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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 13

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“Lord Erdian, Saint, Grand Priest Sihero has returned as summoned.”

As soon as Erdian granted permission to enter, the door opened.

Watching the slightly nervous Sihero, Erdian gestured towards the sofa.

“Sit. I called you because I have something to say.”

“Yes, Lord Erdian.”

Sihero bowed his head and sat down.

When a floating teacup was placed before him, the Saint poured tea for him, as if he had been waiting for it.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment of rest, with a god handing him a teacup and the Saint pouring tea.

As Sihero carefully took a sip, Erdian began to speak.

“Woohyun is going on a supervisory tour, isn’t he?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“I’ve read the report. It must have been tough to plan.”

Erdian praised Sihero’s efforts in a gentle tone.

Sihero’s hands trembled as he held the teacup, not expecting praise from Erdian.

It was the first time that the god, who was usually hard to hear from, had descended and was having such a detailed conversation.

“But it seemed excessive to me. I don’t believe you thought that number would go unnoticed. You must have been very diligent in following my command to take good care of the Saint. I understand your intentions.”

“…Yes. Though the Saint’s identity has been disguised as a priest of the Central Temple, how could we be careless when attending to him? I made sure to organize things minimally so that the Saint would not be inconvenienced during his first inspection outside the Holy City.”

Sihero moistened his dry mouth with the tea.

He had personally experienced how special Erdian considered the Saint.

Hadn’t he been scolded harshly just for respectfully kissing the Saint’s hand?

Erdian had an inexplicable obsession with Seo Woohyun.

He was the first person in over a thousand years to be recognized as the Saint by Erdian, who hadn’t accepted anyone as the Saint since the first saint.

“I don’t misunderstand your intentions, but…”

Seeing Sihero’s face turn pale, Erdian leaned back deeply on the sofa, resting his chin on his hand.

His long fingers moved slightly, and the yellow gemstone on his ring scattered beautiful light.

“When Woohyun is out enjoying himself, don’t try too hard to take care of him as the Saint. Otherwise, that timid guy won’t feel comfortable enough to relax and have fun.”

“Yes. I will keep that in mind, Lord Erdian.”

“It seems to me that no matter how much food you give Woohyun, he won’t gain much weight…”

Erdian’s subtle gaze turned towards Seo Woohyun.

Sihero pretended not to notice the Saint’s increasingly reddening face.

“Keep Giselle and Raullet from your team, but reassign the others as they were originally organized.
There were never more than seven people on regular inspections, so it’s definitely too many now. Moreover, the regular inspection in that area has already been completed, hasn’t it?”

Sihero responded promptly and respectfully. The god he served was both indifferent and kind.

Though he often didn’t respond to the High Priest’s devout prayers, Erdian was aware of the composition of irregular inspection teams.

While he didn’t make a show of it, the god’s gaze was still upon this land.



Seo Woohyun was still holding the teapot. Erdian took it from him and poured tea into Woohyun’s empty cup.

“Stop pouring and drink some yourself. You should get used to the taste of tea here.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

The light golden liquid in the teacup exuded a fragrant floral scent.

Erdian continued to ask Woohyun about trivial things, like whether he liked the food here and if he enjoyed walking in the garden.

Woohyun answered appropriately while also engaging in small talk with Sihero.

When the tea in the pot was nearly gone, Erdian slowly rose from the sofa.

“Woohyun, I’ll see you again. Don’t forget to exercise.”


The enigmatic beauty, whose true intentions were impossible to discern, patted Seo Woohyun’s head once before vanishing.

The warm, sunlit fragrance lingering around him made Seo Woohyun’s face flush again.

Under Erdian’s orders, the inspection team was significantly downsized.

This was a relief for Seo Woohyun, who had been uneasy about traveling with such a large group of nearly fifty people.

With the departure date set, Seo Woohyun intensified his efforts to absorb the final bits of basic knowledge.

The notebook he had begun using for review and organization was now well-worn.

It contained personal reflections and sensitive information, and he had gone over it so many times that he could practically recite it from memory.

For dinner, they were served a dish of spicy marinated pork along with some alcohol.

The drink was surprisingly good, so much so that when he casually mentioned wanting more after the meal, they brought out an extra supply just for him.

“Is this what power tastes like?”

Seo Woohyun grinned to himself as he poured the drink into his glass, savoring the luxury of sitting in a splendid garden, sipping alcohol as the sun began to set.

The entire situation felt surreal.

Despite his efforts to adapt, it wasn’t easy. Sometimes, he would wake up from a dream, frantically preparing for work in a small one-room apartment.

“Sigh… zoning out like this just makes me feel even more unsettled.”

Seo Woohyun’s expression grew somber as he sipped his drink.

Despite the cool breeze and the serene garden in front of him, everything felt unreal.

He couldn’t understand why Erdian had brought him here, and the more he learned about the basics, the less confident he felt about being able to fulfill his role as a saint.

