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ACTSV chapter 25

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“I’ve explained this part, so let’s move on.”

With that, the prints were explained one by one.

After finishing the explanation for the last page, the end of the colored pencil tapped the print, repeatedly marking a red dot in one place.

“How about it? Are you getting a bit interested?”

“Maybe a little…”

“Then let me explain in more detail.”

Im Gipyo unfolded the part showing the profit structure again.

“At twenty-four, you’re an adult, right? That means you’re old enough to run your own business.”

“That’s right.”

“Products go through many processes before reaching the consumer. There are wholesalers, retailers, and advertising, which means advertising costs. So, a product that costs 1 won to make ends up costing 10 won. Consumers end up paying more. We reduce distribution and advertising costs to sell products to consumers at a lower price.”

Seeing Jingyeom nodding as if he understood, Im Gipyo’s smile grew even wider.

“And you, Jingyeom, will get a portion of the profit. The consumer benefits from the lower price, and you benefit from the profit.”


At that moment, Jingyeom understood why he would receive incentives for selling the products.

Seeing that Jingyeom was focused, Im Gipyo showed him the print with the products listed again.

“So, if you’re going to sell products, you need to have some, right? Mainly, they’ll be sold through the site.”

Jingyeom nodded like a good student.

“Then, you should try the products yourself, right? Also, give them to people around you. If they like it, they’ll buy it again. That will generate sales, and you’ll keep the profit.”


“Is there anyone who doesn’t use toothpaste? Everyone uses it. Cosmetics? Of course, people use those too. The investment isn’t expensive. In the first month, you can really make several million won.”

At that moment, Jingyeom’s eyes widened. Several million in the first month?

He wondered if Sanghoon had introduced him to something extraordinary.

“What if I can’t sell them?”

“That won’t happen. Our products are certified and easily found online, so the repurchase rate is very high. These days, promoting on social media naturally leads to purchases with just a few clicks. Once people try the product and find it good, they will definitely buy it again.”

Im Gipyo unfolded the back of the print, which had not been shown earlier. It listed, in very small print, the certifications received.

Jingyeom didn’t understand what it was just by looking at it and moved on.

“What are the initial costs?”

He didn’t know the most crucial part, as Sanghoon had told him to come here to hear about it.

“Oh, I didn’t mention that. We use something called mileage, known as PV. When you buy products from our company, you accumulate mileage. Reaching 350 PV gets you to Silver level.”

Im Gipyo continued explaining as he unfolded the profit structure print again.

The levels increase in 500 PV units: Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, and finally Diamond.

He pointed out that Diamond-level team leaders earn over 20 million won a month.

Jingyeom tilted his head slightly. He had never run a business before, but this was the first time he heard about different levels.

“How much is needed to reach 350 PV?”

“3.5 million won. Silver is the lowest level, so it’s relatively cheap.”

“3.5 million won?”

Jingyeom’s voice rose in pitch. Given that it was a business, he had anticipated that the initial costs would be high.

Seeing the clear signs of hesitation on his face, Im Gipyo and Sanghoon exchanged glances.

“Since you came today and even had a recommendation from Sanghoon… I’ll give you a special offer of 100 PV. With just 2.5 million won, you can start your own business. As your ranking goes up, the percentage you take home will increase.”

The idea that he could start his own business with just 2.5 million won sounded very appealing.

However, Jingyeom hesitated, fidgeting with his fingers on his knees.

He did have money in his account, but he didn’t want to use it. That money was meant for Jinwoo.

Still, he didn’t want to miss out on this business opportunity. It felt like a huge waste.

“If you don’t take this offer today, you won’t get 100 PV. I normally wouldn’t make this offer, but I’m giving it to you specially. It’s a really good opportunity, you know?”


“If you don’t do it now, you might never get another chance. Are you going to let go of the opportunity to start your own business with 2.5 million won?”

As Sanghoon pushed from the side, Im Gipyo raised his eyebrows, approving. But there was still something uneasy in the back of his mind.

Im Gipyo put down the red pencil he had been holding. If he pushed any further, Jingyeom would definitely pull out the money, but something kept bothering him.

‘Is it because of his face?’

It wasn’t because of Jingyeom’s youthful and naive face, which looked like he didn’t know anything. People like him are usually easier to deceive. Still, the unease didn’t go away, so he pushed the print aside.

It felt like he shouldn’t ignore this intuition.

“Then how about buying something you can use today? I normally wouldn’t offer this, but there’s a lecture in the day after tomorrow. Would you like to come back and hear it then? If you come then, I’ll give you 100 PV.”

He whispered the last part as a secret that shouldn’t be shared with anyone else.

So Jingyeom handed over the 300,000 won in cash he had from the Carrot Mart transaction earlier that morning to Im Gipyo. With a kind smile, he saw him off.

