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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 8

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I first met Baek Gunho 14 years ago.

At that time, I was a child who couldn’t adapt to my environment.

Not long after I was adopted, I was distant with my uncle and felt awkward at my new school, pushing away all the kids who approached me.

Of course, I had no friends then. I thought being alone was more comfortable while feeling bitter about my loneliness.

Baek Gunho approached me as I was swinging alone in the playground, isolating myself from the world.

“Hey, you.”


“I’ll be your friend, so get your act together.”

“…What nonsense is that?”

Naturally, I ignored Baek Gunho’s sudden and nonsensical words. But Baek Gunho was persistent. He insisted on being my friend, even though I never asked for it. And soon, he transferred to my school.

“Did you follow me?”

“So what if I did?”

“…I’ll report you.”

“Go ahead.”

“…Why did you follow me?”

“I said I’d be your friend.”

“I don’t need a friend.”

“Okay, but I’ll still be your friend.”

“I don’t need a friend.”

“Got it, got it.”

“I don’t want a friend.”


“No, really.”


Baek Gunho didn’t listen to a word I said.

He kept sticking to me, taking care of me and hanging out with me.

Until I naturally accepted and finally considered him a friend.

Not only that, Baek Gunho dragged me around, changing my relationships.

Thanks to him, I started hanging out with friends at school and got closer to my uncle.

Well, I naturally drifted apart from my friends as I became the icon of misfortune.

Even when they openly said I was unlucky, or that I should just die, or made other suspicious remarks about my future, I managed to endure it thanks to Baek Gunho.

I don’t know exactly when I started liking Baek Gunho, but I remember the moment I became aware of him clearly. It was a summer day when I was sixteen.

I casually asked him.

“Hey, Baek Gunho.”


“Why do you… act so close to me?”

I wanted to ask why he treated me so well, but the words came out awkwardly.

I thought he’d get annoyed and retort, but Baek Gunho turned to me with an unexpectedly serious face and replied.

“It’s not just acting close; I’m being good to you.”

“Isn’t it the same thing?”

“No, it’s different. Remember, I’m treating you really well. Always keep that in mind.”


“Consider me a lifelong benefactor. Got it?”

“…Do you want something from me?”

“What could you possibly give me?”

Baek Gunho scoffed as he looked me up and down.

He was right.

Baek Gunho was rich, and my family was modest compared to his.

There were people who tried to get close to me to build connections with my uncle, but Baek Gunho didn’t need any of that.

“…Then why are you treating me so well?”

In hindsight, I shouldn’t have asked that question.

Baek Gunho pondered for a moment before answering.

“Because I like you.”


“I like you, so I treat you well. Isn’t that obvious?”

From the moment he said that without any shame, my life was doomed.

Baek Gunho’s words dominated my daily thoughts.

They popped into my mind randomly, whether I was trying to sleep or walking down the street.

At some point, I even dreamed about him saying those words, followed by kisses and more… several times.

Only then could I admit to myself that I liked Baek Gunho.

During my youthful infatuation, I even had dreamy fantasies about dating Baek Gunho, him confessing to me, or other embarrassing scenarios.

All in the past. Now, I have no expectations from Baek Gunho. I just haven’t been able to let go of this long-held crush.

“That bastard, Baek Gunho…”

Because of his antics, I wasted a whole day with unnecessary thoughts.

It was a waste of time.

The longer I agonize, the further away I feel from ending this crush.

It’s not just my loss but also a loss for Baek Gunho.

How creepy would it be to find out that a friend who had been purely nice to you actually had feelings?

I wish he would help me get over him, but he doesn’t make it easy.

I wish today would pass quietly without any incidents.

Though, days like these never go quietly.

As I thought this, someone grabbed me. I sensed today’s misfortune and turned around to glare. But the face I saw was unexpectedly famous.

“Hello. We meet again.”

Kwon Sahyeok appeared with a thick smile that dimpled his cheeks.

Today’s horoscope said I would meet a benefactor, but maybe it was wrong.

