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Damn Reincarnation Chapter 10.2

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After a while. Gargis came out with a wooden sword. He talked to Eugene with a look full of dissatisfaction.

“The weapons in the warehouse are too poor. I think they are of lesser quality than those from the warehouse in my family.”


“I mean, the last time I used this ordinary wooden sword was around when I was six. There is a huge bayonet in my family that I ordered myself. Of course, I didn’t take it here because it was for training. It’s really heavy with an iron core inside.”

“That’s great.”

“You seem to have been pretty disciplined…”

Gargis looked at Eugene’s forearm holding a wooden sword. It is not comparable to his thick forearms either, but it was clear that he had been training for a long time.

“What kind of training do you usually do?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“You said you beat Cyan. What kind of training did you do to beat Cyan Lionhart, the second son of the main family?”

“Hard work.”Eugene was too lazy to deal with him. 

Eugene swung the sword again after giving a rough answer. The basic action of swinging from top to bottom. As Eugene repeated his move silently, Gargis, who was standing at a distance, also raised his wooden sword.

Boom! It sounds so loud that it couldn’t have been thought it was from an ordinary wooden sword. This is the sound of pure muscular strength without the help of Mana. 

Gargis glanced proudly at Eugene, but the latter didn’t give him a single glance.

“…how many hours a day do you train?”

“Every hour except the time I eat, go to the bathroom, and sleep.”

“How long do you sleep?”

“At least six hours.”

“I sleep for five hours.”

“That’s great.”

“I actually wanted to sleep a little longer. My father told me that sleep is a cure. I heard you need to sleep to get muscles bigger.”


“The size of your muscles is not because of the difference in sleep time. There is a visionary muscle growth system in our family.”

“That’s great.”

“It was made with the help of a famous alchemist from Aroth… It is a drug that promotes muscle growth according to training without accumulating mana in the body. Don’t you use it?”

“I use nothing.”

“With simple training, muscle growth is limited. Originally, these muscle growth agents were used by mercenaries, but this cheap method together with our family’s vision of muscle growth agents was of different quality. It doesn’t have any side effects.”


“Look at me. I know I sleep an hour less than you, but my muscles are too thicker than yours. How tall are you?” Gargis thought he deserved to make a boastful noise. 

Gargis and Eugene are only one year apart, but Gargis was one head taller than Eugene. Considering his still young face, he doesn’t look 14 years old.

“No side effects. Where are you lying?”

It was Dira who just changed her clothes that asked Gargis with a sharp voice. She had her long hair tied up and wore a generous size uniform.

“That medicine. They say it gives you a beard.”

“What’s wrong with that? It’s natural for a man to grow a beard. I like my beard growing. I feel like I’m an adult.”

“You are still growing up, you idiot!”

Dira shot back with a grimace in her eyes. She is 12 years old, and she is also bold in cursing him because they were close since childhood. 

“I heard you used a spear in a duel with Cyan. Why are you using a sword now?”

“I can use a spear and a sword.”


“Oh, you’re using all of this and that? And self-study?

Other people would have given him a slight expression. Dira didn’t dare to do that and just stared at Eugene. It was said he defeated the main family’s son with a blow. 

“…I specialize in spears.”

“It suits you.” It wasn’t a lie. Dira was tall for her age, especially her long limbs. 

“It’s no fun just wielding a wooden sword. Let’s have a fight.”

“All right.”

Eugene nodded his head. He liked the straightforward attitude of Dira. In addition, Eugene was curious about the skills of the children who were ranked high among the branches. 

“You use the spear. I shall use the spear, too.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“I’d rather see you wielding a spear than a sword.”

He rushed to the warehouse without answering Dira. Soon he returned with two long spears on his side.

“Take it.”

The two children faced each other with a spear. Gargis, who was still taking off his coat, stood in the center.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ll be the referee.”


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3 years ago

Thanks for the chapter.

3 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

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