As Jingyeom left the building, he carried a box of toothpaste in his hands. He looked extremely pleased, as if the box wasn’t heavy at all. Sanghoon, standing next to him, couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“Are you really coming the day after tomorrow?”

“Yes. I’ll come!”

“Don’t tell your family or friends about this. If it gets out that it’s a startup, everyone will rush in and it will become a hassle. You don’t want to have too many competitors, do you?”

“Even to my family?”

He didn’t want to do something he couldn’t tell Jinwoo about. Given that he was already hiding the fact that he wasn’t Baek Jingyeom, he didn’t want to lie any further.

But seeing Sanghoon’s resolute demeanor, he reluctantly nodded.

“If they ask where you got it from, just say you received it from someone you know.”

“… Okay, I understand.”

He should have realized how strange it was, but Jingyeom didn’t seem to see anything odd. Since he had no prior experience, he didn’t know what was unusual.

And, as expected, he had to endure a lot of nagging from Jinwoo. When Jinwoo saw the box of toothpaste and asked what it was, Jingyeom had to tell the truth, unable to lie.

Jinwoo roughly swept his hair up and paced back and forth in the narrow living room.

Jingyeom sat in the corner, watching cautiously. He fidgeted with his fingers, noticing Jinwoo’s different demeanor.

His normally kind Jinwoo was now showing a different side, making Jingyeom nervously wiggle his toes.

“300,000 won?”

When Jinwoo asked again, Jingyeom lowered his eyes and slowly nodded. Seeing Jingyeom so dejected, Jinwoo let out a deep sigh and squatted in front of him.





“Look at me.”

Only then did Jingyeom’s gaze slowly lift. Jinwoo gently brushed the stray hair from Jingyeom’s face.

The eyes looking up at him were so moist that he couldn’t find the words to say.

He was surprised and proud when Jingyeom, who had never done anything on his own, said he wanted to work. It filled him with an overwhelming emotion that words couldn’t express.

Right now, he was opposing it simply because Jingyeom needed to be in top condition. If he truly wanted it, despite his concerns, he would let Jingyeom do as he wished.

It was the same with this situation. Even though he wasn’t keen on it, he was watching over it because the work hours were short and it seemed like Jingyeom enjoyed it.

But then, Jingyeom went to an interview through an introduction he got there and came back with a toothpaste box. Listening to the story, it was clearly a pyramid scheme.

Jingyeom seemed like someone who would take care of his own interests, but he also had a surprisingly naïve side. Moreover, he was quite sensitive. Although not to him…

“Let’s go to the company tomorrow and take a leave or half-day. Let’s go together the day after tomorrow.”


“Yes. 300,000 won isn’t a small amount, and you must have information about it. You said you submitted your resume.”


“……Do you want to work there?”


Jinwoo had already given a lengthy explanation about pyramid schemes.

He had told Jingyeom about past incidents caused by such schemes, making it clear how dangerous they were, so Jingyeom didn’t want to get involved.

Looking back now, it was hard to understand why he was so easily deceived by such nonsense about his own business and earning a lot of money. It seemed his mind was paralyzed by the empty dream of making a lot of money.

Jingyeom shook his head resolutely, as if he would never fall for a pyramid scheme again.

Jinwoo, trying to hold back another sigh as much as he could, let out a gust of air. Hearing that, Jingyeom raised his head again, starting to shrink back.

“No… I was told I could run my own business…”

“Hyung. The world isn’t that easy. There’s no easy way to make money.”

As Jinwoo was about to speak again, Jingyeom nodded earnestly and placed his hand on Jinwoo’s knee.

“I will never, ever fall for something like that again. …So, please relax, okay?”

“……Hah. Alright. Are you hungry?”

He had stopped eating in the middle when he heard this.

The stew and rice had already gone cold.

As Jinwoo tried to reheat them, Jingyeom said it was fine and picked up a spoon.

Today’s meal was bean sprout soup. It wasn’t very seasoned, so the taste of the bean sprouts came through strongly.

Even though he had to eat a low-sodium diet, shouldn’t he be able to enjoy his meal?

But he didn’t complain.

Jingyeom had that much sense.

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1 month ago

Ohhh i feel fried if his agree this works

1 month ago

Luckily he told his brother or he’s doomed….

1 month ago

Let’s just blame on his amnesia bc our mc rlly doomed

1 month ago

Jinwoo to the rescue

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank god he told his brother or it would have been a disaster

1 month ago

not the 300k won 😭😭😭

1 month ago

Listen to your brother Jingyeom

1 month ago

aw im too poor for this😭 i just discovered this sites today damnit😩🥲

1 month ago

I knew it lol

1 month ago

Thank you for the update

9 days ago


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