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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 10

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I couldn’t summon a god and then spout meaningless words, so I immediately recited what I had prepared.

“Yes. Thanks to the reward given by Lord Erdian, I began learning basic knowledge from Sihero, and I wanted to experience and understand this place more deeply.”

“Oh, how commendable. And?”

“So, at Sihero’s suggestion, I joined this inspection group to observe and learn.”

“There are things you can only understand by seeing and experiencing them firsthand.”

“Sihero showed me a report related to the inspection schedule. The items assigned to me seemed excessive, but I hesitated to ask directly, fearing it might appear disrespectful. After struggling alone, I realized that Lord Erdian was the only one I could consult, so I contacted you. I didn’t expect you to descend like this, though.”

Seo Woohyun no longer wished to return to the world he once lived in. He had no intention of dismissing this place as a mere dream.

“What’s the point of going back? I’d just have to repay the loan I took out for a tiny studio apartment and work overtime every day. It’s not like I transmigrated into someone else’s body; I’m here in my own body, so why not?”

The reason he worked so hard was to live in a bigger and better place without lacking anything.

But when a god offered him a life of luxury, it was hard to keep refusing.

Even though he repeatedly asked for the reason, he never got an answer, so he had to rationalize it somehow to feel at peace.

“Let’s think positively. If I stay here long enough, I’ll eventually understand why I was brought here.”

Seo Woohyun had learned to compromise with the situation he was in.

He quickly gave up on things he knew were impossible and fiercely pursued what seemed achievable.

This was a survival instinct he had honed ever since the day the world forced him to stand on his own.

Erdian watched Seo Woohyun, who was waiting for his response, with a satisfied smile.

The person who initially questioned whether he was truly a god was now comfortably using the word “Transmigration.”

This was evidence that Seo Woohyun, who once didn’t believe in gods, was gradually accepting this place.

“He’s perceptive enough. I had prepared for the worst, expecting him to refuse to leave his bed, demanding to be sent back to his original dimension. But this isn’t bad at all.”

Seo Woohyun had spent the most time with High Priest Sihero, so naturally, he felt the closest to him.

With Sihero’s gentle nature and all the help he had provided, it was difficult for Seo Woohyun to openly criticize his plans.

Aside from Sihero, the only person Seo Woohyun had spoken to and knew by name was Giselle.

However,Giselle was Sihero’s junior priest.

Seo Woohyun would have realized that he couldn’t possibly evaluate the report of the senior who had taken him in and taught him directly.

The only ones who could judge Sihero’s plans were the god they served, the saint, and the three elderly high priests who were bedridden.

Since Seo Woohyun didn’t even know the other high priests, he had only one person to consult.

“I didn’t plan it this way, but I’m rather pleased with how it turned out.”

Erdian had been watching Seo Woohyun from the gods’ realm, so he was aware of his concerns.

“Yes, you only seek me out when you have something to discuss. Were you surprised that I appeared suddenly? With our only saint so infrequent in his prayers, I had no choice but to come personally. I was beginning to worry that you had forgotten about me.”

His words were gentle, like a soft breeze, but there was a firm undertone. Seo Woohyun gulped.

“Is he… reprimanding me in a roundabout way?”

It had only been a few days since Seo Woohyun heard the story about the emperor who was paralyzed after offending Erdian.

His heart pounded anxiously, and his mind was filled with thoughts of how to explain himself.

Words began to spill out uncontrollably.

“I’ve been so busy learning the names of neighboring countries, memorizing maps, and studying basic knowledge. That’s why, not because I forgot about you, Lord Erdian. I’ll make sure to pray diligently from now on.”

Until just a moment ago, he had been like a new employee, strictly reporting only the necessary details and keeping a professional distance.

But after a little teasing, he was rolling his big eyes and chattering away.

His pretty face, now flustered and rambling, was a fresh sight.

Erdian didn’t even desire regular prayers, but this unexpected windfall made him smile in amusement.

His serene smile was beautiful, but to Seo Woohyun, it seemed to carry a different meaning.

Already frightened, he could only see it as a mocking “Is that all you have to say?”

“And honestly, it’s not like you have a face that’s easy to forget, so…”

Seo Woohyun couldn’t even finish his sentence and shut his eyes tightly. It was true that Erdian had a memorable face, but he was a god.

No matter how anxious he was, there were things you should and shouldn’t say, but he had blurted out whatever came to mind in his haste.

“Ah, Seo Woohyun. Damn it, seriously.”

He felt mortified.

He had promised himself so many times to watch what he said, yet here he was, rambling on thoughtlessly.

He couldn’t show it to Erdian, so he just tugged at his sleeve in frustration.

“My face is rather good-looking, isn’t it?”

Erdian’s agreeing response reached his ears. He was nodding while touching his chin.


