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Controlled by an AI chapter 15

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The next day, the police chief gathered reporters and formally explained the investigation’s progress, even preparing a fancy chart.

“Our officers raided the drug party site and arrested eleven people, caught red-handed under the influence of drugs.”

The chart showed the sequence of events, from the initial arrest of the arsonist to the discovery of the drug incident and the subsequent raid on the drug party, making it easy to follow.

Park Ki-Jung stood beside the chief. Next to him, a young detective from Team 2 had a bruised eye.

Ki-Jung asked, “Kid, do you really want to be on camera looking like that?”

“Sir, when else will I get into the papers? Besides, this is a badge of honor, right?”

“Getting punched by a drugged-up celebrity and ending up with a black eye is an honor?”

“Heh. That guy was a former athlete. And I still caught him, even though he was high.”

“We caught him together.”

One of the arrested at the drug party was a celebrity, though the police did not disclose his name. But those in the know recognized who he was, as his initials circulated online.

At the press conference, the police also revealed a sketch of the arson-murder suspect, which Detective Park Ki-Jung explained.

“Thanks to a witness’s detailed sketch, we quickly identified the suspect and subsequently caught the drug offenders.”

A reporter asked, “Who is the witness?”

Park Ki-Jung had already confirmed Na Kang-In’s willingness to cooperate, limited to the sketch.

“To protect the witness, we can’t disclose their identity. We ask for your cooperation on this matter.”


On an online community board, a scanned image of the sketch drawn by Na Kang-In was posted.

– This is the sketch of the arson-murder suspect drawn by the witness.

Comments quickly followed.

– Isn’t this too well-drawn?

– It looks like a photo. No wonder they caught the suspect so quickly.

– Where can you find such a sketch? It looks like an intentional portrait.

Someone else commented.

– I live in that neighborhood. The police showed this portrait-like sketch while asking questions. This is real.

In another forum, the discussion shifted from the case and suspect to the quality of the drawing.

– It’s drawn like a photo, but it’s not well done artistically.

– How can you look for art in a sketch meant to catch a criminal?

– Calling this a sketch is a bit much, isn’t it?

– Whether it’s a sketch or a portrait, it’s well drawn.

– Some artists deliberately draw pictures to look like photos. Those works look like photos from a distance.

– And this was drawn with a pen, not a pencil. That’s not easy. This isn’t something you can draw without serious art training. Clearly, a professional artist drew this.

– So, a random passerby saw the suspect and drew this portrait?

– Passersby can be quite something.


Na Kang-In chuckled as he read the comments on the online community board.

“They’re calling me an artist.”

The AI, Zijini, interjected.

[I drew it.]

“You used my hand,” Na Kang-In corrected, then amended his statement, “So, they’re calling us artists.”


Yoon Ah-reum’s rented studio apartment was gone, burned down by the arsonist. She was staying in a jjimjilbang (a Korean bath house) until she found a new place.

Sitting at a PC bang counter, she stumbled upon a community post about the police announcement. Her heartbeat quickened as she read it.

“Arson, murder, and drugs. Unbelievable.”

She also saw the portrait of the suspect. The face was familiar. Then she recalled seeing the man in the portrait in the alley before the fire started.

“I remember now! That dazed-looking guy in the alley! He was the suspect!”

She knew the suspect had been caught, but the memory still scared her, reminding her of being trapped on the burning building’s rooftop.

Her heart raced.

Fear can cloud judgment and lead to mistakes.

A customer, eating ramen and playing a game, spilled the soup and screamed.


She jumped up, seeing the spilled ramen. She grabbed some paper towels and rushed over.

“Wait! I’ll…”

In her haste, she collided with a man leaving the café.



Yoon Ah-reum wobbled but managed to stay on her feet.


But the man she bumped into wasn’t as lucky. He fell sideways, catching himself with his right hand.

Yoon Ah-reum quickly apologized, “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”

The man, getting up and dusting himself off, responded.

“Okay… ugh! No, I’m not okay.”

The man grimaced, sitting on the floor. He held his right hand with his left.

The customer who had spilled the ramen realized it was his fault and was flustered. He glanced around nervously before quietly extending his hand toward Yoon Ah-reum.

“I’ll clean it up. Just give me some paper towels.”

The fallen man used his left hand to push himself up from the floor. His face was even more contorted than before.

“My right hand hurts so much. Is it broken?”

Yoon Ah-reum panicked.

“What if it’s really broken! Ah! Call 119! Call 119!”

Na Kang-in, who had been gathering information from a corner seat, stood up and approached upon hearing the commotion.

“Zinji, what’s the status of his right hand? Is it really broken?”

AI Zinji reported.

[Judging by the hand movement, it’s not a complete fracture. Considering the pain he’s expressing, there might be a crack in the bone.]

