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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 9

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I bought some beer at the convenience store. I thought I’d order chicken for the first time in a while and watch the latest drama while eating.

With that thought, I entered my house and saw a pair of familiar shoes that didn’t belong to me or the landlord.

“You’re late.”

Baek Gunho appeared from inside, speaking casually. He seemed to have changed clothes in my house, wearing a t-shirt and training pants.

The pants were his, but the t-shirt was mine. It annoyed me to see my shirt, which was loose on me, fitting him snugly.

“I’m not late.”

“It’s past seven.”

“Shut up and change out of my shirt before you stretch it.”

I went to my room and threw some of Baek Gunho’s clothes that were stashed away. Baek Gunho, without any sense of shame, casually took off the shirt he was wearing.

I turned away, pretending not to see his half-naked body, but his well-built physique lingered in my mind. Broad shoulders, a firm chest, and defined abs.

At least I couldn’t see lower, thank goodness. If I had seen everything…


I should just die. If I don’t want to die, I need to get a grip, Seo Heewon.

It’s been four years since I decided to give up.

Why can’t I let go?

Don’t get distracted by useless things.

I left the source of my turmoil, Baek Gunho, and put the beer cans in the fridge.

Then I opened the delivery app and asked Baek Gunho, who had approached me.

“You’re staying for dinner, right?”

“No, I’m staying over.”

“…Anyway. I’m ordering chicken, okay?”

“Yeah. Order from STAR Chicken.”


“Whatever you want… But are you only ordering chicken?”

“I’m ordering pizza too.”

“Potato pizza.”

“Okay. Dessert?”

“I bought some ice cream.”

It’s nice that he refilled the fridge for once.

One of the few good things about Baek Gunho’s frequent visits is that he eats well.

So, I took the opportunity to order two kinds of chicken and a pizza.

After deliberately taking my time to wash up, I came out to find the chicken hadn’t arrived yet, but the pizza had just been delivered.

Seeing Baek Gunho setting up, I quickly took a seat. If I can make him do the work, I will.

I was planning to watch an action genre, but since Baek Gunho was here, I decided to watch a horror drama.

As I reached for the remote, Baek Gunho naturally took it.

“Seo Heewon.”


“Why didn’t you tell me you met Kwon Sahyeok?”

“…How did you know?”

We only met briefly in front of my house, but he found out so quickly.

Baek Gunho shrugged at my skeptical look.

“He told me first, saying he just wanted to talk to you for a bit, and warned me not to interfere.”

How troublesome is Baek Gunho normally that Kwon Sahyeok would contact him in advance just for a brief meeting?

Well, I guess his temper isn’t exactly gentle elsewhere either.

“What did Kwon Sahyeok say?”

“He said the guys who tried to kidnap you before were related to the Baekmyeon Sect.”

“Really? I was going to tell you that… but Kwon Sahyeok beat me to it.”

“Is it true?”

“Yeah. They claim their actions are separate from their religion, but…”

My face twisted in disgust at Baek Gunho’s words.

“You don’t believe that, right?”

“Of course not, but we don’t have evidence, so we can’t arrest them right away.”

“You’re good at extracting information.”

“Of course.”

Baek Gunho said it proudly, even though it wasn’t something to be proud of. Then he shook his head and added.

“But they’re not the kind of guys who will just give up if you rough them up. They hide pretty well, and if you poke them too much, they might run away completely, which would be troublesome. We need to catch them for sure and wipe them out.”

“…Murder is a crime.”

“Obviously, I was joking. Do you think I’d really kill someone?”

Baek Gunho’s face as he laughed looked shady enough to make one wonder who the real villain was.

He looked like he might actually kill someone, though he never had… probably.

It’s unpleasant to think of him as an enemy, but he’s reliable when he’s on our side.

If Baekmyeon Sect is related to the Black Sea Guild, there are a few things I want to ask… but this isn’t the time to discuss it over pizza. I didn’t want to ruin my appetite. I extended my hand to Baek Gunho.

