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Strategic Mating Partner chapter 1

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22 and 28, Spring 20°C

“Are you really okay with this? Even now, if you’re uncomfortable, we can stop.”

Taehyun’s words, spoken as if trying to persuade, were tinged with a sigh.

Though he spoke as if offering a choice, it was closer to persuasion.

Is this really okay? Should they be doing this?

A lingering guilt, like a safety pin not fully removed, weighed heavily on his chest.

He thought, maybe he shouldn’t have done something so out of character.

Regret washed over him, but the person in front of him, with a determined expression, showed no sign of changing their mind.

“It’s fine. I won’t change my mind later, so you don’t have to worry.”

Hearing the resolute reply, Taehyun sighed again and pulled his knees onto the bed.

The gaze that slowly scanned his naked body made him feel hot below.

The strange sensation of something trickling down between his firm, smooth buttocks suggested that his backside was already aroused just from the pheromones.

‘How did I end up with this guy…?’

Even though alarm bells were ringing in his head, it was too late now.

Taehyun needed an alpha, and the other needed an omega, which was why they were here.

Besides, there was no guarantee that just doing this would achieve what they both wanted.

It’s not like he’d wear out or die from doing it once.

As Taehyun tightly shut his eyes and lay back on the bed, an awkward silence filled the air.

‘Do something, anything.’

When Taehyun jerked his chin at the other person, who was just standing there staring at him, the alpha finally nodded and climbed onto the bed where Taehyun lay.

‘Seems like you’re just as desperate as I am.’

Looking down, Taehyun saw that the other’s lower half was already so aroused that it was visibly protruding.

Plus, he had been emitting thick pheromones for a while now, so if it were any other alpha, he would’ve already pounced on the omega before them.

But instead, the guy just stared at Taehyun with an intense gaze, like a dog waiting for the ‘go ahead’ signal, without making the first move.

It made Taehyun suspicious, as if the guy was reluctantly doing something he didn’t really want to do.

‘What the hell is this?’

Sure, he’s always been a bit eccentric and strange, but Taehyun didn’t expect him to be this unreadable in a situation like this.

Eventually, after suppressing his embarrassment about four or five times, Taehyun slowly spread his legs, revealing his aroused center.

The guy flinched and his shoulders tensed.

See, this is what happens when an omega doesn’t even look like one.

Taehyun thought to himself, resigning to the situation, and waited for the other to react.

Contrary to his expectation that the guy might say, “Now that we’re actually doing this, I can’t,” the words that came out of the guy’s mouth were something he never expected.

“…Can I touch it?”

What the hell is he talking about?

In this situation, what could that even mean, and what does he want to touch?

Taehyun was so taken aback that he couldn’t even guess, which only made him more confused.

Does he mean he wants to touch my body?

Can you even have sex without touching?

Did he think mating partners just thrust without laying a finger on each other?

Taehyun frowned, unable to grasp his intent, and the guy, flustered, hastily added more nonsense.

“No, I mean, I don’t know if it’s okay to just touch, without permission….”

His face turned bright red, and he stammered as if he didn’t even realize what nonsense he was spouting.

Was he really that flustered seeing someone undress in front of him?

But if you don’t undress in a consensual situation like this, then what are you supposed to do?

Taehyun, at a loss for words, stared at the guy with a dumbfounded expression and finally asked.

“This is your first time, isn’t it?”

The guy quickly turned his head to hide his face and answered in a voice full of resentment.

“That’s not the point.”

If he can’t flat-out deny it, then he must be a virgin.

Taehyun had suspected as much, but he hadn’t expected him to just freeze up like this, so the realization made his head ache.


As Taehyun sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead, he felt like the invisible ears that had perked up on the guy’s head were drooping.

Now what?

He never expected to meet someone today who was this inexperienced, much less someone who was completely clueless.

Taehyun slowly sat up and leaned against the headboard, speaking up.

“What do you want to do?”

If he was just following his instincts, he’d probably want to get it in, grind, and finish quickly.