Na Kang-in told the man.

“It’s probably not broken.”

“But it really hurts…”

[To assess the injury properly, you need to touch the hand and observe the patient’s reaction.]

“Let me check it out.”

Na Kang-in reached for the man’s right hand. The man flinched reflexively, but Na Kang-in ignored this and gently grasped his hand.

The man let out a small groan.

“Ugh. Ugh. It hurts.”

[The reaction is mild. There is no damage to the bone. The muscles, ligaments, and joints have been checked. It’s a sprained wrist.]

“Fortunately, the bone isn’t injured. It’s just a sprain.”

“But it hurts so much…”

[Field emergency physiotherapy can reduce pain and speed up recovery.]

“Let me help reduce the pain.”

Na Kang-in handed control of his hand to AI Zinji. The AI massaged the injured hand, soothing the slightly strained muscles.

Although it was just a massage, the man’s pain significantly decreased. He looked surprised and said,

“Oh? My hand really does hurt less.”

[It will take 24 hours for a full recovery in a stable condition. Strenuous activities within 24 hours could worsen the injury. Full recovery will take 48 hours.]

“Don’t use your right hand for any strenuous activities until tomorrow. If you push it, the injury could get worse. It should be fully healed in about two days.”

The man was greatly alarmed.

“Oh? But what about work? I have to go to Gangwon-do tomorrow for a film shoot!”

Yoon Ah-reum asked naively.

“Are you the director?”

The man snapped.

“I drive the the catering truck!”

Yoon Ah-reum quickly bowed her head.

“Oh! I’m sorry!”

Catering truck owner Kim Byung-ho looked at Yoon Ah-reum and sighed deeply.

“The film company urgently scheduled additional shooting, so my catering truck was also urgently booked today.”

He slowly raised his injured right hand.

“But how am I supposed to cook with this hand? If I can’t work, the film crew will have nothing to eat.”

A resigned expression appeared on Kim Byung-ho’s face.

“If I mess up, I won’t get any more work from this film company or that director. If word gets out, other work opportunities will also dry up.”

Yoon Ah-reum was so flustered she didn’t know what to do. Hearing the story, she realized that her mistake might cut off Kim Byung-ho’s livelihood.

She had to find a solution. She suggested,

“Then, how about I go with you tomorrow and help with the cooking?”

Kim Byung-ho’s expression brightened a bit.

“Do you know how to cook?”

“I can make ramen…”

“Forget it!”

Na Kang-in said in a low voice.

“I’ve roughly assessed this area, so it’s time to scout other regions.”

AI Zinji agreed.

[I suggest long-range reconnaissance targets. Please choose.]

AR lenses displayed several reconnaissance targets in front of his eyes.

“Not now, dismiss it.”


The list immediately disappeared from his view.

Na Kang-in made a proposal to Kim Byung-ho.

“I’ll go to Gangwon-do tomorrow. Is it enough if I just prepare the meals and side dishes?”

Kim Byung-ho was startled.

“What? Are you saying the chef will go?”

Kim Byung-ho was someone who made and sold food. After tasting Na Kang-in’s cooking, he started visiting this PC Bang daily, hoping to learn something by eating there often.

“If the chef can do that, it would be great for me, but…”

“A sprained wrist stabilizes after a day. Let’s settle this issue and move on.”

“Should we do that?”

Yoon Ah-reum quickly thanked Kim Byung-ho.

“Thank you so much!”

Kim Byung-ho smiled awkwardly.

“Well, my hand doesn’t hurt much anymore, and it might be good to watch the chef cook tomorrow and pick up a tip or two. Ha, ha.”

Na Kang-in asked,

“Ah-reum, what about me?”

Yoon Ah-reum made a small heart with her fingers and beamed.

“I’m super grateful to you, oppa!”


Owner Cha Dong-seok was informed of the situation over the phone from another location.

“Yeah. Alright. It can’t be helped. As long as our employee isn’t hurt. Give that customer a one-week free pass for the PC Bang.”

He sounded magnanimous on the phone, but as soon as he hung up, he sighed deeply with regret.

“Sigh. We won’t be able to serve the special dish tomorrow.”

Na Kang-in decides when and what to cook at the PC Bang. If he doesn’t want to cook, there is no special dish. That’s the employment condition.

His niece, Cha Eun-seo, who was listening nearby, scolded him.

“If that customer had asked to see the owner, you would have had to stop working and run to the PC Bang to apologize. You should be grateful that Kang-in oppa solved it with one cooking job.”

Cha Dong-seok is easily influenced.


“Yes, really.”

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1 month ago

I wish I had the AI ability but of course, there’s no bad effects to me like I don’t want to be controlled🥹

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