Kwon Sahyeok didn’t seem to care about my gloomy expression and greeted me.

“Isn’t it nice to see me?”

“Not at all.”

“Nice to see you too.”

He casually ignores what people say.

“Why are you here?”

We were in an alley near my house. It’s not a natural place for an S-rank wild beast to appear while walking down the street.

Instead of answering my question, Kwon Sahyeok changed the subject.

“I’m three years older than you.”

“So what?”

“You’re being really disrespectful to your elder.”

“If you don’t like it, then leave.”

When I replied nonchalantly, Kwon Sahyeok exuded an intimidating aura, perhaps trying to scare me. I stared at him indifferently before taking a step forward.

“Why did you pull out your gun?”

Kwon Sahyeok asked, facing me. Just as he said, the muzzle of the gun I took out from my inventory was pointed neatly at his side. I nudged him with the gun and whispered.

“Because I’m scared, you punk. Don’t glare at me like that while I’m speaking nicely.”

“You don’t look scared at all.”

“After watching Baek Gunho’s antics all the time, do you think I’d suddenly be scared of you?”

“Really? But it’s not easy to get used to an S-rank.”

“That’s because you’re weaker than Baek Gunho.”


Even though I was mocking him, Kwon Sahyeok laughed out loud, seemingly amused. I looked at him with disdain and put the gun away. You shouldn’t mess with someone who’s slightly crazy.

I decided to ignore him and started to walk away, but Kwon Sahyeok stopped laughing and grabbed me.

“You really act like Baek Gunho’s boyfriend.”

“I’m not his boyfriend.”

“Then his fling?”


Should I have just shot him?

My fist itched to punch him. But I was a rational, civilized person. I barely restrained my violent urge.

“Are you here to pick a fight?”

“No, I have something to say.”

Kwon Sahyeok suddenly took out an item from his inventory. He smirked as he watched me flinch and activated the item.

A translucent barrier surrounded us, blocking out sound.

Only after ensuring no one outside could hear us did Kwon Sahyeok speak.

“You almost got kidnapped at the company a while ago, didn’t you?”

“…Why do you know that?”

I didn’t even bother asking how he knew. The fact that he appeared near my house without me telling anyone meant he was up to something.

“Those kidnappers were from the Baekmyeon Sect.”


What were they doing here?

Does that mean I got involved with the Baekmyeon Sect twice in a row?

Even though I often get caught up in misfortune, getting tangled with the Baekmyeon Sect twice in a row was a strange coincidence.

It was too significant to dismiss as mere coincidence.

Could it be more than a coincidence?

No way. That couldn’t be…

But come to think of it, both times, they tried to take me away.

I thought the first terrorist just grabbed me by chance, but what if it wasn’t?

“Do you have any clues?”


“You sure?”

Maybe my face gave something away. Kwon Sahyeok grinned meaningfully and whispered.

“I have a clue.”

“So what?”

“Aren’t you curious? Since you didn’t ask, you must have a clue too, right?”

I stared silently at Kwon Sahyeok, who kept probing. He burst into laughter under my gaze.

“Why did you come to see me?”

“I figured we’ll see each other often, so I thought I’d say hi in advance.”

“What do you mean, often? What business do I have with you?”

“You’ve already been involved with the Baekmyeon Sect twice in a short period. I thought if I follow you, they might show up again.”

“Do you think I’m some kind of cockroach bait?”

You know, the kind that attracts cockroaches when you place it. Kwon Sahyeok giggled at my comparison.

“Let’s just say you’re more like a premium bait.”

“Thanks, I guess?”

“You don’t have to be that grateful. I’m fine with it.”

What’s fine? I’m not fine at all. I left the babbling Kwon Sahyeok and walked through the barrier.

The barrier blocked sound but not physical movement, so I passed through it easily.

I glanced back to see Kwon Sahyeok waving and saying something.

Since he was still inside the barrier, I couldn’t hear him. I snickered and kept walking.

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