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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 7

* * *

Having been safely rescued, I roughly heard what had happened.

It seemed Seo Jooyoung and Park Jicheol had been illegally selling awakened blood to a research institute.

From my experience, it looked like the work of the Baekmyeon Sect, but since there was no evidence, the news reported it as an individual crime.

There were quite a few high-ranking people who believed in the Baekmyeon Sect, so it smelled fishy, but there was nothing I could do.

And I was being scolded by Baek Gunho, who had captured me. Standing crookedly, he interrogated me.

“Why did you break the tracking device?”

“Do you think I should carry that around?”

“It was meant to be carried, so carry it.”

Ah, that’s quite the logic. Beaten by logic.

Baek Gunho looked me up and down with a creepy gaze.

“Stay still when I’m just putting a tracking device on you. If you wander around without it and something happens, I’ll break a leg and lock you up.”

This crazy bastard is openly threatening me.

The problem is, Baek Gunho is the type to actually do it.

He’s always skirting the law as much as possible.

Well, even if he tries to imprison me, I won’t go down easily… but it’s better to compromise and give in before this control freak goes completely crazy.

“Fine. I’ll behave. But I’m not wearing the tracking device.”


Baek Gunho frowned, clearly dissatisfied with my answer.

“Do you like me that much? Stop being so clingy.”

“Yes, I like you so much that I’m begging you to wear the tracking device, Seo Heewon.”

“Stalking is a crime…”

“What I’m doing is protection.”

The hypocrisy is no joke. He’s really saying criminal things.

Seeing that I wasn’t listening properly, Baek Gunho sighed and spoke seriously.

“Those guys drawing blood, it seems like remnants of the Black Sea Guild are involved.”


He must be insane.

The Black Sea Guild, a notorious criminal organization, had already collapsed. Listing all their crimes would take forever.

The worst was their human experiments to turn non-awakened people into awakened ones, mainly using kidnapped children.

Even though the test subjects weren’t treated terribly, it was still inhumane.

My uncle, Seo Hoon, had led the charge in dismantling the Black Sea Guild.

Although it’s been 14 years since the guild disbanded, some members are still at large.

“So be careful. Don’t draw attention to yourself.”

“Got it.”

“From now on, leave work by 7 PM and send a confirmation message with a photo afterward.”


I decided not to feed into Baek Gunho’s nonsense.

As I remained silent, he nudged my side and handed me a tracking device.

I wanted to hit him with the fist of justice, but he dodged swiftly.



Once again, the lottery betrayed my trust.

Disappointed, I went to work. As usual, I was busy all morning. As soon as lunchtime arrived, I rushed to the elevator.

I was in a hurry because Baek Gunho, who rarely came near my office, had invited me to lunch. The meals he bought were always delicious.

I arrived at an expensive meat restaurant I wouldn’t visit alone. Mentioning Baek Gunho’s name, I was guided to a private room.

As the door opened, I saw not just Baek Gunho but also a pretty woman sitting next to him. I immediately sensed something was wrong.

“You’re here?”


“Hello, Seo Heewon.”

“Yes, hello…”

“I’m Min Heena.”

“Ah, yes, Min Heena. Nice to meet you.”

As I greeted her, I glanced at Baek Gunho.

He looked at me as if he had done nothing wrong.

Furious inside, I held it in. I didn’t want to get angry at Min Heena, who had done nothing wrong.

I forced a socially trained smile and sat down.

Min Heena smiled back at me.

“You must have been surprised to see me here.”

“No, it’s fine.”

“I’ll be joining the Somang Guild’s security team. The guild master suggested we have a meal together.”

“It must be uncomfortable eating with your superior.”

“Oh, no.”

“Especially one with a nasty temper…”

Min Heena burst out laughing at my words. Baek Gunho glared at me but stayed silent.

The meal went smoothly. Min Heena was pleasant, and we had a good conversation.

I hoped she wouldn’t have to interact with Baek Gunho often.

It’s hard to maintain a good personality around someone like him.

After the pleasant meal, Min Heena excused herself to the restroom, and I immediately glared at Baek Gunho.

“I told you not to introduce anyone to me.”

I had complained about this many times. But Baek Gunho, unfazed, responded confidently.

“It’s just a meal. Why are you upset?”

“Shut up.”

When I snapped, Baek Gunho shrugged.

“Not your type? I thought she resembled your taste.”

“Resembles who? Where did you get that idea?”

“I heard you followed your tutor everywhere. I thought you liked them.”

To think he turned a pure teacher-student relationship into a romance. Ridiculous.

“What nonsense? Do you know how much older my tutor is?”

“Six years older is within an acceptable range. Besides, Min Heena is only four years older than you. You should at least try dating…”

“Forget it. Leave me alone.”

I replied firmly, and Baek Gunho looked at me sympathetically.

“You’re always alone… Get a girlfriend.”

“What is a fellow lifelong bachelor talking about?”

Baek Gunho always obsesses over two things about me:

My safety and my love life.

I don’t know why he meddles in other people’s love lives. He should take care of his own.

“Seo Heewon.”


“Min Heena is really fine, you know?”

I thought he’d given up, but Baek Gunho was persistent. I frowned deeply.

“I told you before. I’ll never meet anyone you introduce.”

Baek Gunho frowned. He was about to say something more, but then closed his mouth. Soon, Min Heena came into the room.

I didn’t look at Baek Gunho until we left the restaurant and parted ways. If I didn’t show this much dislike, he would keep doing these annoying things for a while.

I suddenly remembered what Kwon Sahyeok had said not long ago.

“Your boyfriend is Baek Gunho, right?”

That absurd nonsense.

The idea that Baek Gunho was my boyfriend was truly ridiculous.

Where in the world does a boyfriend introduce other women to his girlfriend?

Baek Gunho had no such affection for me.

He couldn’t even imagine being in that kind of relationship with me. So, Baek Gunho and I could never be lovers.


I couldn’t concentrate on work. I wanted to skip work, but as a salaried worker, I couldn’t.

I returned to the office with heavier steps than when I was called by the team leader.

I was too upset to focus on my tasks. My mood sank.

I was angry not just at Baek Gunho for doing such things, but also felt… humiliated.

The truth is, the person who made me feel the most pathetic was myself.

I was miserable for liking someone who was so indifferent to me that he could casually introduce women to me for nearly ten years. That was pathetic.

Yes, I like Baek Gunho.

I was crazy for liking that insane guy.

Why did I end up liking such a guy?

I don’t know either…

No, actually, I do know. It was an irresistible affection.

When everyone else left, saying I was unlucky, only Uncle and Baek Gunho stayed with me.

Even though he has a terrible personality and is a control freak, he always took care of me like I was the most important thing to him… staying stubbornly by my side, valuing me the most.

I still don’t know how not to like someone like Baek Gunho.

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1 month ago

I wasn’t expecting the confession😯

1 month ago

So you like he but never tell

23 days ago


11 days ago

oh????? and here i thought it was gna be a slowburn

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