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The Youngest Master wants to be exorcised! chapter 18

* * *

With the matter of the media appearance settled, the D team returned to their duties.

Jiwon and Yoon went to the 11th district in response to an emergency support request, and Minchan was preparing for a mission alone.

“They said the others would be late. I’ll finish early and have our Jaehee all to myself.”

“…Is that something a team leader should say?”

“Can’t a team leader say something like that?”

Minchan gently touched Hyunsoo’s cheek as he sat in the D team’s waiting room.

The effort he had put into feeding him was starting to show.

After planting a light kiss on his now plump cheek, he smiled brightly.

“I’ll finish up quickly and come back. Wait for me, brother.”


Hyunsoo smiled in disbelief as he saw Minchan off.

Walking down the Center corridor, Minchan chewed over the word ‘brother’ that had now become second nature to him.

‘I think I understand a bit why he kept calling me ‘brother’.’

He began to understand why Jaehee, who was once Park Hyunsoo, had emphasized the hierarchical structure by calling him ‘brother’ all the time.

He seemed to perceive the D team members as his younger siblings that he had to protect.

Frankly, he wasn’t wrong. Without his guiding, they might have gone berserk.

As he walked down the corridor, Minchan recalled a long-abolished system.


It was a system that quantified compatibility through measurement devices and paired individuals with a high enough score as each other’s dedicated guides.

At the time, it was promoted romantically as receiving and giving guidance through one’s destined partner, but it was revealed that the company that developed the measurement devices had lobbied the Center to push the system, leading to its abolition.

‘If that system were still in place, I’d have tied him to me. But then again, the other two wouldn’t have stayed quiet.’

The other two guys wouldn’t have stood by. Kim Yoon, who could teleport, would be the most troublesome. And what about Song Jiwon, who could lift several containers without blinking an eye?

Of course, if Minchan wanted, he could find a way to monopolize him using his position, the power of the Center director who was his uncle, or even the influence of his family, though he was reluctant to do so.

‘But that’s not what I want.’

Park Hyunsoo didn’t want that, so he wouldn’t do it. No matter how terribly he treated others, he wanted to be endlessly kind to the one he liked.

The reason he could remain unperturbed despite being called a hypocrite was because he believed Park Hyunsoo would always be on his side.

“Ah, I miss him already.”

As he snapped his fingers, small flames flickered. He wanted to finish quickly and go back to dote on him.

* * *

Hyunsoo was crossing the Center without properly fastening his guide uniform.

‘Jaehee, can you come to the Central Center isolation room now? Team Leader Jung is showing signs of second-stage rampage! It’s room 13! Room 13!’

After receiving the urgent call from Team Leader Kim Soojung, Hyunsoo didn’t know what he was thinking as he ran.

He arrived at the building where the isolation rooms were gathered, without even catching his breath.

He frantically searched for the sign that read ‘Room 13’ and ran. In front of the isolation room stood Team Leader Kim Soojung from the sub part and Assistant Shin Joun.


“Ha, ha… Can I go in now?”

He was so out of breath that his words were cut off. Kim Soojung, who had been nervously biting her lips, watched Hyunsoo intently.

“First, listen to me. It could be dangerous. Team Leader Jung has rejected all guiding attempts from the sub part guides, so we called you, but you’ve never experienced this before…”

“I’ll go in.”

Hyunsoo understood why Kim Soojung was so worried. But there was no time to waste.

An Esper showing signs of rampage, the faint smell unique to isolation rooms, the mechanism of the doors he never wanted to get used to. The experiences of the past ten years churned in his mind.

Standing before the isolation room’s mechanism, Hyunsoo’s hands trembled as he entered the familiar Awakened registration number.

[The registration number does not exist. Please check and try again.]

The mechanical voice from the mechanism caused a brief halt. Hyunsoo realized his mistake.

Unconsciously, he had entered Park Hyunsoo’s registration number instead of Jaehee’s. His hands, accustomed to the number for the past ten years, had moved on their own.

There was no time to be flustered. He quickly entered Jaehee’s registration number and disappeared into the isolation room.