But given that the guy’s first words were about asking for permission to touch, Taehyun had no idea what he was really after.

After hesitating a moment, the guy finally spoke again.

“…I want to touch, and see.”


When Taehyun pressed him for an answer, the guy’s ears turned red as he replied.


“Where exactly?”

The guy looked visibly flustered, as if he hadn’t expected Taehyun to be so persistent.

Where did that earlier resolve go?

Now, he was getting embarrassed over something as small as this?

It was almost laughable.

Just as Taehyun was about to chuckle, the guy bowed his head, hiding his face, and finally forced the words out.

“Your… thing.”

It was like he was mortified after saying something he shouldn’t have.

The way he squirmed made it seem as if Taehyun was tormenting him.

If the word “thing” was so embarrassing, he could’ve just said “cock” instead.

Did he think “cock” sounded too childish?

Honestly, the pheromones that had heated up Taehyun’s body a moment ago seemed to cool off instantly.

It wasn’t that Taehyun particularly preferred younger partners, and all his previous lovers had been either his age or slightly older.

It wasn’t that he deliberately sought out older partners, but he liked people who were easygoing, with no strings attached.

People who could casually meet, enjoy each other’s company, and part ways when needed, without any drama—those were the kind of people Taehyun was drawn to.

His close friends would often tease him about having a “Hollywood” mindset, but it wasn’t that Taehyun was careless about who he got involved with—he just avoided heavy relationships.

He had seen too much growing up, and the idea of increasing his responsibilities made him shudder.

The thought of disappointing others or being disappointed by someone else felt suffocating to him.

So naturally, this situation was something he would normally want to avoid.

‘How did it come to this….’

Maybe he should just call it off.

They hadn’t done anything yet, and this guy wasn’t the type to spread weird rumors, so there was still time to stop.

But the reason he couldn’t bring himself to say “let’s stop” was…

‘Is it the pheromones?’

Or maybe he didn’t want to hurt the guy who was trying so earnestly, even though it wasn’t like him at all.

“You’re still as weird as ever.”

What’s even weirder is that, despite his confusion, Taehyun couldn’t bring himself to kick out the alpha who was standing there, erect and unsure of what to do.

Taehyun sighed and scooted closer, lifting his knees toward the other.

“Do whatever you want. As you can see, I’m confident about my body.”

At Taehyun’s calm reply, the guy moved robotically, reaching out his hand.

As the distance closed, the faint scent of pheromones tickled Taehyun’s nose again. T

hen, as the guy gently took hold of his soft center as if it were something precious, Taehyun swallowed a smile and said,

“Not so lightly. Is that how you do it when you’re by yourself?”

At Taehyun’s playful remark, he felt like the guy’s hardness against his thigh had somehow grown even more.

“No, I just thought… it might be uncomfortable….”

The discomfort was inevitable given the situation. Taehyun swallowed the words he wouldn’t dare to say out loud and, without realizing it, let out a low moan as the grip on his manhood tightened.

Despite his own impressive physique, he’d never felt overshadowed by anyone else’s size.

But the hand gripping him was so large that it made his usually impressive length seem almost average.

If the hand is this big, what does that say about what’s below?

Unconsciously, his gaze drifted to the other man’s lower body, where a bulging outline was proudly on display.


As the pale, straight hand kneaded his member a few more times, the entrance, now tightly constricted around his erection that was slowly rising again, became slick with moisture.

If I ask him to touch me lower, will I be too embarrassed and freak out?

Taehyun, who had unknowingly drawn closer, placed his chin on the other man’s shoulder and closed his eyes, his body pressed tightly against the other’s warmth.

This awkward encounter had begun about 30 minutes earlier, when Taehyun had unexpectedly come face-to-face with someone from his past in a hotel room, someone he hadn’t seen in years.

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18 days ago

I’m going to wait for a second chapter before judging

18 days ago

Freaky already in the first chapter? 🫢

18 days ago

The translation is pretty good. Let’s see how chapter 2 goes hehe.

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