Erdian’s head tilted slowly as he touched his slender chin. His long hair flowed down his shoulder smoothly.

Seo Woohyun’s gaze naturally followed the shimmering strands, still not used to the sight.

Erdian mumbled with a serene smile.

“I’m curious if my face pleases our saint.”

Their subtle gazes intertwined. Beneath his long eyelashes, Erdian’s golden eyes flickered like a burning ember, then shone like the scorching sun in a desert.

Even in his dreams, Seo Woohyun had enjoyed talking with Erdian, despite their often perplexing conversations, all because of his appearance.

“Of course, I like it. That’s why I was curious about your name all this time.”

Seo Woohyun’s neck flushed red.

Recalling the first day they spoke, it wasn’t hard to guess his feelings.

Having already made a slip of the tongue, he couldn’t bring himself to lie.

Erdian gazed at Seo Woohyun, who was surprisingly honest in his response.

“I thought you’d play it off as something else.”

The priestly robe, made of yellow fabric symbolic of Erdian, matched perfectly with Seo Woohyun’s soft brown hair and eyes.

The color, once a symbol of a curse, had over many centuries become one that only those who served the most revered could wear.

“This feels… strange.”

Shaking off his thoughts, Erdian subtly changed the subject.

“I heard from Sihero that you’ve been studying hard. There’s no need to force yourself to pray to me. Just think of me when you need to, and that’s enough. So… you wanted to discuss the scale of the supplies allocated to you?”

It was evident that he wanted to change the subject, so Seo Woohyun quickly picked up the documents nearby.

“Yes. As a member of the inspection group, I’m supposed to be disguised as a priest, but if I’m given special treatment alone, it makes me question the point of the disguise.”

Seo Woohyun carefully handed the report to Erdian.

It was a subtle invitation for him to take a look. Erdian, who received the report and reviewed its contents, tilted his head slightly.

“Sihero was too concerned. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a saint, so he must have been on edge. Seo Woohyun, do you know how long it’s been since the last saint appeared in the order?”

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Seo Woohyun hesitated.

He had briefly studied the history of the order but wasn’t confident enough to give a precise answer.

“I don’t know exactly. I only know that there was someone called the first saint a long time ago…”

“1215 years.”

Seo Woohyun’s mouth dropped open at the sheer length of time. Seeing the small tongue peeking between his lips, Erdian chuckled and raised his hand.

He lightly touched Seo Woohyun’s soft cheek with his finger and murmured.

“You are the first saint to appear in 1215 years.”

Despite the gentle touch, Seo Woohyun’s thoughts wandered in a different direction.

“So, that means Lord Erdian is at least…”

Before he realized Erdian was a god, Seo Woohyun had fantasized about dating him.

Now it seemed like he had been committing blasphemy the whole time.

As the reality of Erdian’s age hit him, Seo Woohyun instinctively checked if they were holding hands.

Thankfully, they weren’t, but he needed to change the topic quickly.

“Haha, I’ll be careful from now on so as not to be a burden to you, Lord Eridian. I appreciate Sihero’s consideration, but don’t you think it’s a bit excessive to allocate two one-ton truckloads of food for me when our schedule is less than a month? I’m also worried about storage.”

As Seo Woohyun explained the part that had been troubling him, he absentmindedly used a word that doesn’t exist here out of habit.

‘Oh, right, there are no one-ton trucks here.’

In this world, there are no steam engines, so transportation is done by horse or ox.

The lifestyle is largely medieval, with most countries based on feudal systems.

But a one-ton truck?

If it had been Sihero, I would have cautiously apologized for using an unfamiliar term and asked him to teach me what it meant.

However, looking back, Eridian had used terms like “convenience store” and “CCTV” without any awkwardness before.

He clearly has knowledge from the other side.

If not, I could always explain it to him like I did with Sihero.

“Hahaha, you’re right. It is quite similar in size. You’ve got a good eye.”

Thankfully, Eridian didn’t ask what a one-ton truck was.

Strangely, that put my mind at ease.

At least when talking to Eridian, I don’t have to sweat over explaining unfamiliar terms from my world.

“Thank you.”

Sohyeon responded politely, and Eridian smiled, lightly tapping the report with his index finger.

When he first woke up in this world, he had either fainted or cried his eyes out, but after a few days, he adapted cheerfully and now chatted away as if nothing had happened.

Eridian found this delightful, especially when Sohyeon’s lips twitched in a small smile after being praised.

“Do you think Sihero would mind if I suggested that one cart of food would be enough? I don’t eat much and I’m not picky about food.”

“It’s commendable that you eat well, but wouldn’t it be better if you gained some weight? It worries me that my one and only saint is so frail.”

Does “frail” have a different meaning here?

Sohyeon tilted his head, puzzled.

‘What does that even mean?’

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5 days ago

Tan lindos,me dan diabetes

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