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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 1

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Q. Do you believe in fate?

A. No, I don’t.

It’s as simple as that. I’d like to think that there’s no such thing as fate, but my life has been too arduous to dismiss it entirely.

I’ve always found myself caught up in all sorts of incidents.

Meeting monsters was just a common occurrence, and things like terrorism and kidnapping happened often, just like now.

I was the epitome of misfortune, where even falling backwards meant breaking my nose.

And now…

“Don’t come any closer! If you do, I’ll kill you!”

The agitated terrorist shouted. At the same time, he pressed a menacing knife against the hostage. The sharp blade was close to my neck.

Yes, I was the hostage being held.

The person holding me was a sudden intruder from our company—an awakened terrorist.

I had no idea why someone would attack our completely ordinary company… but clearly, he was quite dissatisfied with society, shouting loudly enough to make my ears ring and unleashing skills everywhere.

Wherever the terrorist’s hands reached, furniture and buildings were shattered into dust.


“Shut up.”

He wouldn’t even let me speak.

Even hostages are supposed to have the right to say something.

I glanced at the blue blade and whispered to the terrorist.

“No, I think it might be more unfavorable for you if you keep holding out here… Maybe you should consider escaping soon?”

The terrorist turned to me as if I was speaking nonsense. I calmly tried to persuade him.

“If you drag this out, people from the guild or the administration will come, and then you’ll get caught.”

It would benefit me, of course.

The problem was that the terrorist was destroying my workplace. If things went wrong, I might lose my job.

I sang a song wishing the company would go bankrupt, but I didn’t actually hope for it to happen… or did I?

Anyway, while the company deserved to fail, it would be problematic if it truly did.

“What are you playing at!?”

“I’m saying you should stop smashing things and get out.”

“Shut up!”

The terrorist shouted angrily.

He used his skill to blow away the wall.

Persuasion failed!

The enraged terrorist howled fiercely.

“Follow me quietly!”


I was dragged along slowly by the terrorist.

The employees, unable to do anything, murmured anxiously, worried about the situation.

The lighting, temperature, humidity… everything felt ominously like a death flag for the hostage. But there wasn’t much concern.

Even if an awakened person went on a rampage in the middle of Seoul, either the guild or the Hunter Administration would send someone to subdue them.

Since there was such a commotion, it was only a matter of time before help arrived…


But where was it?

What on earth was everyone doing when an innocent citizen was taken?

While I was abandoned by the social safety net, the terrorist successfully escaped the scene with me in tow.

Once the onlookers were gone, the terrorist released his grip on me.

However, he didn’t seem inclined to release the hostage peacefully. I watched his reactions closely.

“Can’t you just let me go?”

“Shut up.”

No need for insults when I only asked to be let go. I was too scared to say anything, so I cursed him silently.

At that moment, footsteps were heard.

Who could it be?

1. An ordinary person who didn’t know the situation.
2. Or perhaps a hunter coming to rescue me.
3. Baek Gunho.

“The situation here is finished, so let’s get out quickly.”

The answer was 4. The terrorist’s accomplice.

Now, the situation was even more complicated with two perpetrators.

The second terrorist, dressed to blend in like an ordinary office worker in the heart of Seoul, glanced at me.

“What should we do with this one?”

The two terrorists exchanged glances. I awkwardly forced a grin. It seemed that the situation wasn’t going to smoothly transition into them releasing the hostage willingly.

In that case, I had to act first! I immediately pulled out a gun from my inventory and fired.


With a faint sound, the round bullet was fired unhesitatingly and grazed the terrorist’s head.

For a moment, astonishment flashed across the terrorist’s eyes, but his expression quickly changed.

An explosion occurred right in front of him. It was a terrorist’s skill. It would have severely injured an ordinary person.

But I casually raised my gun and aimed it at the terrorist again.

“What, what the hell!? Who the hell are you!?”

Well, I’m just an ordinary office worker.


This time, the bullet hit the terrorist directly.

The specially crafted gun and bullets I had weren’t lethal weapons.

Instead of tearing flesh, the bullets delivered a heavy shock throughout the body.

I immediately fired at another terrorist.

