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Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 41- MATURE

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“Sunwoo, Sunwoo…”

“Uh… uh…”

Taeshin, as if possessed, kept calling my name. His face, covered in pheromones, looked almost insane, just as his pheromones suggested.

Calling my name mindlessly, he hugged me and thrust upward, laying me down on the bed and moving roughly.

“Uh, Taeshin, ah, Taeshin!”

The wet sound of flesh slapping echoed sharply.

The intense pheromones heightened all my senses, making me cry and moan at every move Taeshin made.

He couldn’t take his eyes off me, pressing me down beneath him.

“Ugh, uh!”

“Ha… Sunwoo, Moon Sunwoo…”

It was as if Taeshin was trying to confirm it was really me, calling my name repeatedly.

The overwhelming pheromones and his breath and movements left me unable to think.

Stimulated like needles by Taeshin’s pheromones, my body also started releasing uncontrollable pheromones, making me even more dazed.

Gripping tightly onto Taeshin, I tensed against his thrusts, slipping with the sweat and then hugging him again, overwhelmed by the pleasure.

As I flailed in the flood of pleasure, I began to feel a difference in the sensation scratching against my inner walls.

Instead of a rounded tip thrusting deeply, it felt rougher and sharper, scraping my insides.

Though both sensations brought pleasure, the latter felt strangely different.

As Taeshin continued his piston-like movements, the rough scraping made me instinctively uneasy.


Just as I wondered about the unfamiliar discomfort, a massive sensation shot through my body, making my fingers and toes convulse.

The impact, whether pleasure or pain, struck deep within me.

“Uh, uh!”

Taeshin’s continuous thrusts felt like sharp, pointed objects slicing through me, causing my stomach to ache with each penetration.

The thrusting, scraping, thrusting, and scraping persisted, stimulating the gland that released fluid when aroused.

“Ugh, ah!”

The persistent movements of Taeshin made the inside swell, then his more insistent thrusts crushed it, pulling it apart with his firm flesh.

As the first barrier crumbled, the soft omega gland opened to receive Taeshin’s sharp alpha member, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

The intense pleasure flared, resembling the earlier pleasure that had blinded and deafened me, but now it was unending.

“Ugh, ah, no, no, wait.”

Taeshin’s member kept catching on the increasingly widened omega gland.

The narrow space made his thrusts slip repeatedly, making me cling to him and shake my head.

As the pain-like pleasure hit, fear instinctively arose within me.

“Ah, Taeshin, uh, I’m scared, scared, ugh!”

For the first time, my omega gland, exposed to an alpha member, twitched, opening its hidden depths little by little to accept Taeshin’s alpha member.

His sharp alpha member pierced and scraped at my omega gland, causing pain and pleasure to flood my body.

The alpha member knot tightly within the omega gland started ejaculating, pouring hotly like lava.

Both Taeshin’s and my pheromones mixed and merged, feeling both distinct and familiar.

Taeshin intertwined his fingers with mine.

Even as he looked at me, he wasn’t in his right mind. Tethered to each other for a long time, we fell asleep together as dawn broke.


Thinking it was a dream, I jolted awake, realizing it was a memory.

Cold sweat ran down my spine, my heart pounding wildly.

Covering my mouth with trembling hands, I was shocked by the very important scene I had forgotten in the overwhelming pleasure.

We did it. That thing.

“…I’m crazy.”

Taeshin and I. Knotting. We did that.

I roamed the internet all night. Afraid someone might find out about the accident I secretly caused, I hesitated to search “omega pregnancy” on the internet.

Finally, in incognito mode, I searched and browsed through the results.

I spent a long time looking for information to ease my anxiety about pregnancy symptoms in omegas, but nothing provided clear answers.

However, I found some hope in the fact that alpha-omega cycle pregnancies were rarer than I thought.

While Moon Jinwoo had said a 60% chance of pregnancy meant it was almost certain, the 40% chance of not getting pregnant was also close to half.

Hoping I might be part of that 40%, I prepared to go to school.

While changing in the dressing room, I noticed a small shopping bag neatly placed on the table.

Picking up the familiar bag, I found a red necktie inside – a remnant of the very explicit dream and memory from the night before.

“Why is this here…”

The necktie I thought I had thrown away reappeared as if it had legs, bringing back memories of that night and the dream in waves.

Moon Sunwoo, Lee Taeshin. Omega, alpha. Heat, rut…. Knot.

All these thoughts connected, not leaving me alone.

Despite it being over a month since the incident, my body seemed to remember, and just thinking about it made my lower body throb.

Although it was only one experience and it had been a while, a dull ache lingered.

I left the dressing room, having thrown the tie into the trash can, determined to get rid of it this time.

My face and neck were burning with heat, and I slapped my palms against them as I left home early.

40%, 40%.

There was no need to be anxious.

Even if it wasn’t a stroke of incredible luck, this was still a much better chance than any game draw.

“Sunwoo, I’ll just say it straight.”


“When are you going to make up with Taeshin?”

Jung Noeul asked while sitting at the desk, shaking her leg and trying to dispel her anxiety.

Following Jung Noeul’s gaze, I turned around to see Taeshin already sitting and listening to Go Cheolmin, though I hadn’t noticed him come in.