“Are we done here?”

“For now.”

Baek Gunho handed me the remote control. I gleefully turned on Netyflix and started the horror drama that’s trending these days.

Baek Gunho clicked his tongue as he watched me.

“Why are you watching that?”

“It’s fun.”

“Fun? You can’t even watch it properly because you get scared.”

“No, I don’t.”

Ghosts are scary, but since they’re fake, it’s not that terrifying. I wouldn’t watch it alone, but with Baek Gunho here… it’s better than being alone.

The screen went black, and soon the protagonist’s monologue began. Just as I was getting immersed, Baek Gunho, sitting next to me, nudged me.


“Get along well with Kwon Sahyeok.”

It was such an out-of-the-blue comment as we quietly watched TV. I paused the show and looked at Baek Gunho.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“Kwon Sahyeok isn’t a bad guy.”

“…How do you know that?”

“Because I know.”

I don’t know where he gets his confidence from. Baek Gunho often spoke with such certainty.

The surprising thing was, most of the time, he was right. It was as if he had some kind of foresight.

Maybe he really does have foresight. This guy even won first place in the lottery once, despite being rich.

When the jackpot was at its highest after several rollovers, Baek Gunho was the only one who won and took home the entire prize. He used that money to establish his guild, and it grew rapidly.

I’m genuinely envious of his life. Someone like me should win the lottery, not a guy like Baek Gunho. The world is unfair.

“Kwon Sahyeok is fine. If you can, get close to him and take advantage. He’s a useful S-class.”

Today’s living point: It’s useful to befriend an S-class.

Baek Gunho’s casual attitude as if he was giving a life hack was a bit absurd.

“Weren’t you saying all S-classes are lunatics except you?”

From my perspective, Baek Gunho is the biggest lunatic. He either didn’t see my exasperated look or ignored it, continuing calmly.

“There’s nothing wrong with getting close to an S-class.”

It was awkward for someone who always kept his guard up to tell me to get along with someone.

It felt weird… um. Just, a bit…

Honestly, it didn’t feel good. We’re supposed to be each other’s only friends, but he didn’t seem to mind if I got close to someone else… Not that I expect him to be jealous, but still…

“Why are you looking at me like that?”


Are you crazy, Seo Heewon? Jealous of what? We’re just friends, so what’s there to be jealous about?

It’s laughable to expect any special reaction from Baek Gunho. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s really annoying. Stupid Seo Heewon.

Sometimes, no, often, I think. What if I liked someone other than Baek Gunho?

I’d probably date a girl. There’s no reason to date a guy if it’s not Baek Gunho.

If I had a relationship, Baek Gunho would probably support and congratulate my love.

He’s always been the one wishing for my romance.

I just want to quickly give up on feelings that nobody wants.

I could proudly tell the old man who I like, and Baek Gunho would want that too.

It seems so easy to say, but I’m the fool who can’t do it.

My frustration must have shown on my face. Sensitive to my reactions, Baek Gunho frowned and turned his body toward me.

I ignored him and pointed the remote at the TV, but Baek Gunho grabbed my hand and lowered it.

“Seo Heewon.”


“Is something wrong?”


“Did that guy do something?”



Baek Gunho’s voice turned into a familiar commanding tone.

I tried to twist away, but his hand was faster, grabbing my chin and turning my face toward him.

He came closer, close enough to kiss if I had the courage. He scrutinized my face closely.

See, what kind of friend does this… This is why I keep losing my balance and getting shaken.

It’s all Baek Gunho’s fault.

Blaming Baek Gunho helped calm my pounding heart to a steady beat.

I frowned and pushed him away with one hand.

“Go away, you’re gross.”

“As long as nothing’s wrong.”

Baek Gunho, as if the contact that flustered me was nothing, backed off obediently.

Really annoying.

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1 month ago

Mmc is soo charming

23 days ago


1 day ago

Don’t deny your feelings!!!

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not work with dark mode