The one charging at me collapsed in front of me.

Though he fell, the terrorist didn’t faint and glared at me with an incredulous look.

At that moment, I heard someone approaching leisurely.

Who’s that now? Another terrorist?

The heads of both the terrorists and I turned simultaneously.

The new opponent was dressed in dark attire, and in one hand, he wielded a long sword.

There’s only one person in our country who dresses so suspiciously and confidently in broad daylight.

“Baek, Baek Gunho…”

The terrorist muttered despairingly. With the number one ranked hunter appearing in a state of incapacitation, it was only natural for him to feel doomed.

Moreover, Baek Gunho was, well, not the most pleasant personality… to put it bluntly, he had an extremely unpleasant disposition.

“Hey, over there.”

Baek Gunho said indifferently.

Reflexively, I looked to the side and saw that the terrorist I had shot earlier was rising like a zombie.

Could he have a recovery skill?

I fired another shot, but the opponent seemed to have considerable combat experience, as he anticipated the gun’s direction and dodged.

Then the terrorist grabbed me forcefully.

“Don’t come closer!”

The terrorist’s gleaming blade was aimed at me.

Ignoring the terrorist’s warning, Baek Gunho slowly advanced towards us.

It seemed he wasn’t concerned about the possibility of the excited criminal attacking the hostage.

Both the terrorist and I trembled at Baek Gunho’s boldness, which disregarded both the terrorist’s situation and the hostage’s delicate feelings.

“Stop, stop!”

Baek Gunho really did halt at that. With a smile, he tilted his head and asked.


“If you come any closer, this guy’s life is over!”

The terrorist delivered a truly terrorist-like line. Baek Gunho’s eyebrows twitched up.

With a relaxed demeanor, as if to say ‘What will you do about it?’

Baek Gunho smirked and replied.


“Yes! Don’t come closer!”

“Don’t come?”

“Yes, yes!”


“Stop copying me!”

“Stop copying?”

It’s incredibly irritating when someone keeps repeating what you say. The terrorist, agitated, fidgeted uncontrollably.

He was clearly making a terrible mistake in dealing with a hostage, especially when he wasn’t even a tank.

The moment Baek Gunho took a step towards me, the terrorist who had taken me as a hostage exploded.

“Don’t come closer!”

The agitated terrorist tightened his grip on the knife.

But even before that, a small iron pellet flew into the terrorist’s forehead.

The pellet was the size of a bean, but since it was thrown by Baek Gunho, it was more powerful than most guns.


The terrorist fell backward with a brief groan.

The situation ended in an instant.

“Damn it. How dare you touch someone?”

Baek Gunho, who had approached in no time, stomped down on the terrorist’s legs with irritation. Even though I wasn’t the one being hit, I felt the pain.


At that moment, a very familiar voice came from the other side. The person in the Hunter Management Bureau uniform was my legal guardian.

I waved happily at him with a smile.


“Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“I’m fine.”

“Fine, my ass…”

Baek Gunho muttered from the side. Then he glanced at me and snapped.

“Is being a hostage your hobby?”

“Shut up, it couldn’t be helped today.”

“You always say it couldn’t be helped. Are you some kind of kidnapping heroine?”

“Then the hero must be Hunter Baek Gunho, right?”

Kim Jinhyung, who followed Uncle, laughed and spoke, only to receive chilly stares from both me and Baek Gunho.

But Kim Jinhyung continued to smile brightly, unaffected.

“Hunter Baek Gunho saves Heewon all the time, right? You two look good together.”

“Shut up.”

“Be quiet.”

Both Baek Gunho and I said almost simultaneously. Kim Jinhyung gave us a satisfied look.

“See, you two get along well today too.”

Let’s not talk about it.

We’re definitely not close… Actually, we are somewhat close… but it’s not like we’re heroes and heroines or anything.

Still, Baek Gunho and I had known each other since we were twelve, so our relationship was a rather persistent one.

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1 month ago

Mc is nice

1 month ago

Mc is too good

30 days ago

ooh this seems promising

25 days ago

this story seems really interesting!

23 days ago


8 days ago

Twelve that’s great

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