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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 12

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Despite his harsh words, the oppressive atmosphere that had been weighing down on the knight disappeared in an instant.

The knight, who barely managed to catch his breath, mumbled in a trembling voice.

“Timaro Hainman, a knight of the Special Task Force of the Temple Knights, humbly reports to Lord Erdian. Please severely punish me for the blasphemy of looking upon the saint without permission.”

“That’s enough. I know you meant no harm. Who ordered you to bring that?”

“Knight Commander Raullet Biphel gave the order.”

“Raullet, huh? Well then, Timaro, would you like to join us for a cup of tea?”

Having tea with the descended god and the saint? It would be the greatest honor of his life.

However, being quick-witted, he politely made another request.

“If Lord Erdian permits, I would like to stand guard outside to protect you both.”

“So be it. If you get thirsty, feel free to come in anytime. I won’t deny my faithful follower a cup of tea.”

The knight couldn’t hide his emotional expression. It was a blessing beyond measure. Not only had the god called him by name, but they had also personally invited him to have tea.

“Yes, Lord Erdian, Your Holiness. If you need anything, please call on me. I will be waiting outside.”

The knight, wiping away a tear, quickly left the room.

His steps were more precise than when he entered, as if he had made a firm resolution.

‘Wait a minute. Then what about that cart?’

Seo Woohyun glanced at Erdian, who was lying on the bed. With only the two of them left, he realized that he was the only one who could set up the tea.

Seo Woohyun, who had brought the cart closer to the table, hesitantly spoke.

“Shall I pour the tea?”

“You’re going to pour it yourself?”

There was no way he would tell such a high-ranking person to pour their own tea.


Seo Woohyun nodded as he moved the tea set onto the table.

The lazy god on the bed finally sat up. Erdian leaned on the armrest of the sofa and crossed his legs.

His slightly tilted upper body revealed a rather provocative chest.

‘Wow, look at that body….’

Even though this man might be the one who faked my death from overwork in the other world and brought me here, I couldn’t help but be drawn to his physique.

Even though I knew I was weak to good looks, I couldn’t help but feel a bit ashamed.

Stealing glances at his chest, Seo Woohyun quickly turned his head.

“With the saint personally pouring the tea, how could I refuse? I’m really looking forward to it.”

With those warm words, the only sound in the room was the clinking of the teacups.

The two of them, who should have been having a cozy conversation, sat awkwardly facing each other.

Erdian sipped his tea with his eyes half-closed, while Seo Woohyun held his cup without drinking.

Although the subtle aroma of the tea was pleasant, Seo Woohyun preferred coffee to tea.

“Lord Erdian.”


“Is there anything here that tastes similar to coffee?”

At Seo Woohyun’s question, Erdian, who was elegantly holding a teacup, blinked slowly.

“Hmm, coffee… It wouldn’t be fun to just tell you.”

With a mischievous smile, a quest window appeared before Seo Woohyun’s eyes.

It seemed that Erdian had taken a liking to giving quests after the fact.

Hoping that he wasn’t interested in adding penalties to the quests, Seo Woohyun read the contents of the quest that appeared before him.

[Main Quest: ‘Prayer’ has arrived.]

[As a true saint, take time to pray.]

[Reward: Beverage information, 1 Erdian’s Praise Stamp]

The Praise Stamp was now a regular part of the rewards.

Seo Woohyun couldn’t help but worry about whether it was okay to give out Praise Stamps so easily.

Now that he knew that Erdian personally handed out the quests, Seo Woohyun had only one thought.

‘The game is being run terribly…. The rewards are delivered by someone else, and they seem to be given out too freely. If this continues, and things go wrong, won’t they start attaching penalties, like dying if you fail the quest?’

His unease refused to dissipate.

Although he was suspicious, getting information about coffee was more urgent.

He needed the power of caffeine to keep his wits sharp.

After a moment of hesitation, Seo Woohyun decided to take a direct approach.

‘Lord Erdian, I haven’t yet learned the proper forms or prayers that constitute a prayer. Does this kind of thought count as a prayer? If not, I will learn the proper forms and pray again.’

As the cheeky thought crossed his mind, Erdian covered his mouth with his hand. His shoulders shook, and he couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer.

“Haha! You’re so impatient…!”

Watching Seo Woohyun was simply delightful. Erdian enjoyed the unexpectedness of the awkward human who sat before him, unable to hide his embarrassed expression.

