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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 58- Misunderstanding

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“Can I have more soup?”


He really seems to like homemade food.

“By the way, I have something to talk about. We just moved, right?”

I nodded. The place was utterly empty.

‘Was it Vita who said that?’

I heard that they made a mess of it after living here for a few years, so they had to do a major renovation.

“Is it okay to use the rooms like this?”

The 40-pyeong (approximately 140 square meters) apartment had four rooms. Since there were five members, naturally, Seungjoon and I ended up sharing a room.

“It’s fine. What about you, Seungjoon?”

Seungjoon just nodded.

‘That bear of a guy rarely talks to others.’

He talks quite a bit when it’s just the two of us, though.

This level of shyness was top-tier.

‘He shouldn’t be on variety shows.’

His physical skills are top-notch, what a waste.

“Seungjoon, are you really okay with this?”

Even a bear wouldn’t completely ignore the leader’s question.

“I’m comfortable sharing with Dowon.”

“Got it. Thanks for your cooperation, both of you.”


I stared blankly at Yoo Hajin.


“No, I just thought you’re really a good person, Hajin.”

“Hahaha! Are you saying I was bad before?”

Yoo Hajin laughed good-naturedly.

“People usually think that being strict and authoritarian makes you strong, but living with you, I’ve realized it’s not true.”

This type is scarier.

“A gentle person is much stronger.”

Yoo Hajin’s eyes blinked behind his glasses.

“By the way, are you going to keep wearing glasses, Hajin?”

“Oh, yeah. They told me to. My vision isn’t that bad, so I can manage without them, but Director Joo insisted I keep them on.”

Is that the concept they’re going for?

‘I never really understand what the planning team is thinking.’

It’s best to leave it to the experts until I gain more experience.

“Oh, I have an announcement to make.”

Yoo Hajin stood up to get more soup.

“As you know, our music video isn’t finished yet. We filmed the drama scenes, but the dance scenes keep getting delayed.”

Kang Minjae sighed and drank some soup.

“Did it change again?”

“Yeah. But they sent another video last night. So, after we eat, we need to head straight to the practice room.”

Ah, another revision.

“Hajin, the choreographer is K, right? Didn’t he go to the US?”

“Yes. He said being in a new place inspires him.”

Ki Jaeyun slumped on his chair and shouted.

“Ugh. Tell him to stop eating pizza and control his inspiration! I just barely memorized the choreography!”

I agreed with him.

Yoo Hajin added some kimchi and continued.

“Still, he’s putting in effort for us. Let’s keep at it until we get it right.”

Well, there’s no other way.

Just then, the front door opened, and the manager came in carrying a roll of toilet paper.

“Wow, it’s really empty here. You should at least buy a sofa. What are you all doing?”

I looked at the chubby manager and asked.

“Did you have breakfast?”

“Of course not!”

There was no time to offer him a spoon. The manager quickly scooped some rice and soup and squeezed in at the table.

“Who cooked this?”


The manager looked surprised.

“You’re good at cooking too?”

“Yeah, you knew that.”

“Oh, did I? Right! Yes, I remember!”

What’s going on?

I squinted my eyes.

“Are you already senile?”

“Hey! Watch your mouth! If Mira hears that, she’ll freak out!”

This manager always talked about not telling things to Mira but I don’t know who Mira was.

“It’s just that you’re good at so many things I forgot! I was so surprised yesterday!”

Ki Jaeyun immediately asked.

“What is Dowon good at?”

“He’s dangerous.”


Yoo Hajin was so startled he spat out his water. Luckily, he covered it with his hand, but his clothes were a mess.



Yoo Hajin started coughing. I shook my head and tossed him a nearby cloth.

Meanwhile, Kang Minjae continued eating his rice quietly.

“Hey, did you know about the music video plot?”

“Hmm? Music video? I don’t know much about it. Director Joo is handling it, and also…”

Kang Minjae murmured sleepily.

“We entrusted it to Dowon. I’m not worried since he’ll do a good job.”

Ah, damn.

Chills ran down my spine. What?

‘Our Dowon?’

I desperately controlled my expression. My fists were trembling.

‘Calm down.’

This guy needs to make music. He’s a hit song machine. Damn, hurry up and eat your seaweed soup and go write a song!

I forced myself to take a deep breath, almost like a sigh, and the manager chuckled.

“You’re trusted, you ambitious maniac!”

I wanted to bury that trust as soon as possible.

“Manager, can I ask you one thing?”

“Yeah, what?”

“What’s the most important thing for an idol?”

The manager patted his belly and answered.


Not talent or anything?

“Do you want to make movies? Become an actor? Is being an idol your dream? Then it’s simple! First, build up your stamina!”

I quietly touched my forehead.

‘It’s random, but he’s right.’

Being a celebrity surprisingly involves a lot of physical work. Filming can go on for days, and action scenes can cause injuries.

‘Singing and dancing are physical activities themselves.’

I knew that very well.

‘The problem is, cheats don’t increase stamina.’

They help with recovery, but not with total HP.

‘No, that was when I didn’t understand the experience points.’

Maybe it works now?

I stepped out of the kitchen and used a cheat.

[Cha Dowon’s HP]


Exercise never betrays. I’ve improved a lot.

[Change total to 830]

[Changed to 830. Body will be modified.]


‘It works.’

New experiences were indeed the answer.

[Due to side effects, you will vomit in 5 seconds for 10 minutes.]

Damn it.

There wasn’t even a moment to collect myself. I ran to the farthest bathroom from the kitchen and took off my T-shirt.

