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We Just know Each Other chapter 41- MATURE (Slightly Sexual)

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But Kim Chanyi spoke in a sigh.

“Hyunoh. Are you uncomfortable? Why are you doing this?”

Why? I’m the one who wants to ask that. Why are you doing this to me?

“Just wait a moment.”

Kim Chanyi gently caressed my shoulder, soothing me.

I felt like I needed to pee.

Ejaculation was imminent.

I urgently lifted my head from the backrest and glared at Kim Chanyi.

He looked surprisingly erotic.

He didn’t look like the person I usually saw at all.

“Ah, Hyunoh.”

Kim Chanyi’s eyes were half-closed.

His usually neat bangs were a mess.

His lips, as red as his face, were pressed against his upper teeth.

I held my breath.

My nose tingled.

Kim Chanyi spoke in a hoarse voice. His voice was damp and hot.


Kim Chanyi’s hand was still stroking both our penises.

“Is it hard?”

He leaned closer to my face. I wanted to tell him to let go because I was about to cum.

But I couldn’t open my mouth.

My hand covering my mouth trembled.

Kim Chanyi lightly kissed my damp forehead.


And at that moment, I ejaculated.

It felt like the electric shocker attached to my spine was turned to the maximum.

My whole body convulsed.

My chest jerked up into the air, and my finger joints tingled.

My breath caught in my throat.

I couldn’t breathe until the orgasm completely left my body.

It was the most intense excitement of my life.

“You had a lot built up.”

My once firm penis lost its strength and softened.

Only then did Kim Chanyi let go of my penis.

I heard a wet sound.

The sound of my semen dirtying Kim Chanyi’s hand.

I closed my eyes tightly, wanting to die.

“Just a moment.”

Kim Chanyi gently asked for my understanding and continued to pleasure himself on top of me.

Even though I couldn’t see, I could clearly feel his gaze sweeping over my body.

A few minutes passed that felt like they would never end.

“Ha, Hyunoh.”

Kim Chanyi called my name as he climaxed.

Some of his semen splashed onto my pelvis.


I’m going crazy.

Summer is fading away.

The heat that vanished from the air has surely transferred into my body.

I can’t calm the rising heat within me.


I was standing there blankly holding a tray when I turned to look at Yoona.

“Are you going to stay out of it? Table 6’s order!”

“Oh… sorry.”

I got scolded by Yoona again today. It’s been almost a week of this repeating.

Yoona berated me, telling me not to walk around absent-mindedly.

She added that I’ve been acting really strange lately. I agree.

The severity of the situation must have been noticed by the boss too.

As I was tidying up after the business closed, the boss asked me.

“Hyunoh, is something wrong with you lately?”

“No, I’m just feeling a bit unwell…”

I lied.

There are so many things wrong.

The boss scratched his head, looking like he didn’t believe me.

“I’m sorry. I’ll pull myself together.”

I bowed deeply and headed home.

I still returned to Kim Chanyi’s place.

Even though the weather was decent enough for me to live comfortably in my single room now, I hadn’t turned on the air conditioner for days.

The promise we made is falling apart.

He said we’d just be friends for a month, but friends don’t kiss like animals every night.

What will happen to the promise of staying together for the summer?

Will that fall apart too?

I stopped in my tracks and sighed. I don’t know.

I have no idea why I’m like this.

I recalled today’s lunch, which felt like it was spent with madmen.

When I woke up, Kim Chanyi was still at home. I asked him.

“Aren’t you going to school?”

“I finished my work.”

“So, you’re staying home?”

“Probably until the semester starts. Eat your toast, Hyunoh.”

I sat in a daze, eating my first meal. Kim Chanyi, who had already eaten, just stared at me.

“Kim Chanyi, why are you staring at me?”

“Just because.”

“Stop it.”


“Just because.”

Kim Chanyi laughed out loud.

His cheerful voice always felt good to hear.

He carefully reached out and touched my arm, then whispered tenderly.

“Hurry up and eat.”

I shuddered.

This was a signal from Kim Chanyi.

I knew what would happen once I finished the toast.

We had avoided deep conversations.

Why did Kim Chanyi give me a Blowjob?

Why didn’t I refuse?

How should we go on from here?

We kept these crucial questions buried.

Neither of us ever brought them up.

We lived each day like crazy people, avoiding the important topics.

Whenever our eyes met, Kim Chanyi would come over and kiss me.

He grabbed my cheeks and pushed his legs between mine.

There were countless kisses like that.

Some of them led to even more intense acts.

We would pant, exchanging heavy breaths without breaking the kiss, while stripping each other’s pants off.

It was frustrating when the clothes wouldn’t come off easily due to joints.

We were half-naked, touching each other’s penis.

The locations varied. In front of the dining table, in the bathroom, in my room, in Kim Chanyi’s room, in the shower, in the living room… whenever one of us felt like it, we did it.

I realized for the first time that I was weak to pleasure.

Every climax shattered my previous records of excitement.

I was dangerously absorbed in acts with Kim Chanyi.

He knew exactly how to handle me now.

I couldn’t resist him at all. Just making eye contact with him made me heat up.

As soon as I finished the toast, Kim Chanyi got up and approached me.

I clumsily tried to resist.

“Move. I’m busy.”

“We have plenty of time before you go to work.”

“So what?”

Kim Chanyi looked down at me with a smile.

“I want to kiss you.”


“Let me.”

I tried to push his firm abs with my palm, but he didn’t budge.

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