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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 62- Our Idols

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The members and the manager looked at me.

“There must be a reason behind these images, right?”

“Oh, indeed. Ambitious, aren’t you?”

I frowned.

“Director Joo is a genius at managing images. Just go along with it. Eventually, your true selves will come out over time anyway. Besides, it’s not a completely off-base image.”

Not really… How do I even fit the youngest at the top and the crazy acting genius?

Shaking my head, the manager urged us, “In that sense, get ready quickly. We have rehearsals and a busy day ahead!”

I got up and put the dishes in the sink.

“Oh, come to think of it…”

There was something different since our debut.

“We have people to do these chores now.”

After coming back from our schedules, the laundry, dishes, and even simple meals were taken care of.

“Though the taste is just so-so.”

It felt strange to have people working for us.

“Well, it’s all paid for with the money we earn, I guess.”

We got ready and headed outside. Honestly, I couldn’t tell what had changed yet.

“Hurry, get in the car.”

Just as we were about to leave the dorm, a sharp scream was heard.

“Ah! Dowon!”

Who is that?

“Someone I know?”

The person screaming was someone I didn’t recognize. No, wait.

‘Isn’t she the girl who was with senior Heo Seoyung Hyung?’

I remembered using a cheat. The high school girl whose name I couldn’t recall was reaching out to me frantically.

“Dowon! I love you to death!”

The manager quickly stood in front of me.

“Oh, damn. Guys, get in the car quickly.”

We were all dumbfounded. It wasn’t just those girls.

Somehow, a dozen or so kids were jumping around.


Ki Jaeyun’s sleeve was grabbed. I immediately turned around and pulled him away.


“Why did you get caught?”

“If they grab you, wouldn’t I get caught too?”

Both Hajin hyung and Seungjoon were visibly flustered. Soon, the kids started shoving their smartphones at us. I hurriedly said, “Let’s get in!”

“Yeah, okay!”

We quickly got into the van. I couldn’t believe what just happened.

Yoo Hajin brushed his hair back and asked, “How many were there?”

Lee Seungjoon answered, “About 30.”

“The apartment must be noisy. What should we do?”

The considerate leader worried about the residents.

I tilted my head and asked, “Wasn’t our dorm originally Vita’s?”

Kang Minje replied, “Vita wasn’t this popular.”

Oh, I see.

Ki Jaeyun asked, “So, are we more popular than Vita now?”

Kang Minje scratched his cheek and said, “I guess so? Although having fans camping outside the dorm isn’t necessarily a measure of popularity…”

At that moment, the manager got into the driver’s seat.

“Phew. Tough crowd. Some of them are Vita fans.”

I asked out of pure curiosity, “Why were Vita fans there? Didn’t they know the dorm had changed?”

Yoo Hajin shook his head and answered, “They switched to us.”

“Switched to us? Oh!”

I see.

“They abandoned Vita and decided to like us.”

The manager said, “They could still like both Vita and us. Their love can shift.”

Oh, that’s possible.

“Besides, since we’re idols from the same agency, it’s easy to switch. Zenis, it’s good for you now, but if you ever lose their love, it’ll hurt.”

I smiled.

“Then we just need to make sure to keep the door closed.”

Even if they leave occasionally, we need to ensure they come back.

“Do you think it’s that easy?”

“Of course it won’t be easy.”

But it’s doable.

“Oh, where are we going now?”

“To ‘Our Idols’.”


“They said they’ll start filming with a meeting.”

The script will probably come from the interview.

“Do well.”

At that moment, Yoo Hajin asked worriedly, “Who is the opposing group?”

Oh, right, ‘Our Idols’ always has two idol groups.


I asked Lee Seungjoon, “What kind of group are they?”

“They’re moderately well-known. I know them somewhat, but not in detail.”

“They’re the benchmark group. If we beat Hush, we’ll be in the upper ranks.”


“Then let’s win this time?”

The members blinked.

“Were you planning to lose?”

“Oh, no.”

“You know we’re talking about popularity, not just the trivial results in variety shows, right?”

Kang Minje asked, “You mean popularity?”

“Yeah, both popularity and recognition. We need to make people like us more than Hush.”

I chuckled.

“Let’s be smart about this.”

Then the manager said, “Isn’t Hush a bit sneaky?”


“How long will it take?”

“It’s petty and annoying. When you guys arrive, the seniors won’t be joking around.”

Heaven is helping us.

“Manager, are the director and writer of ‘Our Idol’ close with Hush?”

“Probably not? ‘Our Idol’ is famous for airing without edits. They don’t have any close groups. It’s just a broadcasting station.”

It was very fitting. I couldn’t help but smile.

‘Well, should I provoke them a little?’

That’s my specialty.

“I’m looking forward to today’s filming.”

Just then, a steaming hot meal arrived. I decided to eat quietly.

‘It better be as unique an experience as Vita.’

Don’t you want to eat too?

I tapped my smartphone in my pocket.

‘What should I post this time?’

Vocals? Acting?

I chuckled to myself. I quietly looked out the window. The road to the broadcasting station was exceptionally refreshing.

“Please go that way. Act naturally; we’ll edit it.”

Believing the broadcasting station is foolish.

I signaled to Yoo Hajin. The gentle leader spoke to us.

“Let’s be careful. Everyone here is our senior. Um…”

Yoo Hajin smiled softly at Ki Jaeyoon.

“Jaeyoon, you know you need to watch your words, right?”

“Hyung, why are you only picking on me?”

“Because I don’t need to worry about the other members.”

That’s true.

A writer came to mic me up. She was short, so she bent her knees slightly. As our faces got closer, she covered her mouth and stepped back a bit.

“Sorry, was I too close?”

“Oh? Yeah. But you don’t have to apologize.”

