the immediate concern instead of correcting him.

[Me> Taeshin]

[Me> Tomorrow]

[Me> Should we go to the hospital?]

We had two classes in the afternoon, so I thought we could go in the morning if Taeshin was available.

[Me> To listen to the heartbeat]

Feeling oddly nervous and shaky, I waited for his response.

[Taeshin♥> Tomorrow is too far away]

[Taeshin♥> Should I come get you now?]

His eagerness made me laugh. Though the hospital visit was planned for tomorrow, he wanted to come over right away. I gently declined.

[Me> If you come now, Jinwoo will kill you]

[Me> Pick me up early tomorrow ㅋㅋ]

[Taeshin♥> Alright, I won’t be late.]

His message was comforting as I rubbed my cold belly. The spot where the ultrasound had been done still felt tender.

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