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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 4

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“Right, they say Baek Gunho is dating Lee Jihye.”

Just as I thought the conversation about me was over and relaxed, a new topic caught my ear.

Despite the clear statements from the Somang Guild and the opposing actors, people didn’t believe the recent photos were staged so cleverly.

“They say Baek Gunho is rude to his girlfriend too.”

“I heard that too. But still, people are lining up to date him.”

“Yeah, they say he doesn’t stop people from coming or going.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

“People who seem fine on the outside can be worse on the inside.”

How did someone who’s never had a single girlfriend end up being a notorious flirt who tries to seduce everyone he makes eye contact with?

Baek Gunho’s image was indeed quite free-spirited. Even at official events, he never restrained his speech, which had made him a topic of controversy several times.

Yet, many people still liked Baek Gunho.

It made sense; being a Hunter was a coveted profession. Many people thought highly of Hunters.

When he was younger, there was more awareness of the dangers of the job, but as information about dungeons accumulated and the death rate decreased significantly, combined with the glamorous and lucrative aspects highlighted to the public, more people started to admire this kind of job.

Among Hunters, Baek Gunho was particularly famous. He was so strong that his name was always mentioned when talking about the world’s strongest Hunters. His somewhat rude demeanor was often seen as confidence in his abilities.

It was truly frustrating. His character was underdeveloped compared to his skills.

Ignoring the ongoing chatter in my ears, I started eating the meat. People were so enthusiastic about talking. I couldn’t understand where that stamina came from, while an S-rank Hunter like me had long been exhausted.

Only when I was thoroughly drained did the gathering finally end. Feeling liberated to be alone…

“Seo Heewon.”

A cold voice called out.

Turning my head, I saw Baek Gunho, dressed in a black cap and mask, looking like someone I wanted to report immediately.

What a disgusting guy. I shot him a disdainful look, but my disapproval was useless against such a shameless person.

“Why did you come all the way here? Don’t you have anything else to do?”

“I’m busy. I need to enter a dungeon in 30 minutes.”

I expected him to say he had nothing to do, but apparently, he had something extremely important to do.

“Are you out of your mind? Then why are you here!?”

“Since I’m busy, come quickly. Don’t waste time.”

No, he should just go to the dungeon and leave me alone. I wanted to send him off, but he wasn’t the type to listen to stubbornness.

I got into Baek Gunho’s car. As he started driving, he muttered in a harsh tone.

“Why the hell does that damn asshole keep people out so late at night?”

“That’s what I’m saying. Don’t keep the guild members out late.”

“This is different from that.”

Baek Gunho, lacking any sense of guilt, shamelessly replied.

This guy, who was the guild master of Somang Guild, showed his disdain.

We arrived in front of my house in no time. Baek Gunho dropped me off.

“Go in now. Don’t wander off.”

“Uh, have a good time.”

“Do you think I won’t? An A-rank dungeon is nothing special.”

Baek Gunho grumbled even at a polite farewell. He never responded nicely even when spoken to kindly.

After speaking rudely, Baek Gunho disappeared in an instant, off to his so-called easy A-rank dungeon.

For the 14 years since we first met, Baek Gunho remained the same. He’d always lose his mind whenever something happened to me. From the time I first met him when I was twelve, Baek Gunho had always come running, prioritizing anything about me over anything else.

It might sound like we’re close, but in reality, Baek Gunho and I spent our time criticizing, detesting, and teasing each other. We weren’t close friends with a touch of affection, despite knowing each other for a long time.

I stared at the spot where Baek Gunho had been for a moment before entering my house. As I took off my shoes, a sudden thought crossed my mind.

“I never told him where the gathering was.”

Feeling uneasy, I sat by the front door and checked my belongings. When I flipped over my sneakers…

I found a GPS tracker neatly attached to the sole.

“Damn this crazy bastard…”

I ripped off the tracker and crushed it under my foot. Baek Gunho had attached this thing to me more than once. I don’t understand why he’s so fixated on me, while he can be so cold-hearted to others.

The only guess I could make was that he’s obsessed with me.


I was tired. Not physically, but mentally. Company dinners aren’t my thing. I wanted to collapse into bed immediately, but my whole body reeked of alcohol. I struggled into the bathroom, took a shower, and came out.

I planned to go straight to bed, but after washing up, I felt awake and decided to watch something for a bit, so I turned on Netflix. That’s when I heard the front door opening.

I briefly tensed, then went to the entrance as soon as I recognized the familiar footsteps.

The uncle, whom I hadn’t seen for a few days, was coming home. I greeted him warmly.

“You’re here?”

“Yeah. You’re not asleep yet?”

“I just got in from a company dinner. Are you heading to bed?”

“Hmm, I’ll be resting until morning.”

He nodded in response. Isn’t it normal to rest until morning after finishing work?

Since he’s so busy, there are times he just stops by home to grab his clothes and leave. But if work comes up, he’ll rush out again.

“No tough times lately?”

“Same old, same old for me.”

“That sounds tough…”

“Oh, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Good, then.”

The uncle rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a few ten-thousand-won bills. He handed them to me.

“This is for pocket money.”


Free money, huh? There was no reason to refuse when he’s offering. I gratefully accepted the money with a smile.

The uncle also smiled happily seeing me receive it. If giving and receiving money makes both of us happy, isn’t that an example of a creative economy?

“Make sure not to stay up too late if you’re going to work tomorrow.”

The uncle knew very well that an S-class Awakened could stay up all night without a problem. He always nags as if I were really an F-class.

I listened absently and ended up falling asleep while watching a popular drama.


The phone rang from early in the morning. I groggily got up and answered it.


My voice came out cracked from just waking up. The caller sounded alarmed.

— Heewon, are you okay? What’s going on?

“I just woke up…”

— Oh, I was surprised. I thought something happened.

On the other end of the line was Jung Eunji, the vice-guild master of the Somang Guild, Baek Gunho’s guild.

— Nothing happened, right?

“Yes, nothing.”

— Call me if anything comes up, okay?

“Got it, sister…”

I answered half-heartedly, and I could hear a sigh of frustration from the other end. I quickly apologized, and Jung Eunji clicked her tongue.

— Alright, now go to work. Don’t follow strangers, don’t wander off after work, and go straight home. Got it?

“Noona, you’re sounding more and more like Baek Gunho…”

— What? Just curse me if you want.

Jung Eunji sounded exasperated. But what can I do if it’s becoming true?

The reason Jung Eunji called me was all because of Baek Gunho’s requests.

Initially, Jung Eunji didn’t even bother checking on me. But after I got involved in some strange incidents and Baek Gunho nagged about it a few times, she became overly vigilant.

— If you keep this up, I’ll assign bodyguards to you.

“I don’t want that.”

— You don’t want it? You were kidnapped not long ago.

There was nothing to say since it was true.

I barely managed to dissuade her from assigning people to watch me.

It’s surprising that Baek Gunho hasn’t assigned anyone to follow me.

He claims to respect privacy or something. But he sure knows how to put trackers on me.

What a ridiculous guy…

Stalking me while making use of his own guild’s vice-guild master, and even showing his presence in the dungeon.

I sighed and prepared to head to work.

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1 month ago


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12 days ago

heewon is acc hilarious oml

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not work with dark mode