“We didn’t fight.”

“Then why have you been going separately for nearly a week?”

Jung Noeul, who seemed to have been observing closely, asked while even providing the specific timeframe.

I tried to recall if it had really been that long. It seemed about right; it had been around that time since I distanced myself after Taeshin asked for an answer.

Yeah, I needed to give an answer too. I had been so shocked by the dream I had last night that I had completely forgotten about it.


“What’s wrong?”

Why are there so many things to deal with? I grabbed my head with both hands, my mind feeling cluttered.

Jung Noeul, who was sitting in front of me, leaned back, surprised.

I rubbed my head and face with my hands, slapped my cheeks, and ignored Jung Noeul’s question about whether I was crazy, taking a deep breath.

“I’m going out for a bit.”

“Where to?”

“To get some food.”

“There are only 5 minutes left.”

I figured my brain wasn’t working because I hadn’t eaten, so I grabbed my bag to go get something to eat.

Jung Noeul widened her eyes, reminding me that there were only a few minutes left before the lecture started.

“If I’m late, cover for me, okay?”

“What? Sunwoo! How can I do that!”

I believed you could do it. I clenched my fist to show support, and Jung Noeul called out to me loudly as I left the lecture hall without looking back.

But I didn’t get far before the nauseating smell made me cover my mouth.

“Hey, there are 3 minutes left. Swallow quickly.”

“Ugh, no.”

“Gross, swallow it all before you talk.”

“Three minutes is plenty of time, you idiot.”

Turning my back to a student who passed by shoving a piece of pizza into their mouth, I held my breath and ran to the bathroom, feeling sick.

My vision blurred, my stomach churned, and as I staggered, I realized with a start.

“Oh my god…”

I almost screamed but managed to cover my mouth.

This wasn’t just an upset stomach.

I closed the toilet lid and sat down heavily.

My mind went blank.

What do I do? What do I do?

This was more shocking than when I slept with Taeshin.

I had an encounter with an Alpha during my heat cycle and knotted. Since then, I couldn’t eat my favorite foods.

My stomach sometimes hurt, and I felt overwhelmingly tired.

My mood swings were wild. Last night, I had looked up information about pregnancy, and it all flashed through my mind.

There was only one conclusion.

“No, it can’t be…”

I had to confirm it, either by going to a hospital or buying a test kit from a pharmacy, but the thought of actually going made me freeze.

I was scared that the hospital might keep a record, and I was too nervous about someone seeing me buy a test kit.

After wandering around the bathroom in a panic, I staggered to my feet. I needed Taeshin… I needed Taeshin’s help.

Clenching my trembling hands, I stumbled back to the lecture hall.

I was about to burst in, but remembering it was during class, I sank down on a chair outside to wait.

Midterms were only a few weeks away, and I felt like I was going to fail all my exams because of Taeshin.

This is all Taeshin’s fault. I couldn’t concentrate on several lectures and blew them off because he stirred up my emotions.

Now I was a nervous wreck, unsure of what to do, all because of Taeshin.

Why did that happen that day! I blamed Taeshin for bringing up something I had almost forgotten.

No wonder my stomach had been aching for days after that.

I hadn’t even thought about knotting; I just assumed it was normal and let it go.

No, no. It’s just a suspicion for now.

Let’s confirm it properly and then decide. Worrying now won’t help.

Clenching my fists, I tapped my cheeks with my knuckles to keep myself from spacing out.

An eternity seemed to pass in those two hours, and then students started pouring out of the lecture hall. Trying to calm my pounding heart, I went in to find Taeshin.

“Lee Taeshin.”

Someone approached Taeshin before I could.

Because Taeshin was so reserved and not very sociable, a student approached him awkwardly.

“Do you want to go on a blind date? A girl from the English department I know asked to be introduced to you.”

“Hey, she’s really pretty! She said she’s not dating anyone since OT, so give it a try.”

“Her name is Kim Soyoung, and she’s nicknamed the English department goddess…”

“Is Lee Taeshin going on a blind date? Then consider my friend too. She asked me to introduce her to you…”

Once one student brought up the blind date, others who had received similar requests gathered around.

They mentioned students not just from our school but from other schools too, suggesting dates for Taeshin.

Standing at the back door of the lecture hall, looking at the back of Taeshin’s head surrounded by matchmakers, I suddenly felt a surge of anger.

I couldn’t see his face, but I imagined it. I was used to his smiling face, so I naturally pictured him smiling and looked down at my phone.

My phone was too precious to throw.

[Go to hell]

I sent the message while glaring at Taeshin’s back and left the lecture hall.

Just before I walked out, I thought I sensed his pheromones spike, but I didn’t care and ran away.

Die, Lee Taeshin! You jerk!

I felt angry, then upset, and finally so sad that tears welled up.

I felt betrayed that Taeshin, who had prevented me from going on blind dates, was now considering them himself.

I oscillated between anger and sadness, tormented by my own unpredictable emotions. In the end, I skipped the remaining classes and went home.

Feeling utterly drained, I collapsed onto my bed and cried a little.

Reading Taeshin’s shameless reply asking what I meant by “go to hell,” I cried a little more because of him.

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11 days ago

Poor preggy omega

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