Kim Sujeong, the team leader, and Deputy Shin Joun exchanged glances as they stared at the quickly closed isolation room door.

“Jaehee, you’ll be alright, won’t you?”

They both believed that Lee Jaehee was too flustered to properly enter his awakener registration number.

Worried about their cherished youngest member, they sat on the chairs in front of the isolation room, their expressions tense.

“But about Jaehee…”


“How did he know how to open the isolation room’s control device?”


Their curiosity soon led to a strange misunderstanding.

“SY is terrifying. Just how far did they make him study in advance?”

“All big companies are like that, you know. I saw in the drama ‘High Sky’ that they get up to seven private tutors. When I asked Jaehee about it, he just smiled without saying a word, so I think it’s true.”

“Rich people are truly another class.”

When Deputy Shin Joun asked, Hyunsoo knew nothing and just laughed it off.

However, his interpretation fueled the rumor. Regardless, their conversation ended there.

Although it was stage 2 of the berserk symptoms, strangely, they believed that Jaehee could handle it well.

* * *

Hyunsoo approached Minchan, who was leaning against the steel bed frame in the isolation room.

The uncontained energy waves left him breathless. The air around Minchan, who had flame abilities, was stiflingly hot.

“…You came?”

Minchan called Hyunsoo in a cracked voice and exhaled deeply.


“You must have run here.”

“Should I have crawled instead?”

Hyunsoo grumbled and hugged Minchan tightly. The energy waves were severe. To extinguish the urgent fire, Hyunsoo absorbed the waves at once, causing Minchan to grimace.

“Can’t you be gentle? It’s really rough today.”

Even though he was entering stage 3 of the berserk symptoms, Minchan’s mouth was still working fine. This wasn’t the time for gentle guiding, so what was he even talking about?

“Do you want to see what real roughness is?”

As Hyunsoo threatened and absorbed more energy waves, Minchan’s sweat-drenched forehead contorted.

“…Sometimes, this kind of roughness isn’t bad.”

Minchan raised his hand, which had been hanging down, and wrapped it around Hyunsoo’s waist.

Minchan closed his eyes as he looked up at Hyunsoo, who was standing on his knees and looking down at him.

“If it gets too much, you can just transfer the waves to me, alright?”

His condition seemed worse than expected. Minchan, who hated unilaterally transferring waves to his guide more than anyone, was saying this. Forcing waves onto someone precious was a despicable act. He would rather die from going berserk.

“Can I kiss you?”

Minchan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Hyunsoo. The now familiar pretty face came closer.

“It’s not a kiss, it’s mucous membrane guiding.”

“Same thing.”

Minchan couldn’t understand the difference between a kiss and mucous membrane guiding.

They both involved pressing lips together and mingling tongues, yet guiding turned it into mucous membrane guiding. It was honestly a bit funny.

‘Besides, mucous membrane guiding isn’t just that.’

Minchan whispered as he pressed his lips to Hyunsoo’s cheek.

“…Shall we do more intense mucous membrane guiding?”

“You’re quite the artist when it comes to nonsense.”

Hyunsoo sighed. He couldn’t move at all due to the arms tightly holding his waist.

Minchan was pretending to be fine, making unfunny jokes, but his condition was bad. Hyunsoo had to check later why he had pushed himself to this point.

Hyunsoo slowly took Minchan’s lips. When Minchan’s hot tongue hesitated for a moment, he pulled back.

“Sorry. The position is uncomfortable.”

Minchan, staggering, sat Hyunsoo on the bed and wiped the sweat from his chin roughly with his hand.

“Should I at least wash my face?”

“Stop talking nonsense and come here.”

Hyunsoo pulled Minchan, who was leaning forward, towards him.

“This is the power of a younger man, huh…”

Minchan said as he buried his face in Hyunsoo’s shoulder, panting. Hyunsoo laughed hollowly.

‘These guys have finally been brainwashed as a group. Well, at least there won’t be any more mistakes with titles.’

Hyunsoo, starting the guiding process, had to stay in the isolation room longer than expected as he laid Minchan, who couldn’t support his own body, on the bed.

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