As Erdian began laughing so hard that he slapped his thigh, Seo Woohyun felt a bit awkward.

‘Is he really laughing that hard?’

It didn’t seem like that funny of a situation, but the reaction was intense.

It might have seemed a bit hasty, but it was better than putting it off and forgetting about it.

“Don’t you think the concept of quests is quite interesting, even if it’s a bit clumsy?”

His face, still tinged with laughter, shone brighter than ever.

The level of misunderstanding that had been pushing Seo Woohyun to his limits began to subside.

‘The idea that he killed me to bring me here is just my own suspicion, after all. It might be too much to be so sure and scared…’

Seo Woohyun knew that it wasn’t wise to make hasty judgments based on circumstantial evidence alone.

“Quests… Are better than having nothing at all, of course. I’m also quite curious about the reward for collecting all the stamps.”

Certainly, the mechanism of receiving rewards, as long as quests didn’t strictly enforce death or harsh actions, provided a small sense of satisfaction.

There was a feeling of accomplishment too. I was curious about the reward for collecting ten praise stamps.

“Right. I believe the rest of the quests won’t take too long.”

“…Shall I do some push-ups here now?”

“I won’t stop you. If you want to, go ahead.”

His tone was expectant, but not forceful. Seo Woohyun decided to put off exercising for the moment.

He didn’t want to showcase his lackluster stamina here, at least.

As time passed, even the vague suspicions began to fade.

Besides, even if it were true that Erdian brought him here after killing him, what could a human with barely any basic knowledge and lacking in stamina possibly do against a god?

The most he could do would be to curse him silently.

“No, I’ll exercise when the time feels right.”

“Very well.”

It was at that moment, when Erdian chuckled softly and let out a deep breath, that a shimmering notification window appeared before Seo Woohyun’s eyes.

[Main Quest: ‘Prayer’ has been completed.]

[Reward: Information on a beverage similar to coffee, 1 Erdian’s Praise Stamp]

[Would you like to claim it now?]

As he accepted the reward without hesitation, a brief message appeared in the quest window.

Seo Woohyun read the short message several times, unable to believe it, and muttered weakly.

“It’s not here…”

Living without coffee, which was practically a necessity for a working person, seemed unbearable.

He had secretly hoped that there would be many foods with similar taste and form, so it was disappointing.

“Why not take this chance to try something else? There are plenty of teas with a bitter taste here.”

“Actually, I needed something more for the mental clarity than the bitterness.”

“There’s no need to work so hard here that you require such a drink. Who would dare force my saint to work here?”

Erdian rested his chin on his hand and gazed at Seo Woohyun. He hadn’t brought him here to work while drinking a beverage that kept him awake.

He found the idea of seeking such a drink unnecessary. While he appreciated Woohyun’s diligent nature, he wished he would take better care of himself.

“But I can’t just do nothing. I think it would look bad to others if I just lazed around.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard. Remember, you weren’t brought here to be forced to work.”

Despite his lingering doubts about Erdian’s kindness, Seo Woohyun felt a sense of gratitude.

Though there were still uneasy and suspicious aspects, Erdian’s attitude toward him didn’t seem insincere.

“Yes. Thank you for your consideration.”


As the short conversation ended, Seo Woohyun suddenly wondered.

Erdian had provided information about a beverage similar to coffee through a holographic window, yet he had used Sihero to impart basic knowledge.

Why the difference?

“Uh, may I ask a question?”

“What is it?”

“The basic knowledge was taught to me by Sihero under your orders, right?”


“But just now, you showed the beverage information through the quest window. I was wondering if there was a specific reason for the difference.”

He half-expected a vague or dismissive answer, given Erdian’s tendency to avoid giving clear explanations. After a brief hesitation, Erdian responded with an awkward expression.

“…It’s just that my writing skills aren’t that great. I can manage short messages, but I’m really not confident when it comes to summarizing and explaining things.”

It was a much less significant reason than he had anticipated. Erdian even seemed slightly dejected.

“Sihero is better at explaining than I am, so there’s no other reason.”

Woohyun nodded with a slightly dazed expression at the kind response.

Could this god really have killed him in his previous life and brought him here?

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a wild assumption.

‘I really might have been barking up the wrong tree… I’m just glad he didn’t pick up on my thoughts. At least I’m not holding hands with him right now, right?’

Seo Woohyun sighed in relief and looked down at his hands. Thankfully, they were far apart.

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4 days ago

Que lindos

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not work with dark mode