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We Just know Each Other chapter 12

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The boss raised an eyebrow slightly.

“What’s with the reaction? Didn’t you know Chanyi is sick?”

“Is Kim Chanyi really that sick?”

“A severe cold and acute gastritis. The poor guy looks like he’s dying.”

“How do you know?”

“How could you not know? You’re friends, aren’t you?”

“I’m not close with him…”

“Really? Chanyi kept asking about you.”

I tightly gripped the edge of the bag.

Suddenly, I felt a bit suffocated.

It was like there was glue near my heart, preventing it from moving.

My nose felt stuffy.

I fidgeted with my chin and then looked at the boss.

The boss frowned.

“Good grief. What’s going on? You haven’t come by the shop in ages, so I called him a few days ago because I was worried. He told me he was sick.”

“How do you have his number?”

I couldn’t believe the boss and Kim Chanyi had gotten close without me knowing.

The boss then explained how they became acquainted.

The boss, who has a fourth-grade daughter, had been worried lately.

He doesn’t send her to cram school and helps with her homework himself, but the difficulty level was starting to exceed his capability, especially in math.

Apparently, he discussed this with Kim Chanyi, who offered to tutor his daughter in math during the summer break, free of charge.

Chanyi’s always unnecessarily generous like that.

Why did he get involved?

The boss found it awkward to accept this help for free, so he decided to provide some homemade side dishes for Chan, who lives alone.

“I had no idea.”

“Really? I thought Chanyi would’ve told you.”

My world consists of my basement room and this barbecue restaurant.

But it seemed like Kim Chanyi had already stepped into half of my world.

I felt extremely uneasy.

It seemed like I was losing my place, and I started to worry that I might never be able to shake him off.

“Anyway, go and take him the porridge.”

“Do I have to go?”

“Do you expect me, the boss, to go when we’re about to open?”

“Isn’t it a bit much? It’s just some elementary school math.”

“He’s sick. Go quickly.”

The boss firmly pushed me on the back. I pouted.

“I don’t even know where he lives.”

Not just his address—I didn’t know his phone number either.

“I know. I’ll text it to you.”

“Are you sure it’s okay to be without a part-timer during opening hours?”

“There aren’t many customers at this time. Yuna and I can handle it.”

“But I want to work and earn my hourly wage…”

Going to Chanyi’s place was the last thing I wanted. Honestly, I was a bit scared.

Seeing him frail, with a feverish face, calling me “Hyunoh”… I’m afraid of it.

After our harsh argument, Chanyi fell ill immediately.

I felt somewhat responsible.

I felt too guilty to face him, and if Chanyi pleaded with teary eyes, I knew I wouldn’t be able to refuse him.

The boss suddenly smacked my back hard.

“Ouch! Do you think I’d forget to pay you for this? Chanyi hasn’t eaten anything all day. Go quickly!”


“If you don’t go, I’ll cancel your arrangement to stay at the shop.”

I hesitated. It was mid-July.

It would be a while before the heat let up.

Should I sleep with cockroaches in the dank basement room?

Or should I harden my soft heart and take the porridge to Chanyi?

I decided to just drop off the porridge and leave.

My thoughts leaned towards the latter.

“I’ll go.”

With a reluctant face, I stepped out of the shop.

Using the address the boss texted, I found Chanyi’s place.

It was a fifteen-minute walk, an office-tel, the newest building in the area.

My legs shook as I took the elevator to the sixth floor.

By the time I reached 604, I was biting my lip hard.

After a few gulps, I pressed the doorbell.

It was quiet inside.

Was he asleep?

I pressed the doorbell again.

Still quiet. I knocked on the door with a clenched fist.

He should’ve answered by now.

I was getting anxious.

“Hey, Kim Chanyi.”

Knock knock.

This time, I called out his name as I knocked.

“Kim Chanyi, open the door.”

What was he doing in there?

Was he unconscious?

“Hey! It’s Hyunoh, open up!”

Suddenly, the door swung open forcefully.

Kim Chanyi appeared, with a pale face, wide-open mouth, big round eyes, and flushed cheeks, looking dazed.


I quickly thrust the porridge towards Chanyi.

With my other hand, I clenched a fist behind my back.

Chanyi looked worse than I expected.

My heart ached and protective instincts kicked in.

The resolve I had while walking here started to melt.

I steeled myself.

No, just give him the porridge and leave.

Don’t get involved.

Run away from here.

Chanyi mumbled, looking bewildered.

“Am I dreaming?”

“It’s not a dream.”

I tried to act as robotic as possible.

“The boss sent me with this. I really, really didn’t want to come, but the boss is busy and asked me to…”

My prepared speech was cut short.

With a thud, Chanyi collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Ah, what a mess all because of some porridge.

I was completely drained.

I didn’t have the strength to lift a finger.

Given that I had been running around in this hot weather, it was no surprise.

In the end, I couldn’t make it to my part-time job.

The boss told me not to come in and just take care of Kim Chanyi.

I stared blankly at Kim Chanyi, who was smiling brightly.

How did I end up like this?

-Feed Chanyi the porridge and bring the empty container back to the shop.

Another message followed.

-Don’t worry, I won’t take your pay.

I alternated between looking at the message and Kim Chanyi. I sighed and spoke.

“Hey, let’s go up together.”


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