My stomach churned like crazy. I watched as everything came back up and waited for the 10 minutes to pass.

After what felt like an eternity of suffering, peace finally came.

“Cheat you…”

I sighed deeply as I washed my face.

“Anyway, I can’t let my guard down.”

Water dripped off me. I picked up my shirt and went out of the bathroom. After a 10-minute battle, my head was throbbing.

I heard a voice I didn’t want to hear.


Ah, damn it. Kang Minjae.

“I want to ask why you’re here…”

I ended up running to the farthest place, which happens to be the bathroom attached to this guy’s room?

I forced a smile.

“Oh, hyung!”

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay.”

Just let it go. Please.

“You cough up blood, sometimes have nosebleeds, and now you’ve even vomited today.”

Laying it all out, it sounded pretty serious.

Why do you always witness my side effects? Damn it.

“If it were Lee Seungjoon, I could brush it off somehow…”

But this guy wouldn’t let it slide.

“I’m fine.”


Kang Minjae grabbed my arm.

“Is there something I need to know?”


Crazy! Know what?

‘How can I make this guy believe me?’

No trivial excuse would work.

I racked my brain, but nothing came to mind.

“Can’t you tell me the reason? Is it so difficult that you can’t tell me?”

His sharp intuition was annoyingly accurate. I sighed.

“I can’t tell you. But please trust me, hyung.”

Kang Minjae’s eyes wavered.

“This is working. Should I push a bit more?”

I forced myself to control my emotions. I had to be desperate for no reason right now.

“Zenis won’t suffer any losses.”


“Hyung, I don’t have much time.”

Right. The lifespan of an idol is limited, and wasting time here is a loss.

“Ah, I see.”

Kang Minjae pressed his eyes.

‘Damn. It seems to be working, but it feels strangely uneasy’

He let out a hot breath. I kept an eye on him in the odd atmosphere.

“Does it have to be now? Even if it’s this tough?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Alright. Got it.”

“I know what you’re worried about, hyung. But I’m really fine. If it was something I couldn’t do, I wouldn’t have volunteered in the first place.”

Kang Minjae couldn’t meet my eyes.

‘This guy is a bit strange.’

But my sixth sense, inherited from my mother, the famous shaman in Seongnam, told me.

I had to push through. I must.

“I’m healthy. I’m probably the healthiest in Zenis.”

“Really? That’s a relief, but…”

The grip on my arm tightened. Kang Minjae whispered softly.

“I’ll take it as that.”

I’m going crazy.

“What’s with this atmosphere?”

He seemed very desperate.

“Dowon, you’re trying to be a blazing flame until the end.”

Goosebumps rose to the top of my head. What? A flame?

‘Is this guy crazy?’

I was too stunned to speak.

“Flames are beautiful because they burn out quickly. But to think you’re dry firewood now. That’s sad.”

Is he reciting poetry? No, this is an insult to poetry.


No matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t grasp what he was saying.

Flames? Dry firewood?

Was this a military code? How to decode this?

“Dry firewood burns well. Yeah. I get it. Okay. I understand.”

A guy who has never burned firewood as a part-time job at a pension is talking nonsense!

Kang Minjae smiled sadly. The emotion on his neat face was so pitiful that it drove me crazy.

I’m being pitied by this guy!

“I won’t ask anymore. But it’s too sad that this sorrow is all mine.”

The fox-like guy covered his mouth with a sad expression. He seemed overwhelmed.

“Why is life so sad?”

Damn it!

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I turned my head and spoke.

“I’m leaving.”

Escape, bastard.

I left without looking back. I quickly entered my room and took a deep breath.

“Scary guy.”

The mental attack was severe. Is this what it feels like to have a contaminated brain?

“What a weird guy.”

It’s a relief he let it go, but it felt like my mind had been beaten. I groaned and collapsed on the bed. The bitter taste of stress rose up.


Director Joo clicked the mouse. She looked at the screen and clenched and unclenched her fist.


Secretary Kim placed a teacup on the table in front of her. Director Joo leaned back in her chair and spoke weakly.


“Why do you look so down?”

“Huh? Oh, right! Secretary Kim, do you want to see this?”

Director Joo clicked the mouse to show a video. Secretary Kim admired the boy on the monitor. There was no sound because the music hadn’t been added, but the boy’s appearance was quite impressive.

“Wow, he’s cool. Is this him?”


“He looks good, so why are you so down?”

“I feel guilty. This is noise marketing.”

To Secretary Kim, the boy on the screen seemed flawless. His eyes, nose, and neck line were so perfect that she couldn’t help but be amazed.

“Secretary Kim, you know, I don’t expect much from the kids.”


Can a director of a top agency in the country say such things?

“That’s how it is. When you’re in this position. How many kids can bring in profits as expected? Even I can’t help those who can’t rise.”

Well, that’s true.

Secretary Kim nodded.

“How many kids perform better than expected? My job is to include that in the forecast. I think planning is like that.”

It was a rare insight into her management philosophy.

“But how should I explain this?”

Director Joo tapped the monitor lightly.

“He’s better than I expected. Honestly, I gave him tasks and pressures more than I thought he could handle, so I wasn’t fully expecting this.”

In the industry, they always liked ambitious people. But how many can actually handle it?

“We hired that crazy guy and suddenly his skills have improved. Can he really handle this?”

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1 month ago

MinJae is quite a funny guy 🤣😂

29 days ago

I take back what I said before… Dowon, why did you say that?! lmao of course, minjae is gonna react like that hahaha

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