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Controlled by an AI chapter 10

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Three days had passed since he bought the smartphone. During that time, he had been getting a grasp on the current world through the internet.

AI Zijin reported.

[I failed to find any data on the Earth Union or the Strategic Special Forces.]

Finding such names was not difficult. ‘Earth Union’ was quite common. There were even clubs named Earth Union. ‘Strategic Special Forces’ also frequently appeared in searches.

But none of them were what AI Zijin knew.

“I wondered if there might be someone related to 2082 like us, but I guess not.”

[They might be hiding their identity like us.]

“That could be. Or we might be the only ones in this era.”

The PC Bang had hit a jackpot with lunch and dinner sales over the past few days.

The chef’s special dishes were only sold when Na Kang-In was at the PC Bang. If he went out to investigate the surroundings and didn’t return by mealtime, the special dishes weren’t sold.

Even so, the number of customers increased. Some came just to eat, but most stayed for an hour or two at the PC Bang since they were already there.

With more customers, more part-time staff were needed, especially in the busy evenings.

The owner, Cha Dong-seok, asked Na Kang-In.

“A new part-timer is coming for an interview now. Do you want to join the interview, Kangin?”

Na Kang-In only took care of the special dishes. Managing the PC Bang wasn’t his job.

“Why should I?”

“Even if it’s just an occasional part-time job for busy times, they might have to help in the kitchen when it’s urgent.”

“Just hire whoever you think is best, boss.”

“Should I do that then? Ah, there he is.”

Na Kang-In turned his head towards the door. A familiar face walked in.


AI Zijin displayed a video file through the AR lens.

A video of a terrified college hacker shouting in a wrecked office appeared before his eyes.

[This is the civilian hacker we rescued from captivity four days ago.]

“I know.”

Cha Dong-seok waved at Ahn Sung-hwan.

“Hey, come here. Do you have your resume?”

“Here it is.”

“Wow, Korea University, Computer Science? You must be good with computers.”

“Yes, I’ve always been really good.”

“Is the reason you applied here because it’s close to home?”

I feel guilty.

The manipulation program Ahn Sung-hwan created had been installed in this PC Bang for testing, but it was removed by Na Kang-In.

Even though Ahn Sung-hwan was forced to create that program, he still felt a bit guilty about it.

But that wasn’t the only reason he came here. There was another reason.

“I wanted to do a normal part-time job.”

“Huh? Are there abnormal part-time jobs?”


Ahn Sung-hwan hesitated. He came here because he felt guilty, but it was difficult to tell the whole truth.

“I have bad memories of being threatened while working in captivity…”

“Oh dear. What happened to those guys?”

“The police arrested them all.”

“That’s a relief.”

The interview ended quickly. Owner Cha Dong-seok said.

“Start working from today. Sung-hwan, you know you’re just filling in when it’s busy, right?”

“Yes! That works for me too!”

“When it’s urgent, you’ll also have to help in the kitchen, so say hi to Kangin here. Kangin is our chef. He usually only cooks, but he’s also really good with computers, so ask for help if you need it in an emergency.”

Ahn Sung-hwan bowed his head.

“Hello, hyung. I’m Ahn Sung-hwan.”


[Working with the rescued individual increases the risk of exposure.]

Na Kang-In whispered.

“But how can I fire him when he calls me hyung?”

[This is not a rational decision.]

“You can be so cold sometimes, even though you usually act like a person.”

He said to Ahn Sung-hwan.

“I’m Na Kang-In. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

Ahn Sung-hwan tilted his head.

“But hyung, have we met somewhere before?”

[The rescued individual seems to have realized. Terminate immediately.]

“You probably saw me around since you live in this neighborhood.”


The next day, Na Kang-In passed by a movie theater in the neighborhood.

The AR lens installed in his eye has a video playback function. Yesterday, AI Zijin had shown him the video of Ahn Sung-hwan’s captivity through the AR lens.

“Zijin, can I watch movies lying down with AR lenses?”

AI Zijin replied.

[To watch movies with AR lenses, you need to purchase the content.]