Could he really thrive in this place? The future seemed bleak.

By the time he had finished his second bottle, drinking in small sips to soothe his melancholy, Seo Woohyun let out a long sigh.

A shadow stretched across the garden. He turned his head at the sound of rustling footsteps to see a beautiful woman with long, silver hair shimmering in the starlight.

“Wow, it’s Lord Erdian.”

His slurred words revealed his intoxication. Erdian observed Seo Woohyun’s flushed cheeks with a gentle gaze before muttering softly.

“What are you doing, sitting alone in the garden?”

“Just… zoning out and relaxing. The alcohol from dinner was good, so I kept drinking.”

Seo Woohyun shook the glass in his hand.

The liquid inside was a light yellow, a notorious drink with a sweet taste that could make one lose consciousness if they weren’t careful.

Apparently already drunk, Seo Woohyun’s usually reserved demeanor had softened considerably.

“Why are you drinking like this? Are you troubled?”

“…Maybe, just a little?”

Seo Woohyun chuckled at his own short answer.

“It still feels like a dream. I’m sorry for always bringing it up, but… I never imagined something like this would happen to me. I think I just need a bit more time to adjust. I’m trying my best, really…”

Seo Woohyun trailed off, taking another sip. Erdian quietly sat down beside him.

“Seo Woohyun, do you remember those novels you used to read back in your world?”

“Oh, you mean the fantasy novels?”

“Yes, the ones where time gets reversed or someone enters another person’s body.”

Hearing Erdian summarize the main plots of his favorite novels made Seo Woohyun feel a bit embarrassed.

He rubbed his cheek awkwardly when Erdian suddenly asked.

“Would it have been easier for you to adjust if you had entered someone else’s body instead?”

The question carried a hint of regret, as if Erdian was second-guessing how he had brought Seo Woohyun here.

“Hmm… I think I wouldn’t have liked that. It would feel like stealing someone else’s life.”

“So, you prefer having come here in your own body?”

“…Yes, but… I did see my own corpse in that strange orb. How did you bring me here? Is it because you’re a god?”

After mentioning the word “corpse,” Seo Woohyun, feeling uneasy, pressed his hand against his chest.

The steady heartbeat reassured him that he was alive, but he couldn’t shake the memory of seeing his own body.

What exactly had happened?

“I used a bit of my power. But that’s enough about that. Are the people at the temple treating you well?”

Erdian deftly changed the subject. Seo Woohyun’s overwork had been a painful memory for him as well.

It had created an opportunity to bring him here, but it wasn’t a pleasant topic to dwell on.

“They’re treating me well?”

“Yes. If anyone acts disrespectfully toward you, just quietly let me know.”

Erdian’s words carried a subtle suggestion to tattle.

Seo Woohyun squinted slightly.

Reporting someone to a god would surely mean that person wouldn’t be seen again after tomorrow.

Besides, no one had treated him poorly.

Seo Woohyun quickly shook his head.

“They’re all too kind to me. Sihero, Giselle… Honestly, it would be a lie to say it’s not overwhelming. I’ve never been someone important in my life before… I think it’s all thanks to you, Lord Erdian. Since a god has descended and even talks to me, everyone is very kind and… treats me well. It’s a bit overwhelming, but…”

Drunkenly, Seo Woohyun mumbled and repeated himself.

It was clear how burdened he felt, given how often he mentioned it.

Erdian gently patted Seo Woohyun’s head.

His body, sitting quietly within arm’s reach, was beginning to sway as if he might pass out soon.

“Good, I’m glad they’re treating you well.”

Feeling reassured by Erdian’s warm touch, Seo Woohyun blinked slowly and then suddenly turned his head as if he had something to say.

“Lord Erdian.”


At the affectionate response, Seo Woohyun suddenly poured out his words.

“I’m really… trying my best. I’m studying hard to adapt quickly. I review my lessons every day, and we’re going on a field trip soon. Honestly, being called a saint is really stressful, but since you told me to be one, I guess I have to. I just wanted you to know that I’m doing my best. That’s all…”

After finishing his words, Seo Woohyun let out a long sigh.

Erdian quietly watched the lovable drunk before him.

In summary, Seo Woohyun was saying that while the role of saint was burdensome, he was working hard to adapt and wanted recognition for his efforts.

Erdian’s lips twitched.

“I came here expecting to hear complaints since he’s drunk…”

He muttered to himself as he gently rubbed his thumb near Seo Woohyun’s lips.

“This drunken rambling is cuter than I expected.”

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15 days ago

Of course he’s cute

10 days ago

regrettably, theres quite a few mistakes this chapter. like the word “saint” being changed to “your holiness” with no regards to the grammar of the sentence or whether it made sense and erdian being referred to as a “woman” (once)

4 days ago

Concuerdo con el dios

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