The writer smiled brightly and fixed the mic between my clothes. Then she quickly ran off to where the other writers were.

“How is it?”

“She’s really pretty.”

“She’s 16. So fresh.”

“She apologized. For what? I like it. Oh, she’s cute.”

I can hear you, writer.

‘It’s better to be seen as cool.’

If Hush is rude, it’ll create a synergy effect.

I pretended not to notice and turned away. Yoo Hajin spoke softly.

“Let’s go.”

We opened the door and entered the meeting room. The director and Hush were already there.

‘Hush has eight members.’

Thanks to that, the meeting room was bustling. We stood and greeted as we entered.

“Hello. Bringing the climax to you! We are Zenis.”

The reactions varied. The director, familiar with idol greetings, responded normally, but Hush was different.

“They said ‘bringing the climax to you.'”

“Sounds like a porn title.”


‘The cameras are rolling, you know.’

To say such things out loud.

‘I see. These guys are really something.’

No need to hesitate.

The director motioned for us to sit. Ki Jaeyoon, with a nervous look, sat as far from Hush as possible, but I was different.

I sat next to them with a bright smile.

“Nice to meet you, seniors.”

They didn’t greet back. They just chuckled. I looked at the camera in front of me, turned my head with a troubled expression.

‘It’s all being recorded, you fools.’

Sensing the tense atmosphere, the director cleared his throat.

“This show is about the two groups competing. We called you today to decide the categories.”

Hush spoke up.

“Director, we’ve been around for years. Couldn’t this be done over a phone interview?”

“We need to hear from both groups for a fair competition.”

Yoo Hajin spoke first.

“Seniors, please decide first. We’re fine with anything.”

The director shook his head immediately.

“We can’t do that. The essence of our program is fighting on equal grounds.”

Equal grounds. As if the broadcasting station would allow that.

I struggled to suppress my laughter.

‘The ratings for this show are pretty good, right?’

The reason was simple.

The essence of this show was the power struggles and raw faces of idols.

‘What a bunch of lowlifes.’

Do they feel good making ratings off kids fighting?

‘Usually, on shows like this, it’s best to be cautious to avoid backlash.’

But what if the other side is so reckless?

The scales would tip instantly in our favor.

‘Isn’t it all over if only this side looks pitiful?’

Could the broadcasting guys not know this?

‘Well, let’s go along with it for now.’

It’s in our favor, and it seems like that’s what the broadcasting guys want.

Yoo Hajin looked around at the members and asked.

“What are we good at?”

Kang Minjae answered.


Lee Seungjoon nodded.

‘Ah, this guy is good at boxing.’

But don’t say that. If we do that, we’ll look like the bad guys. We can’t keep taking hits either.

The director shook his head.

“Sports are too common. Anything unique?”

I answered.


The director immediately pressed.

“Are you guys good at cooking?”

“It’s not that the members are good, but I can do a bit.”

“Oh, right. You’re the one who posts meals on SNS. Okay, cooking is good.”

But then there was a boo.

“Cooking favors them!”

“It’s best two out of three, so you can do something you’re good at too.”

“Then we’ll chop firewood.”


‘That’s random.’

There’s no pension nearby, so why firewood?

“Have you guys ever chopped firewood?”

“We’re strong. We’ve been building muscle for this album.”

Oh dear. They should do dumbbell lifting instead.

‘They’ve never chopped firewood.’

Strength is needed, but technique is more important.

“Can we take off our clothes when we chop firewood?”

“The ratings will be good.”

“People like robust men these days.”

“The other side, except for one, all look pale.”

Hmm. They plan to overwhelm us with muscles.

I quietly observed Hush.

‘Not all of them have good bodies.’

Some even look frail, so why assume they all have good bodies?

“Alright then, drawing sounds good. Chopping wood and cooking. And then, we’ll decide what’s next.”

“Oh, what will it be?”

“Okay, that’s the end of the meeting scene!”

The director called for a cut, but the hidden cameras kept rolling. I smiled and bowed my head.

“Great job, everyone!”

I said it first, and the other members followed suit. But Hush didn’t even nod.

‘Seriously? Even if it’s us, shouldn’t you at least acknowledge the staff? This makes it too clear-cut. So boring.’

The director turned to us immediately.

“Zenis, right? I saw your debut stage. It was quite the buzz.”

Yoo Hajin smiled as he replied.

“Not sure if that’s good luck or bad luck.”

“You worked hard in the rain.”

The director looked directly at me.

“It was you, right? The young master in that music video?”

I smiled brightly.

“Yes. Did you see it? Thank you for watching.”

“Of course, I saw it. The writers went crazy. Wow, look at your face. It’s so delicate.”

“Thank you.”

Then it happened. Hush members spoke from behind me.

“How long do you think that face will last?”

“Not years, probably months?”

“He’ll look haggard after just three months of schedule. But then again, he’s with Friends, so he’ll probably get good care, right?”

One of the Hush members with bleached red hair openly asked.

“Hey, what did you get done?”

I turned to look at them.

“Pardon? What do you mean?”

I had an idea, but it was better to play dumb.

“Your nose? Eyes?”

“What are you talking about?”

I could feel the director laughing behind me.

“Hey, you idiot! Plastic surgery! Where did you get work done?”

Oh dear. What now?

I smiled awkwardly.

“I didn’t get anything done.”

For a moment, it looked like the redhead’s eyes would pop out.

“Nothing? At all?”

“No. And I’m only 16.”

“Dammit! Even at that age, people get work done!”

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1 month ago

It seems the group name is unedited. It’s supposed to be *Zenis. I thought they were being condescending to them for a second there lol

1 month ago

Someone’s burning themselves 🤭

25 days ago

Hush is a bit… Idk they should be more careful o from of the cameras

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