“There’s nowhere that sells it in this era.”

[That is correct.]

“You’re definitely mocking me. I figured it out right away.”

He went to a large mart to personally check out the electronic products on display. There can be a difference between information collected online and seeing the actual product. That’s why he came here to see for himself.

After thoroughly browsing the electronics section, he bought a few spices from the food section of the mart. He put the spices in a recycling bag.

Then he returned to the PC bang.

Taking the shortcut through the alley allowed him to get back to the PC bang more quickly.

Everything visible along the way was subject to the AI’s data collection.

There were only a few people in the residential alley during the daytime.

Suddenly, the AI warned him.

[Fire hazard detected.]

A translucent red circle overlapped the middle of a five-story studio apartment building ahead of him. This circle was a virtual image shown through the AI’s AR lenses.

[The fire hazard has been detected there.]

Before the AI even finished speaking, the building’s fire alarm started blaring loudly. A small flame was visible through the corridor window.

[Updating information. A fire has already started.]

The fire broke out in a narrow five-story studio apartment building. The flames quickly consumed the second floor.

A passerby saw it and urgently called the fire department.

Na Kang-In had a combat support AI implanted in his body. He had augmented reality devices in his eyes and additional modules in his ears. His leg strength was also enhanced.

Suddenly, a special method to extinguish the fire came to his mind. If it worked, he could put out that fire in one shot.

He extended his right hand towards the burning area, feeling like this might work.

As he stretched his hand towards the flames, he shouted.

“Fire suppression beam, launch!”

The AI immediately reacted.

[Are you crazy, agent?]

“Oh… I don’t have any cryo-ray superpowers, do I?”

[If you did, would you still be human?]

Na Kang-In lowered his arm sheepishly and changed the subject.

“Zinji, find a way to extinguish that fire.”

[Of course, you should use a fire extinguisher or a fire hydrant. Use the building’s firefighting equipment.]

Na Kang-In entered the first floor of the building. There was a fire extinguisher standing in a corner. He grabbed it and went up to the second floor.

The flames engulfing the second floor were quite intense. The AI pointed out the spots where the fire extinguisher should be used. However, even using the extinguisher, the fire couldn’t be put out.

“Hey, this isn’t enough to extinguish the fire.”

[It’s dangerous. Evacuate the building.]

“When did you say to do it?”

He stepped outside and looked up.

“There’s no choice. Let’s hope no one is in that building…”

A figure appeared on the rooftop.

[A survivor has been detected.]

A young woman’s frantic voice came from the rooftop. She was waving her arms and shouting.

“Help! There’s someone up here!”

[Face identified. She is a customer from our temporary base PC bang.]

Neighborhood residents who came out to watch the fire were startled when they saw the rooftop.

“What? There’s someone up there!”

“Why aren’t the fire trucks here yet?”

“Oh no! What do we do!”

Na Kang-In asked.

“Estimated arrival time for the fire truck?”

[Considering the distance to the nearest fire station and the average traffic conditions in this area at this time, it will take at least 4 minutes.]

“Can she hold out on the rooftop for 4 minutes?”

[It’s impossible. The flames are likely to reach the rooftop before then. Even if she holds out a bit longer than 4 minutes, survival is unlikely.]

Even when the fire trucks arrive and start spraying water, the fire won’t go out immediately. Ladder trucks also need time to deploy their ladders.

[There is a 99% chance the civilian on the rooftop will die before the fire is extinguished.]

“No choice then.”

[There’s no choice.]

“She’s a customer, so I have to save her. I’ll go up to the rooftop and get her out. Find me an entry route.”

The AI analyzed the information without complaint. Several translucent markers appeared on the exterior wall of the building. Most of the route overlapped with window frames.

[The 2nd-floor stairs are blocked by the fire, leaving no usable indoor routes. You must climb up to the rooftop by grabbing or stepping on the marked spots.]

Na Kang-In checked the mask he had. It was a mask that could block fine dust.

“Can this mask block the smoke?”

[Visual information alone is insufficient to analyze the mask’s filtration performance.]

“As expected, you know nothing?”

[Assume it does not block toxic gases at all and proceed. I will suggest a route to avoid the smoke.]

A virtual line was drawn along the wall of the burning building. The route included external structures he could grab or step on.

“It’s still better than not wearing a mask.”

He put on the mask and walked towards the building. People didn’t understand what he was doing.

Na Kang-In lightly jumped and grabbed the upper part of a window frame. Then he pulled himself up. His foot touched the lower part of the window frame. He stepped on the window frame and jumped up. The protruding part below the 2nd-floor window was within his reach.

“What? That guy is climbing the wall!”

He grabbed that part and pulled himself up again. Then he jumped up again.


If his body angle was off during the jump and he fell away from the wall, he could crash down. Before that could happen, he grabbed the window frame of the next floor.

There were some protruding structures between floors. The AI indicated suitable structures to use.

He balanced himself by grabbing and stepping on those with his hands and feet.

The people were stunned.

“What? Are they really trying to climb all the way up to the roof?”

“Wow. They’re actually doing it.”

“Isn’t that too dangerous?”

Na Kang-in gave instructions to the AI Zinji as he climbed up.

“Check if there are any survivors on the other floors.”

[No sound of movement detected. People had time to evacuate to the roof before the fire reached the third floor.]

“What about the second floor?”

[The second floor is at a height where it’s possible to escape through the windows.]

“If there were people on the second floor, they would have already escaped.”

Listening to the report, Na Kang-in grabbed the upper window frame. He pulled himself up again with a strong effort.

As he clung to the fifth-floor window frame, the situation changed. A raging flame burst out from the third-floor window, licking upwards like a monstrous tongue.

People on the ground screamed.

“What? What?”

“The fire’s spreading upwards!”

The AI Zinji reported.

[The fire is spreading faster than anticipated. This building doesn’t use flame-resistant materials internally.]

“You should have found that out earlier.”

[Due to a lack of information on the 2022 construction materials, there was an error in predicting the fire situation.]

Na Kang-in gripped the fifth-floor window frame tightly and pulled himself up. Then, he bent his legs and hooked his toes on the edge of the frame, kicking off forcefully.

Thanks to his powerful jump, he ascended higher, though not completely vertically.

His body began to drift away from the building wall.

Screams came from below.


The AI Zinji spoke quickly.

[Grab the railing!]

He reached out his hand. His hand caught the vertical post of the rooftop’s iron railing.

Na Kang-in pulled himself sideways in mid-air and lightly flipped over the top of the railing.


Yoon Ah-reum was stomping her feet on the roof. Seeing Na Kang-in, she raised her hands high.

“Yay! You came to save us? Thank you! I owe you my life… Oh? Aren’t you the guy from the internet café?”

“I haven’t worked there long, so you probably didn’t see me much. And I’m wearing a mask.”

“Wow! I recognized you because you’re you!”

The fourth-floor window shattered. Flames soared.


The AI Zinji warned.

The fire is spreading faster than revised estimates. You need to evacuate this building immediately.]

Na Kang-in looked to the side. The building across the alley was also five stories high.

He asked quietly.

“Zinji, do you think I can jump to the next building with her? She looks pretty light.”

A few days ago, he had rescued university student hacker Ahn Sung-hwan, kicking two guys in the process. He hadn’t even kicked them with full force, yet they flew, breaking a table.

“If I go all out and jump, I think I can reach the roof of the building over there with her.”

The combat support AI Zinji warned.

[There are too many witnesses below. If too many people see you jump to the other building’s roof carrying someone, your identity might be suspected. This would greatly increase the likelihood of failing your infiltration mission.]

“Got it. Let’s find another way.”

He looked around the rooftop. He saw a laundry line.

“Should we use that to go down, like rappelling?”

[Due to the fire, descending the building is currently impossible. All directions are unsafe.]

“Then how about connecting this line to the other building’s railing and crossing over on it?”

A translucent virtual line was immediately drawn between the buildings.

[It is possible.]

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3 months ago

Wow this is really good, thanks for the chapter

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